Red Dragon Roar

Chapter 145

Chapter 131: Attacking Troll

Vol’jin turned the utterly dead monster over to examine it.

Its body is the height of an ordinary human, the size of a buffalo, with compound eyes like insects on its head, and a pair of beetle-like large pincers protruding from the hard-shelled gills, which can be easily pinched off by powerful force. Steel, chewing mouthparts filled with densely serrated teeth that allow them to rip through the flesh of their prey, crush bones, or grind rocks.

In addition, this large monster is also carrying a layer of chitin, a carapace similar in color to black-gray iron ore, covered with a layer of fine bristles, a carapace as hard as steel, with a strong defense that can Provides protection for its soft belly, legs, and two pairs of dark yellow claws capable of slicing through hard rock.

It looks like a disgusting flea magnified countless times!

Many troll soldiers thought so in their hearts.

The trolls kept fiddling with the monster’s corpse with their hands, and some even took out a handful of dark green flesh and blood from the monster’s smashed abdomen and put it in their mouths. These foodies never considered whether there was any It was poisonous, and after chewing it for less than two times, it vomited out in disgust.

“Smelly and unpalatable!”

“Not as good as the kobold just now!”

The trolls protested.

“What kind of disgusting monster is this?”

Vol’jin fiddled with the monster’s pair of big claws, and she felt a little dizzy from the pair of compound eyes that had not been smashed out.

She slapped herself fiercely, filtering out the desired information from her mind, and after thinking for a while, Vol’jin said, “If you guessed correctly, this should be an earth monster.”

Soil trolls are worm-like creatures that live in underground caves or mining areas. They belong to the chaotic evil camp and have low intelligence. They like to dig their own nests in the walls of caves or passages, and ambush passing creatures. The dense bristles on their bodies can Feel any movement around you from the shaking of the rocks.

They tend to appear in groups of seven or eight in a nest, and for all mining operators, this is an extremely hateful pest.

Whether it is the gray dwarves living in the Underdark or the surface dwarves, they all curse this hard-shelled garbage as disgusting maggots and greedy mice. Once found, even if the entire mountain range is hollowed out, they must be driven out and killed.

The reason is that the soil giants can secrete secretions from their abdomens that turn hard rocks into soft sand. They can easily collapse mines and usually feed on precious minerals or metal rocks. Their existence will cause the quality of the ore veins to decline seriously. For example, rich iron ore will become poor iron ore, and gem ore will become crystal ore.

But they themselves will become stronger because of this, which is why the back shell of this earth monster is so hard. It devours iron ore all the year round, and the rich iron elements in it gather on the back shell to form a hard armor layer like a steel plate. .

These earth trolls, who can move freely among the rock formations, and whose whereabouts are secret, are not a threat to trolls, but if they are left unchecked, the kobolds who worry all day will not be able to do their jobs well.

Vol’jin doesn’t know how many earth trolls live in this mining area. It’s not difficult to destroy them. As long as these worms are overturned, the troll’s claws can easily disembowel them, but how to remove them from the rocks? Seducing them out of the layers has become the biggest problem.

“Go back to the forest outside and hunt a few horned deer.”

Vol’jin said to his own clan, but when he thought that once the troll soldiers were not controlled by her, it would soon become chaotic, and it would probably take several days to come back after going out.

So the troll leader immediately changed his words: “No, no need, go outside and catch a few kobolds in, it’s just right to use those timid guys as bait.”

A few trolls thought it was the leader who was hungry and wanted to eat, so they ran outside frantically, but only halfway through, the mine collapsed without warning, and almost didn’t bury the trolls inside.

Vol’jin frowned. Judging from the current situation, there is no doubt that the dark earth monster collapsed the mine. In the face of incompetent monsters, the earth trolls often use this “low three” method to cause the mines or tunnels to collapse, thereby suffocating the prey to death. At that time, the earth trolls will crawl from the rock formations to eat. eat.

I don’t know how many square rocks block the mine, and the situation at hand is not optimistic – even if the troll and the kobold outside are digging together, I am afraid it will take a lot of time, and as long as these hateful reptiles are not killed, They can cause the collapse again, making the previous efforts fall short, and it is extremely difficult to deal with.

“These big bugs actually want to trap us. There are so many trolls that they can go out after moving the stone. They are really stupid.”

“Idiot!” Vol’jin slapped it in the face with a slap in the face, “Do you think you’re moving fast, or the mine is collapsing fast!?”

She swept all the trolls present with her vicious and sinister eyes: “If you want to go out, you can only kill all these **** bugs! Protecting the safety of the mining area is our job, and then we will be appreciated by the great master!”

“Master’s reward?” The troll soldier’s eyes lit up.

“I want gold!”

“I want to eat ten wildebeests!”

“I saw a beautiful female orc!”

The troll soldiers screamed and screamed in wanton drooling, imagining the grace of His Majesty the Great Red Dragon.

“You!” Vol’jin pointed at the brainless troll. “Tear off your hands and feet for me. We will lure all these nasty bugs out with blood, and then kill them all and crush them!”

“Kill all!”


A group of trolls shouted loudly, and some powerful trolls tore off the limbs of several weak and small ones alive, and took the opportunity to swallow a few pieces of flesh, and then threw the **** pieces of flesh and limbs into every corner of the mine.

Then a pair of green eyes watched intently, as long as there were earth monsters emerging from the rock formations, the ferocious trolls would swarm up, overturn them, and then open their chambers. Even if the earth trolls have the innate ability of “chaotic gaze” that can stun the target, it will not help against the trolls that far outnumber them.

After only half an hour, there were more than a dozen corpses of the earth monsters in the mine, which is a lot for a nest that usually only has seven or eight earth monsters in a nest.

Therefore, Vol’jin guessed that there is probably an earth monster mother worm inside this iron mine. If the earth troll mother worm cannot be killed, with the fecundity of this worm monster, I am afraid it will not be long before. cause disaster.

What she wants to do is to completely exterminate this nest!

ps: Today’s update is over, and it will be on the shelves the day after tomorrow.

The women’s **** skirt has been photographed, it’s up to you if you can wear it!

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