Red Alert 1895

Chapter 987

Chapter 990 – Expensive Toys (Medium)

When Wang Guorui announced the opening of this aircraft to the public, he opened it to the public to play with, and even trained some pilots, and paid these pilots high salaries. As a result, this immediately made the entire European and American countries almost vomit blood. They were surprised not because of the high salaries given to the pilots, but because Wang Guorui actually opened up the plane to the people and let the people play by themselves. This is really speechless. You must know that this aircraft has just been invented, and this aircraft has just been announced to the world not long ago. According to general rules, all newly invented technologies are given priority to use by the army, and it is impossible for ordinary people to use them immediately. If the common people want to use military technology, it will take several years at least, or even decades before the ban can be lifted for civilian use.

But how long has it been since Wang Guorui announced that even the planes can only stay in the air for about 20 minutes, and they are all open to civilian use? This is simply ridiculous, and it is actually open to the public. You must know how many spies there are in the world, although it is difficult for foreigners to place spies in China for a long time. However, if China opens up the use of these aircraft to the private sector, then foreigners can easily get the parameters of these aircraft. After all, with so many people flying by plane, is it true that foreign agents are just such idiots? So many people are flying, so it’s not a secret. I’m afraid these parameters are not difficult to type.

As for the fact that it is open to folks to use and play, and even to open clubs to make money, foreigners are very complaining.

“The Chinese emperor usually looks shrewd. How could he be so stupid this time? He doesn’t know that this plane has just been invented, so should it be kept very strictly confidential? He took the initiative to open it to the people for use. Isn’t that the same as Did you tell us the parameters of all the aircraft? In this way, we can easily get these aircraft parameters with almost no effort, so that the technology they spent a lot of time researching is also stolen by us. This is simply It’s a free gift! What exactly does he want to do? Could it be that he is announcing this to the public?” said a British official.

However, another British official thought he knew China well, and replied: “Actually, it’s easy to explain that the Chinese don’t have the slightest respect for technology. I know that Chinese people don’t think technology is useful in their bones. You need to know them In fact, gunpowder was invented very early in those days, but they seldom used gunpowder for war. Gunpowder was only used to make firecrackers. Also, they invented the compass, but it was only used for Fengshui. But look at us In the West, we in the West use gunpowder to fight wars, and finally use gunpowder to use hot weapons, and finally get inspired to gradually use chemical products to make explosives. And the compass has become the most important foundation for our Western voyages, allowing us to sail on the waves China has become an empire on which the sun never sets. In fact, the Chinese do not value science in their bones, and they use these scientific products crookedly. Therefore, when they invented the airplane this time, their first idea was not to use it for military purposes. It’s just for making money.”

“Is that so?” It seems that some British people don’t believe it, but obviously more people do.

Because they still look down on the Chinese in their bones, and they think that anyone who belittles the Chinese seems to be right. And everyone subconsciously believes this, even if a small number of people have doubts about this evaluation, but in the case of “political correctness” that belittles China, even those British officials who think Wang Guorui has deep meaning, dare not Tell the truth. Sometimes, the political correctness of foreigners is also very fatal.

According to the British, Westerners use gunpowder to make bullets to resist the enemy, while Chinese only use it to make firecrackers. Westerners use the compass to navigate, while the Chinese just use it to look at Feng Shui. In fact, many Chinese people think this way, even a writer and thinker surnamed Zhou in history thought so, and even passed on his words to later generations, as if the Chinese people are like this.

But they were all wrong. This gunpowder China was the first to make firearms. Since the Song Dynasty, it has been used to make firearms, and even used to resist the Mongols. Although it failed later, the Mongols defeated the European countries with firearms. Even after the Ming Dynasty overthrew the Mongols and expelled the Tartars, firearms were also the main function. In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, firearms accounted for at least one-third of the army, and it accounted for more than 50% in the middle and late stages. Even China was the first to form the first Shenji Battalion that was purely a firearms unit. If it weren’t for the political corruption in the late Ming Dynasty, coupled with the serious corruption of firearms manufacturing officials, and the serious substandard firearms, so that front-line soldiers would rather use cold weapons than those inferior firearms that are equivalent to suicide, then perhaps history would not be too good. same.

As for navigation, it was also during the Song Dynasty, when there were a lot of navigation trades, and the compass was greatly used. So that writer surnamed Zhou is really harmful. In order to enhance the persuasiveness of his article, he did not hesitate to slander Chinese history by generalizing and ignoring the real situation of Chinese history. The tone of the question. It is also very smart to ignore China’s use of technology. He ignored China’s emphasis on technology in history, and took advantage of the fact that ordinary people at that time did not understand history and were not familiar with historical details. Even more than a hundred years later, many people were deceived by this article, thinking that ancient China was full of people who did not know how to use technology, were a group of ignorant people, and treated technology as a miracle just like the Manchus. clever people.

“These Chinese people are unfounded. They actually regard this aircraft as a civilian use, so that we don’t have to be afraid. Even in the future, we can continue to keep it secret in the army, first as a military product, and then resolutely not Open to civilians. This is an important means for us, an important means of flight. This will be the focus of our army’s development in the future. We will rely on this aircraft to regain power and interests in the future. This aircraft is our most important thing. In the future, we will consider establishing a separate military branch. We will form the Army Aviation Corps, and then specially train pilots to fight. Then we will strive to develop this aircraft that can be used for combat as soon as possible. Even, in the future, our army may return to the most important branch of the military. This aircraft is more free than the navy, and the navy can only attack land along the coast. But our aircraft can ignore the geographical environment and the ocean, and we can attack. Of course we will be fine, and when we arrive, the army It can rise again! At that time, our army can regain the throne of the first branch of the army again, and let those navy go to hell!” A British army officer shouted excitedly.

Obviously, these armies still think that this aviation force is an “army”, which is actually the case, a historical practice. When a military branch does not exert its sufficient strength, they will think that they are subordinate to other military branches. This is even the case in many industries. Only when you have enough strength can you stand on your own. But before that, even any industry or that military branch would think that it is normal for them to be attached to that military branch, even that military branch also thinks so, and it is very normal for them to be attached to themselves.

“Hahahaha, this time the Chinese except for one bad game, so we are really lucky. The Chinese actually opened up this aircraft to civilian use. It seems that they just use science to do some meaningless things, that is, Do this kind of thing. So next, we can develop the aircraft well, and then compete with the navy for benefits. At that time, the Chinese will definitely regret it. They will definitely regret opening the aircraft to civilian use, and then let the common people also be able to use it. Use it casually. In this way, if they have any secrets to keep secret, we can easily obtain their technology at that time.”

These British Army officers obviously still think that it is a very stupid thing for the Chinese to open the aircraft to civilian use, but it is just a preparation for making money. Of course they know that the annual fee of this so-called flying club is 200 yuan, which is very high, and most people can’t afford it. They even think that this aircraft is just a means for China to make money ~ ~ is not really intended to be used for military purposes.

The Chinese in their eyes are still Chinese in the Qing Dynasty, who disdain science very much, but are very strict with those Chinese who bind their feet and all kinds of stereotypes. They don’t believe it, and they don’t want to believe that the Chinese people have changed, and they are just a bunch of ostriches. The same is true of the British. Even when they declined later, they just missed the glory of the so-called empire on which the sun never sets. Regarding the outside world, they are no different from those in the Manchu Qing Dynasty. They are just deceiving themselves and others as much as possible, reveling in the glory of the past.

In fact, China also has its decline, but the Chinese are very good at learning. Don’t think that the Chinese are absolutely conservative. In fact, judging from the long history of development, the Chinese are not really conservative. Every time it declines, it will take the initiative to learn from foreign countries. Although the learning process may require “paying tuition”, at least it is studying hard, exploring hard, and constantly “trial and error”. Maybe this process is difficult and costly, but at least I have the courage to work hard. Maybe someone succeeded, someone took the wrong path and failed, paying a heavy price or even life. But they are also willing to move forward and have the courage to lead China to change. But these foreign devils, although they may be able to be strong for a while, when they decline, almost none of them are willing to learn from the strong, they just get drunk. It is true in Holland, it is true in Spain, and it is true even in England. (To be continued.)

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