Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 605: ballad



The cry came from inside the house~

John also walked into the house after hearing it~

"Are you awake? I have canned food here~" John took out the canned fruit and handed it to Alisa after opening it.

"Thank you~" Alisa slowly started to eat after taking it.

"You take a rest here first, I'll go find some firewood, I told them to gather here on the third day of parting, but I'm not sure they will be there in the first time." John looked at her after eating half of it. Turned around and walked out.

He didn't go far, so he searched for firewood a hundred meters away. The sober Alisa should be able to warn before she is in danger.

Alisa nodded.

Then John gathered enough firewood to light the stone-enclosed hearth in the dilapidated house.

The flames dissipated the chill of the morning.

Alisa reached out to let the flames drive away the coldness from her palms, and then took the water that John handed her.

"Thank you for coming here~" Alisa thanked solemnly after taking it.

"We are friends~" John responded softly.

"Hmm~ How are you getting along with Yin Sela?" Alisa mentioned her bookish younger sister.

"Ah ~ Miss Yin Sela is excellent ~ she is very kind, kind and just." John never hesitated to praise excellent people.

"Hehe~ She told me you are a non-believer?" Alisa looked at John sideways and said with some doubts.

Regarding this question, John recalled it carefully and then said, "Well~ I do maintain a certain attitude towards the doctrine of God, but I respect religious beliefs."

Alyssa nodded approvingly at John's answer.

"There will be many people who don't want me to go back~" Alisa said suddenly.

"Hmm~ It might be a little troublesome if all of them get together, but if they just come in twos and threes, they probably won't be as good as the guy who caught you," John said.

"Well, how did you know each other?" Alyssa asked curiously.

"Ah~ It's a long story~" John obviously didn't want to talk about it~ After all, he has always been a guy with a sense of justice in front of them, and suddenly being connected with a murderous gang like the Van der Linde Gang, this will affect his image. have a great impact.

"I think we're going to be here for a long time." But Alyssa wanted to hear it.

"I was drinking that time, and then I met Arthur~ the wanted man who offered a reward of up to seven thousand dollars. He is very similar to a friend of mine, so I bought him a drink. I don't have much concept of cash, so I invited him to drink the best wine. Under the influence of alcohol, we chatted very happily. At that time, I had been dismissed and concentrated on running my detective agency." Seeing this, John had to tell her how he met Arthur. .

"Later, they asked me for information a few times, and the price was very good. Afterwards, we contacted a few more times, and that's how we got to know each other." John said very vaguely about the time when he met them.

"What kind of friend do you think you are like, just invite him to drink the best wine in the bar?" Alisa looked at the problem in a tricky way.

John frowned at her, not wanting to say much.

And Alisa stared at her sideways, the two sides looked at each other for a while, and John sighed softly~

"He taught me how to ride a horse, and taught me how to shoot and track game. All my skills are the basis of his teaching."

"Is he a cowboy?"


"What happened later? Is he still there?"

"Dead, died of lung disease~"

"Is it the kind of lung disease you find people everywhere to give speeches in order to promote your own cigarettes?"

John was a little surprised by Alisa's brain circuit.

"You spy on me?" John asked in disbelief.

"Yin Sela told me that you spent so much money and it seems that the effect is not satisfactory ~ you really invented the cigarette holder with cotton?" Alisa asked one after another.

"It's true~ I'm very talented as an inventor, but the sales volume is beyond my expectation. It's obviously very effective~" John didn't understand when he mentioned filter cigarettes.

Why is it that the game of dominating the world in the previous life has no effect in this era? It's not even as good as some small brand cigarettes.

"I bought it too. It tastes a bit sweet~ It feels good, and it really protects the teeth." Seeing John's puzzled expression, Alisa kindly comforted him.

"Why don't you try to make high-end cigarettes? Your publicity methods are still very powerful, linking cigarettes with lung disease." Alisa suggested.

"It's quite high-end, and women's cigarettes are one-third more expensive than normal ones." John responded.

"You need to add an ancient and true story to your product~" Alisa said seriously.

"High society guys are hypocritical and vain, and ordinary things they don't think are worthy of their status, so many things need to add an old and true story. For example, a delicate ring full of gems may not be worth much. , but if this ring was worn by Louis XVI, its value would be tens or hundreds of times higher."

"The king's ring is worthy of those hypocritical and weak upper class people." Alisa said.

"Well~ only ask for the most expensive, even if it's not the best, that's the truth." John nodded approvingly.

In his previous life, he had also heard about Tomson Yipin's reputation and business methods. Celebrities were given half price plus discounts. If they gave away enough, they advertised that they could be neighbors with international superstars.

But those stars basically don't live there.

"Yin Sela also said that you are very talented in music?" Not to mention, the brain circuit of a woman makes you never guess her next question.

As long as you learn carefully that he is talented in everything, thanking the system again for the god-given body, John nodded bluntly.

"The Sound of Silence you played to them was for that old friend of yours? Yin Sela sang it to me, but she said you sang it better~"

"Part of it is, but a bigger part is the environment and experience of growing up." John boasted without blushing.

"Is there anything else?" Alice asked~

John looked at Alisa who was staring straight at him again. He felt that Mrs. Alisa seemed very lively today, without the stability and dignity of the past. But this also made John notice that according to the data, she is actually only twenty-seven years old now, not older than John at all.

John nodded at Alisa's curious and expectant eyes.


"Need an instrument?"

"No~ this is a folk song, you just need to harmonize the sound a little bit." John took a sip of water from the water bottle and moistened his throat.

I have to say that his god-given body is top-notch in every aspect~

I briefly told Alisa the chord beats that Alisa needed~ and then began to hum softly~

ah~ ah~ ah~ ah~ ah~


1239 AD


There was a girl of royal blood

theaories do recall?

according to the old story


she is the most beautiful (girl)

ina castle made of stone

in the stone castle

everyone alone

she sleeps alone every night

would raise the dead

Any sound that can wake even the dead

'twake her sleepy head

can't wake her up

A stranger came from a faraway land

. UU reading www.




In the vast dense forest, in an abandoned hunter's hut, a handsome man and a beautiful woman are roasting in the hut.

The embarrassed but still beautiful woman turned her head sideways and looked at the aristocratic man beside her, humming softly the melodious ballad created by the man~

The picture is as beautiful as "Cinderella and the Prince" in the fairy tale

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