Red Dragon Roar

Chapter 12

Chapter 13: True Dragon Revenge, 300 Years Is Not Too Late!

After accidentally discovering that the silver dragon Irelia has a knack for roasting meat, Eze threw all her food to her.

And Irelia’s performance did not disappoint Ize. She has mastered a lot of knowledge about cooking from Yinlong’s inherited memory, and can make delicacies that meet the taste of dragons based on the existing ingredients.

Irelia set up a large grill and started grilling, and Eze was lying on the side to take a nap and rest. There were no other more powerful violent species or magical creatures in this puddle, and he didn’t have to worry that the body of the violent wild boar would attract others. Coveted by predators.

Even if he is really brave, he will avoid it far away after feeling the power of the two giant dragons.

More than an hour later, Eze started eating. He was full of praise for Irelia’s cooking skills while devouring wild boar that was roasted golden and oily.

Compared with the red dragon’s Hu Chi Hai Sai, the silver dragon with the title of “beautiful dragon” looks much more beautiful and elegant.

Meal time always passed quickly, and unknowingly five ferocious wild boars had entered Ize’s stomach, and Irelia also ate two for the first time.

Looking at the eleven ferocious wild boars left on the ground, Yize felt that being a dragon should not be extravagant.

He chanted a spell, and a rope formed entirely of magic power bound 8 of the ferocious wild boars, and then applied a buoyancy technique to himself and the wild boar. Izawa’s front claws held the rope tightly. It’s okay to fly.

Then he did the same, and hung all the remaining 3 ferocious wild boars on Irelia’s body.

The two giant dragons let out a low roar one after another, and then rose up and flew towards the dragon nest of the flaming dragon mother.

“You caught all these?”

Looking at the corpses of 11 ferocious wild boars on the ground, the red dragon Aurelion was equally astonished.

She had never seen Yize’s full-strength magic, and always regarded him as a red dragon growing too fast. Now, it seems that Ize’s overall strength can only be described as a pervert.

“It was my brother who caught it alone. In fact, there were 18 of them. We ate 7 of them.”

Irelia weakly added that she was hovering in the air and did not dare to enter the nest. Although she knew that the red dragon in front of her did not want to see her, the kind nature of the silver dragon would not feel any dissatisfaction with it.

Hearing this, Aurelion stared at Ize, and was even more surprised by his powerful strength…

With a burly and majestic body, dark red and deep scales, and strength far exceeding that of dragons of the same rank, the only fly in the ointment is that he has just entered the youth, and he is still a hundred or two hundred years away from adulthood.

“Irelia, are you insulting me? How many times have I told you, you are a silver dragon, here with me, put away your ember aura!”

A low roar came from the depths of the dragon’s nest, Long Wei Huanghuang, interrupted Aurelion’s fantasy, and at the same time scared Irelia to shiver, and quickly switched to a frost halo.

It can be seen that the flame dragon mother is still very grumpy about Irelia’s mixed blood problem.

“Ize, Aurelion…” After a pause for a few seconds, the Dragon Mother called again: “Irelia, come in all three of you.”

Irelia was suddenly stunned. She hadn’t gone back since she left this lair. What happened today…

Could it be that the mother is finally going to accept her?

Thinking of this, Irelia almost trembled with excitement.

Arriving in the depths of the dragon’s nest, the first thing that catches the eye is the 35-meter-long body of the Flame Dragon Mother. Compared with six years ago, its body length has shrunk by two meters. Counting the time, this is already her twilight. sixteenth year.

A real dragon is a perfect creature. In theory, it can evolve infinitely. As long as it sleeps, it can become stronger, including but not limited to life, various attributes, magic, and so on. They don’t get weaker with age. The older the dragons, the stronger they are. Some ancient dragons can even rival the gods.

However, after all, there are very few giant dragons who can break through the limit of life in the ancient dragon stage. After passing this threshold, they can achieve the sublimation on the level of life. If they fail, the giant dragon will enter the twilight stage as quickly as the flame dragon mother.

Twilight is the only time when dragons become weaker rather than stronger, as fast as a few years, and as slow as twenty years. A dragon that was extremely powerful in its lifetime will die.

Proud as a giant dragon, they don’t like to die in obscurity, they would rather choose to leave with a vigour and vigour in the splendid fire! They are eager to fight, eager to leave traces in this world to prove that they have come.

Therefore, what Yize saw at this time was this scene—

The Flame Dragon Mother ate the treasures she had collected all her life in big mouthfuls. Whether it was magic items or traditional gold, silver, jade, or even a small gold coin, she was swallowed by her.

Dragons are such stingy creatures, they would rather swallow treasures and die than leave treasures to their descendants or human adventurers who hear the news.

Perhaps the five-colored dragon queen is busy dealing with other plane alien dragons. In short, in the past few hundred years, Tiamat has never summoned her devout red dragon believers once.

It’s not that the Flame Dragon Mother didn’t want to go to find the dragon queen’s divine kingdom in the sea of stars, but with the strength of her legendary dragon, she couldn’t break the boundary wall of the main material plane and travel in the vast sea of stars. Perhaps, only souls can enter the kingdom of God after death. If they are lucky, the great Dragon Queen will resurrect them with divine power and reshape their bodies.

Of course, faith is the premise. If it is an unbeliever who is nothing, it may be used by the gods to paste the wall.

In addition to this, there is another way to gain eternal life – to become a dracolich. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

However, this is an existence that is hated by almost all true dragons. Even the gods they believe in will abandon them. Only those dragons who pursue immortality and fear death will choose to become such extremely evil things.

The Flame Dragon Mother is naturally disdainful.

“I’m about to die,” said the Flame Dragon Mother.

Needless to say, the three-headed dragon had already guessed it.

“After I leave, this dragon’s nest will be left to you, Aurelion.”

After finishing speaking, the flame dragon mother looked at the other two dragons, and her eyes finally stayed on Yize: “Yize, my child, your growth rate surprised me, but before you become young dragons, you can still stay In the Flaming Mountains, no one dares to expel you.”

“I’ve already thought about it, mother, I will choose to leave. I don’t want to waste my time on ‘meaningless’ things like sleeping. The world is so big, I want to see it.”

The bodies of all the dragons trembled uncontrollably. Sleeping is an indispensable part of true dragons. At every age, true dragons will learn from the dragon’s inheritance from dormancy and awaken more powerful abilities. Maybe it’s only a freak like Eze who thinks sleeping is a waste of time.

“What you want to do is your business, but you have to remember that although the real dragon is the greatest living entity in the world, there are still many things that can threaten you before you reach adulthood. Don’t be reckless, run if you can’t beat it, and it’s not too late for a real dragon to take revenge in three hundred years.”

“Where is mother going?”

“Vengeance, 900 years ago…”

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