Red Dragon Roar

Chapter 111

Chapter 99: Mutual Calculation


There were several long wolf howls in the dense forest, and the Gnoll, surrounded by orcs, showed joy on his face, and finally waited for his companion to arrive.

A few seconds later, eight wolf riding scouts slowly emerged from the bushes to confront the orcs.

The one-eyed orc frowned, and then ordered the orc’s encirclement to open a hole, but the wolf-riding scouts were still watching from a distance of more than ten meters, and did not intend to join their companions immediately.

If a fight broke out suddenly, they would be able to escape as soon as possible and spread the news to the ears of His Majesty the Red Dragon.

The orc leader obviously knew what the gnoll was thinking. He glanced at the gnoll, pulled a corner of the lower jaw with its protruding fangs, and sneered softly when he approached: “Take out the name of Master Kazarin to delay time, and wait for the support of your companions. , is this your confidence?”

Without giving the gnoll a chance to refute, he went straight to the front, and stared fiercely at the wolf-riding scouts who came to support.

“Orcs, we are the wolf tooth clan under the command of the great Red Dragon Lord, I order you, let go of my companions!” A wolf rider roared.

The number of orcs in front of them is about a hundred, and this is only exposed on the bright side, secretly I don’t know how many there are. The eight wolf riding scouts did not dare to act rashly, but with their backs on the back of the Red Dragon Lord, they were not afraid of any threat.

Moreover, this wolf-riding scout team is veterans who survived the Dragon and Titan battlefield. After the baptism of real blood and fire, this little scene can’t scare them.

“Shut up, wild dog! No one can order a glorious orc to chop you into meat sauce and feed it to your kin!”

“Kill these lowly gnolls, and I will make their fangs into necklaces!”

“Goug out their eyes and sacrifice to the great orc god!”

The orcs with a strong desire to kill couldn’t help roaring. Their scarlet eyes revealed violent killing intent, and they didn’t seem to care about the prestige of the Red Dragon Lord at all.

Seeing this situation, a few wolf riders looked solemn. Aren’t these crazy orcs afraid of the wrath of our king?

Considering that this place is too remote from the Red Dragon Camp, and their Majesty has insufficient control over this area, the gnoll once again reported the name of Kazarin’s master to add weight to his conversation.

“Wild dog, see the form, the name of the red dragon will not scare the fearless orcs!”

The one-eyed orc’s gaze swept across the gnolls present, and after a pause, he grinned: “Don’t think about escaping while the orcs are staring at the prey, there will always be only one end! From the moment you appeared, you have already fallen into surrounded by orcs.”

The wolf rider froze in his heart, and looked at the surrounding trees in a conditioned reflex.

As soon as the orc leader’s voice fell, more figures appeared in the forest in an instant, and they quickly approached, forming a larger encirclement that surrounded all the wolf riding scouts.

There are densely packed figures, I am afraid there are three or four hundred people!

The gnoll’s eyes finally changed color, and with their keen senses, they didn’t even notice that the enemy had silently surrounded them.

There is a faint sign that things are out of control!

These nasty greenskin orcs!

“Orcs, what do you mean, do you want to take the initiative to start a war against the great master of Kazarin?!”

The gnoll grinned at the one-eyed orc leader and let out a low growl. They held bone knives or spears, their hair stood upside down, and they all entered a state of preparation.

“Humble wild dogs, you have become prey to be slaughtered. Even if you are slaughtered now, the red dragon will not know that we did it, or even know where you died.”

The one-eyed orc grinned cruelly, “Kazarin is really too big, hiding and hunting are going on every minute and every second, while you are hunting, maybe you are also the prey in the eyes of others, your death, in this strong prey The virgin forest is nothing at all.”

The orcs are gearing up and roaring again and again, the fierce light in their eyes is getting stronger and stronger, just waiting for the leader’s order, the fierce orcs will swarm up and tear all the gnolls in front of them!

Several gnolls face hundreds of orcs. Once the battle starts, they have no chance of winning, it will only be a one-sided slaughter!

“Orcs, as long as you launch an attack, it will be regarded as a declaration of war against the great Lord of the Red Dragon. Think clearly about the consequences of launching a war! A year ago, the Earth Titan had an army several times stronger than yours, but as a result, my king’s army Defeat them without any suspense, and the arrogant Earth Titan also died because of this!”

The gnoll roared viciously: “The wrath of the Blazing Scourge will destroy your camp and wipe out your clan! Kazarin, the existence of my king is the truth!”

“Everything that happened here today that the red dragon wouldn’t know.”

“No, my king is omnipotent and knows everything in the territory!”

The gnoll said leisurely: “May I tell you, the wolf riding scouts usually have ten people and ten wolves as a team.”

“Wild dog, what do you want to say?”

The orc leader squinted his only one eye slightly, and he felt a hint of uneasiness. He counted, and there were only nine gnolls here.

Could it be that…

“In order to prevent accidents, we have a companion hiding in the dark to observe everything. Now, we have probably returned to the Holy Land.”

As soon as his voice fell, a wolf howl came from a distant place, and the gnolls responded with a unified and rapid roar. UU reading www.

The one-eyed orc’s expression suddenly changed. The reason why he didn’t kill the group of gnolls immediately was because he was afraid that some fish might slip through the net, but now it seems that he still miscalculated.

This **** wild dog!

More than ten seconds later, a relatively thin orc emerged from a cluster of trees. He leaned into the ear of the orc chief and muttered something. The one-eyed orc’s eyes gradually solidified.

This guy is telling the truth.

There was indeed a gnoll who escaped with a giant wolf, and with the speed of a wolf riding in a complex forest environment, it was impossible to catch up if he tried to catch up.

“You are threatening the brave orcs!” A strong orc warrior roared.

“This is not a threat, it’s just telling you a fact! If you want to start a war, you must first prepare for destruction!” The gnoll sneered, “Yesterday’s defeat of the Titans is your fate tomorrow!”

The orc warriors can’t help but hesitate, they are the most fighters, the most fierce orcs are right, but things have developed to this point, they just want to defend their territory from being invaded, no orc is willing to fight a powerful adult red dragon .

Moreover, this red dragon also has the most powerful monster army of Kazarin!

The orc leader’s eyes are uncertain. He is thinking carefully about the consequences of the exposure. As the gnoll said before, even if he doesn’t want to admit it, they really can’t bear the anger of the red dragon lord. If the army is overwhelmed, the orcs may resist. strength, but will never win this war.

“Gnoll, go back and tell your master that the orcs have no intention of provoking war, but they are not afraid of war!”

ps: The update is late, sorry.

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