Red Alert 1895

Chapter 985

Chapter 988 – Aviation Fever (Part 2)

Western countries are talking about this aircraft, but there is still a huge debate about whether this aircraft is practical. And some military officers think that this is a great invention that created the world, and that this is enough to change military history, and even human history. However, there are also many people who think this is a very tasteless thing, completely worthless. Even, those who think that airplanes are useless at all occupy the vast majority. After all, the inertial thinking of many years is not so easy to change. If the inertial thinking of human beings can be changed at will, then human beings might have left the Milky Way long ago. It is precisely because inertial thinking is very stubborn that people’s thinking is not so easy to change, so everyone is the reason why those who think ahead are constantly dragged down. How many geniuses have fallen on this inertial thinking? Some people have to oppose it because of their interest class. Of course, many people are indeed affected by the inertial thinking in the past. Of course, the two may complement each other and not necessarily exist independently. After all, it is reasonable for class to determine stance and thinking, and the economic base to determine the superstructure.

However, just as Western countries were discussing whether this aircraft was practical, Wang Guorui was very unhappy with the officers in the equipment department.

“What are you guys doing? Why didn’t you tell me in advance? Why did this plane come out so quickly? Besides, it can be used to celebrate my son and daughter’s 100th birthday, but why did you make such a big noise, and there are even air performances out there? Are you cool? This plane is our secret weapon. If it is exposed so early, it will be difficult for us to keep it a secret. If you do this, you are letting the whole world know that there is such a thing as a plane. What shall we do then? At that time, our lead will be greatly shortened, will this be useful?” Wang Guorui said angrily.

However, a major general from the equipment department immediately said: “Your Majesty, this is actually unanimously approved by the officers of our equipment department. They think that this aircraft is actually different from ordinary weapons. Our current aircraft development has reached a bottleneck. Our research Flying people have not made much progress. Their thinking has been severely exhausted, and it is difficult to make any new developments. At present, it is possible to get this flight that can stay in the air for about 25 minutes, and can carry a person and about 20 kilograms. Cargo, that has already reached their limit. If we continue to keep this secret, I am afraid that we will not make any progress in a short time. Even our pilots are only a dozen people, and these dozen people cannot It can provide a very valuable suggestion to the aircraft. Therefore, we cannot make rapid progress in such a short period of time.”

“Instead of doing this, why don’t we use the wisdom of all people in the world to accelerate the development of this aircraft. In fact, we believe that this aircraft will not only be used by the army in the future, but even ordinary people can use it. And if this aircraft is only used by our army Design, I am afraid that I will fall into inertial thinking and cannot broaden my thinking. Especially our experts and our soldiers, we are often caught in the influence of what we have learned, and we cannot really think of more practical places.”

“So, in order to prevent our tunnel vision, we think that we can open it up to more people from different backgrounds and educations in more industries, let them participate in broad thinking from multiple aspects, and then we can improve these designs even more.”

Wang Guorui couldn’t help but fell into deep thought after hearing what the people in the equipment department said. Because in fact, in a sense, this explanation made by these equipment departments makes sense. He mentioned a term called “tunnel vision”. This tunnel vision is actually like a person in a tunnel, often only able to see the bright light in front and the bright light behind him. But it is impossible to see the outside situation from the walls on both sides of the tunnel or from the inside of the mountain.

This tunnel vision is somewhat similar to sitting in a well and watching the sky, but it is not exactly the same. Looking at the sky from a well is often used to describe those who are ignorant, but this tunnel vision does not mean “ignorance” completely. This tunnel vision actually means that a person in a certain industry or a certain area often sees too little and cannot see the wider world. In fact, there are many tunnel visions. For example, if he works in a certain department for a long time, his vision may be limited to this industry or things related to this industry. Once he is in another position, he may not be able to adapt at all. . It’s like some people in the army have been working in the logistics department for a long time, which often leads to ignorance of the front line. In the end, the logistics and the front line cannot be effectively connected, so problems are inevitable.

There are many other situations like this, such as those who have been in a certain department for a long time, or have studied a certain kind of knowledge for a long time. There is another kind, that is, working in the local area for a long time, so that the field of vision is often limited to the local area and cannot set their sights on the whole country. This is a common phenomenon of many local officials. This is why it is necessary to strengthen the relationship between local and central department officials. For reasons of communication, avoid this kind of tunnel vision.

Maybe a lot of people emphasize that professional people do professional things, and say that it is best for experts to lead experts. But in fact, some truly professional and technical people understand the truth that they are not afraid of laymen managing experts, but what they are most afraid of is that experts managing experts. People who are too expert often can’t manage this too expert thing, which is actually a problem of tunnel vision. It is too in-depth, which blinds him and prevents him from seeing the wider world, and cannot effectively connect what this industry needs with other industries, and it is easy to get out of touch with each link.

Even the U.S. military in later generations invited some directors and screenwriters of science fiction and military movies to help with military exercises, and even serve as staff officers. This is actually the realization of the fear of tunnel vision, so that those unconstrained screenwriters and directors can effectively avoid this kind of tunnel vision that is too expert. In fact, in many cases, a wild idea is more useful than the inertial thinking of a person who is too expert.

Many scientific and technological inventions in this world are promoted, but they are often not “initiated” by too professional people. The Wright brothers who invented the airplane were actually bicycle repairmen, and even the person who invented the seeder was a musician. I am afraid that the western musician who invented the accordion never dreamed that his accordion principle would be used on the seeder. . This is also a major flaw brought about by the channel vision, which cannot be mutually connected and applied from different industries. Maybe some technologies are common in many industries, but because some people are too expert, the vision is not wide enough, and in the end, more channels of use are stifled.

There are countless examples of this kind. Perhaps many technological inventions are actually used by professionals, and it is professionals who turn them from ideas into practical applications. However, many of the people who put forward this “golden idea” are not professionals in this industry. Only people in that industry will start researching after hearing the whimsy of this “non-professional” person. There are many, many examples of this kind. If there is no layman’s whimsy, maybe the insider will not be able to think of this aspect even if they try their best. Isn’t this a kind of sadness that is too much for the insider?

“Do you think your research capabilities on aircraft have bottomed out?” Wang Guorui asked.

The official of the equipment department said shamelessly: “I am ashamed, it is true, otherwise we would not have made such a foolish move!”

Wang Guorui thought for a while, but didn’t open his mouth to scold him. This sounds very simple, but it has to be said to be a helpless phenomenon. China’s current talent base is too poor. At present, China’s scientific and technological talents are too few, and even the categories are not complete. This lack of talents can be said to have been accumulated over the years, not just to supplement. In a healthy modern country, social occupational division of labor has been very Social division of labor is an important way to promote progress, but social division of labor must also have a sufficient talent system.

At present, there is often no shortage of military talents in China, but scientific and technological talents are relatively narrow. Talents in science and technology are often concentrated in machinery, mechanics, and some military-related projects. And these talents are often not subdivided enough, so the industries they are engaged in are still relatively narrow. It is impossible to make inferences from other industries, and coupled with the lack of talents, it is definitely not enough to distribute prescriptions to so many industries. The invention of military aircraft requires the cooperation of many industries. What fluid dynamics, what metallurgy, machinery, mathematics and even many other aspects are needed. Even later generations of Wang Guorui know that airplanes can be said to be the embodiment of a country’s highest high technology and the highest crystallization of a country’s industrial technology.

Without enough comprehensive talents, it is naturally impossible to manufacture suitable aircraft. Therefore, there is still a shortage of talents in China at present, and it is impossible to gather them together to study aircraft. This has caused too many experts and laymen to have a large tunnel vision, and it is impossible to continue in-depth research. After reaching a certain level of expertise, it is not conducive for them to engage in other industries, and they cannot have too many opportunities to learn by analogy and drive the entire development.

“Well, next, make the aircraft available for civilian use, so that through the wisdom of the general public, the development of this aircraft will be gradually completed.” Wang Guorui said. (To be continued.)

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