Red Alert 1895

Chapter 983

Chapter 986 – Aviation Fever (Part 1)

The news about this plane was quickly sent to various countries with rough information. And this news immediately got the attention of many countries, especially when they heard that this plane can actually fly into the sky. Although the specific parameters are not clear, that plane can write in the sky with exhaust gas, and then even throw some flowers and some tinfoil. , got the attention of some people, especially the attention of foreign * teams. This ability to throw these things from the sky made them all start to have a lot of ideas, so especially military experts from various countries have also begun to carefully analyze whether this aircraft can be useful.

“Your Majesty, I think this plane can be used to attack enemy artillery emplacements. Judging by their ability to store flowers, tinfoil, and paint powders, it would not be a problem to put some grenades on it. Judging by the situation of the Chinese, the Chinese have already Started to bring grenades back to the battlefield. So many troops have begun to re-equip grenades, and they are used with grenades. And this kind of grenade, I think, can be carried by the personnel responsible for operating that kind of aircraft, and then from the air Throw it down, I think it’s not bad.” A German police officer said.

However, some people immediately retorted disdainfully: “I don’t think so. What can this plane do? This plane can only stay in the sky for less than 20 minutes. What’s the use of less than 20 minutes? If you carry out a large-scale bombardment , I am afraid that it may not even be able to do school shooting. This aircraft can only do some small-scale artillery battles and conduct some tactical reconnaissance. You say throwing a grenade from the sky, what is the use of this? A grenade explosion has such a low lethality Even throwing it from the sky is useless!”

“Don’t forget, what happened to the rocket angel of the Chinese. That rocket angel blocked the logistical supply of hundreds of thousands of Russian troops by one person, so that the hundreds of thousands of Russian troops had to give up because of the supply line’s abandonment stage. It can be said that the rocket angel almost decided the outcome of that war. If it were not for that rocket angel, the hundreds of thousands of Russian troops poured into China, and that war would not end so easily. Therefore, this Do you still dare to say that air strikes are useless?”

“Did you forget how nervous the Russians were when the Chinese rocket angels arrived in St. Petersburg? At that time, they realized that they were so weak against air strikes, so they couldn’t fight back at all. Therefore, the air strikes The blow is almost powerful. The rocket angel came down with one rocket, and the Russian army suffered heavy losses!”

However, some people still said: “That rocket angel is just a special case. I am afraid that the organization behind the Chinese emperor will not be able to produce such rocket angels in large quantities. To put it bluntly, if the Chinese can have a large number of such rocket angels, In our Western European countries, one counts as one, and all of them will perish. If the Chinese have many Rocket Angels, let alone a lot, even if there are only a few hundred, it is impossible for everyone we are doing to discuss here. We should It is to discuss how to prevent the country from being destroyed by China. So I think that this kind of Rocket Angel, in fact, the organization cannot manufacture in large quantities, and even the cost of manufacturing one is extremely huge. This is because they are unwilling to continue to manufacture. They are just It is used to deter us, just to let me not mess around.”

“So, I don’t think this plane has much practicality. Even if a dozen grenades are placed on a plane, what’s the use? How accurate can a dozen grenades be thrown from the air? I’m afraid, very It is easy to waste. If ten grenades on the ground can kill a person, then throwing them in the air like this may have such a low hit rate, that is, it is God’s blessing to be able to kill the enemy. Therefore, this aircraft is a flashy aircraft in my opinion. There is no need to pay attention to things.”

“Look, the Chinese don’t use this plane for performances. In fact, it’s useless at all, and it doesn’t have much military value!”

The reality once again proves that any new weapon, new idea, or new theory will bring a lot of controversy. Some discerning people will be able to see the role of new weapons, but there are still many people who will choose “conservatism” and are full of doubts about new weapons and new combat concepts. Before Napoleon, countries were still full of doubts about the concentrated use of artillery. However, when Napoleon, the artillery emperor, first relatively concentrated the artillery and adopted a large-scale artillery battery, this allowed the artillery to concentrate its firepower on the enemy as much as possible, which played a higher-level role.

Before the invention of breech-loading guns, machine guns, and even tanks, many people actually questioned their practical effects. There is absolutely no shortage of “conservative” people in this world. There will always be many people in this world who will not shed tears without seeing the coffin. If these weapons or tactical ideas can’t really show their value on the battlefield and gain an overwhelming advantage over the old tactics, no one will be able to really change their minds.

“Who said this plane is worthless? I think it is still valuable, especially in the face of local artillery. The current effective range of artillery is only a few kilometers. Since this plane can stay in the air for more than 20 minutes, then we can let them stay in the air for a few minutes.” Fly from our position to the enemy’s artillery, and then drop a dozen grenades. In this way, we only need a few planes and a few grenades, then we can completely destroy the enemy’s very large artillery formation. And the enemy’s artillery shells, It is enough to trigger the explosion of the entire artillery unit, so that we can clean them up. Once the artillery is eliminated, the enemy’s infantry is just an easy target to eliminate. Isn’t our current tactics relying on artillery and machine guns? If Without artillery, our artillery can bombard the enemy’s machine gun fire, so that our troops can take the opportunity to charge and destroy the enemy!”

“This is just your personal speculation. Whether it will work or not, we don’t know at all. Moreover, we don’t understand the tactical performance of this aircraft, as well as the specific parameters of the situation. How can we be sure that your plan will be successful? So I think this is just your own speculation, and it is impossible to realize it.”


Seeing this situation, German Emperor Wilhelm II couldn’t help but feel a headache. This is simply a quarrel. The status of these German staff officers is actually very high, but they are currently arguing a lot about this plane, which makes Wilhelm II very headache. In fact, William II didn’t quite understand the matter of this plane, and even this situation was obviously not understood. Although William II once served in the army, it is almost a German tradition for male royals to serve in the army. Every German royal family must have a military career in their lifetime, but it is just a matter of length.

But when William II joined the army, the German war mode at that time was actually the tactical era of queuing up and shooting in the past. At present, William II has been out of the latest tactics for a long time. From a soldier to a politician, he is naturally not familiar with these military matters.

But now both parties are saying that the public is right and the woman is saying that the woman is right, as if everyone has a reason. In fact, William II didn’t know much about this thing, but it was not suitable to express his opinions directly. As an emperor, it is not easy to suppress one of them, and it is necessary to maintain a balance.

“In this way, I think this aircraft still has a certain research value. It is better to allocate some financial resources and then study this aircraft. I think there is still potential for continued research. Isn’t the Chinese rocket angel also capable of attacking the enemy in the air? Now that this is an aircraft, we can continue to study it. I think that in the future, the load capacity of the aircraft will increase, and the time spent in the air will also increase. In this way, we can say that it cannot be realized! Therefore, I think we can continue to study It is also possible to set up a special research team!” William II William II doesn’t know the specific value of this aircraft, he doesn’t mind spending money on research. Anyone can see that this aircraft has huge development potential, as long as the brain is not a fool, anyone can see it. However, how much development potential is specific depends on specific research. If there is no specific research, it may be difficult to ascertain. Wilhelm II was born in an industrial country, and he knew very well that Germany’s industrial strength was the greatest guarantee for the army. So he wouldn’t mind researching industrial products. If Germany gave up the idea of researching industry, it would mean that the German Army would also decline.

Industry determines the strength of the army, which is recognized by all countries in the world. The industrial strength of the Manchu Qing Dynasty was poor, so it was naturally no match for the industrialized Western countries. Although they have reasons for various systems, weapons and equipment are also an important reason. The combat effectiveness of weapons and equipment is getting higher and higher, and human flesh and blood are worthless in front of these weapons. Therefore, William II also intends to invest in aircraft research. But how much you invest depends on the specific situation.

However, at the same time, the British are also having discussions about the aircraft, and this aircraft makes the British feel that they are a little behind. Especially they have different ideas about the use of this aircraft. After all, this aircraft may change the mode of warfare, and no one dares to take it lightly. (To be continued.)

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