Red Alert 1895

Chapter 953

Chapter 956 – Complain

After the trials of those Portuguese foreigners were completed, those who committed serious crimes were sentenced to death, life imprisonment, fixed-term imprisonment, etc. Of course, it is impossible to impose the death penalty across the board regardless of the reality. Because if all of them were sentenced to death across the board, that would not work. Because this superficial law still needs to be discussed, and those who have no capital crimes should not be sentenced to death casually. Because if foreigners can be sentenced to death for venting their anger today, then maybe the people themselves will worry about whether their government will do the same and sentence themselves to death for no reason?

Therefore, except for those who committed serious crimes and were sentenced to severe sentences, not everyone was sentenced to death. However, after hinting this time, those military judges also deliberately sentenced these Portuguese to higher crimes, that is, to increase their sentences as much as possible. That is to say, within the prison term given by the law, try to get closer to the king as much as possible, so that they can be sentenced to a higher prison sentence as much as possible within the scope allowed by the law. For example, those who can be sentenced to death or life imprisonment should try to be sentenced to death. Both fixed-term imprisonment and life imprisonment are also sentenced to life imprisonment as much as possible. As for those with short sentences, they also try to increase their sentences as much as possible, and then let them face as many sentences as possible under the scope of Chinese law.

And this also made everyone happy, so everyone started to applaud one after another, thinking that this method is very good. When the trial of the foreigners is completed, the traitors who helped the Portuguese will be punished next, and then they will be punished.

Based on Wang Guorui’s principle of zero tolerance for traitors, that is, traitors will never be let go. Wang Guorui would rather let foreigners go than let traitors go. According to Wang Guorui, when foreigners came to invade China, their soldiers were also ordered by the domestic government. Soldiers take obedience to orders as their bounden duty, so they were sent by the domestic government to invade China. It is not possible to blame all the responsibility on the enemy. For the soldiers, the real culprits are the politicians and interest groups behind them, and the soldiers are often more helpless.

But the traitors in this country really cannot be tolerated. To put it bluntly, when other countries launch wars, it is also for their own country and nation to seek living space and interests, but those who have been invaded in their own countries don’t think about how to resist the enemy, that’s all. Coming here to bully compatriots is absolutely intolerable. Therefore, Wang Guorui believes that the enemy can be forgiven to a certain extent, but traitors are absolutely zero tolerance. For traitors, there will be no tolerance, as long as one is caught, one will be sentenced according to law, and there will be no tolerance.

“Bring it up!” cried the judge-martial at once.

A group of people were tied up, all of them were ashen, and after they came up, they were spit on by many people. Those people all looked ashen, as if they knew that their lives would not be long. Even some of them were still crying, obviously some women. The leader was probably in his fifties, and the man in his fifties had a gloomy expression, as if he knew the consequences for himself and his family. He knows that since the Chinese government has called, they will not let them go, especially since he is the “traitor leader” in Macau, and if he does not use them to gain prestige, then how to build prestige.

“He Dingwu, a local Chinese gentry in Macau, used his family to do business. He used to be a driver of a high-ranking official of the pseudo-Portuguese Macau Governor’s Mansion. Later, he relied on his connections to do business, and with the help of the Portuguese along the way, he gradually made a fortune. Getting rich. Not only relying on the help of the Portuguese, oppressing the people, forcing the people to take out their land, buying and selling it at extremely low prices, but also raising a group of desperadoes, if the other party does not sell the land, they will beat, scold and even kill people .According to the current preliminary investigation, no less than 200 people died directly because of your orders in the disputes over the land docks and so on.”

“And in order to please the Portuguese, they even betrayed and killed their compatriots. And they were eager to help the Portuguese to mutilate their compatriots, using various means to oppress the people, causing public resentment. After that, the so-called You became the so-called Chinese representative in the Legislative Council. But instead of thinking about how to benefit the Chinese and help the Chinese fight for their interests, you intensified the oppression of the Chinese and continued to poison the Chinese in order to please Portugal people.”

“During this period, countless Chinese were ruined by you. Your crimes are too numerous to list! So, are you guilty?”

That He Dingwu knew that he would definitely not be able to escape this time, so he simply went all out and shouted: “Hahahaha, it’s just a winner and a loser! It’s just that you won, so you can judge me here? I There is nothing wrong with it, it’s just a winner and a loser. The Portuguese failed, so I’m not surprised that day. I’m not guilty, it’s just a winner and a loser, why should I be surprised? You won , so you are justice, so you can kill me, you can kill my whole family. I just failed, that’s why we ended up like this.”

“You don’t need to say that I am guilty or not, it’s just that I failed, that’s all. It’s just a winner and a loser!”

Apparently, this He Dingwu knew that the fate of his family this time was nothing more than winners and losers, and he knew that. However, he also realized this, so he thought it was nothing strange that the powerful enemy judged the weak. However, what the military judge said next took him by surprise.

“Yes, I admit that this is the winner and the loser. But I know that if we lose the battle, countless Chinese will cry for us, and then feel sorry for us. They will suffer for our death. But you ? Look, if you are executed now, how many people will cry for you, feel sorry for you, and suffer for your death?”

He Dingwu looked at the surrounding people, and those people obviously either looked at him with hatred, or answered this answer with a look of “happy and happy”.

“The emperor once said a very meaningful joke. He said that he hoped to be born on the National Day. When he was born like this, all the people celebrated. He hoped that he could die in Qingming. People all over the country expressed their condolences for you. Of course, there are some people who were born on After the Qingming Festival, all the people mourn. Some people died, but on the National Day, the whole people celebrate.”

Everyone heard this, although it seemed a little bit of a joke, but when you think about it carefully, there is quite a deep meaning! Because when some people died, Wanmin mourned, which shows that he was a great man. However, when some people died, they were all celebrating. Is such a person sad, or…

Only then did He Dingwu know that he definitely belonged to the kind of people who celebrate after death. He Dingwu probably knew that he and his family might not be able to be buried. Maybe, if he was forced to be buried even if he was forced to be buried, it would be like digging up his ancestral grave, so he knew that even if he died, he might not end well.

“I don’t accept it! I don’t accept it. Our He family was also forced. If the Portuguese didn’t force us, how could we do these things? If the Portuguese didn’t force us, how could we do this kind of thing? So, These are all forced, we are all forced!”

For some reason, He Dingwu felt guilty. He could have convinced himself that he was a winner and a loser. But when he saw those compatriots looking at him and his family with hatred, he suddenly felt guilty. Human beings are alive, after all, human beings are not people who can survive in isolation, human beings are group animals after all. When he saw others isolated him, he also felt uncomfortable. People care about other people’s opinions. If a person doesn’t care about other people’s opinions at all, he can’t survive at all. Even if Qin Hui still has three friends, if a person cannot be respected by anyone, then he will fail completely and will not have any status.

So now He Dingwu no longer has the aura of the “heroic man” just Now he can’t help but say that he was persecuted by others. They think he was persecuted by the Dutch, and he thinks that he is not worthy of death. . Obviously hoping to pretend to be pitiful, and then gain a glimmer of hope for survival!

“You said you were persecuted? Hahahaha, you bullied the people and then acted as thugs for those Portuguese. You were also persecuted? You acted as lackeys because they persecuted you? Could it be that you sucked the bones from our Chinese compatriots and then obtained You have gained so many benefits, are you also persecuted by the grape people? Hahahaha, what a joke? Is it too funny?” The military judge laughed and said.

He Dingwu immediately asked: “People have to bow their heads under the eaves! They persecute us, can we not do it? If we don’t do it, then we will all die! At that time, our family will be implicated, what can we do?” ?”

“You say the Portuguese are persecuting you? So you have to?”

“That’s right, if I don’t agree, then we will definitely die! In this old Macau, who can refuse to agree to the conditions of the Portuguese? Although I killed my compatriots, if we didn’t kill them, our family members would all die. People don’t kill heaven and earth for themselves, so why should I survive for my family?” He Dingwu said as it should. (To be continued.)

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