Red Dragon Roar

Chapter 159

Chapter 144: Rush!

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The site of the human camp is a high place, with relatively steep rock walls on both sides, and only a **** with an inclination of 50 in front of it. It is surrounded by a high and one low double wall, which reflects the wisdom of human beings in fortifications.

The thick logs were tied with hemp ropes twisted from bark, and were driven down into the ground in a close arrangement. They were nailed down with wooden wedges. They were smeared with fire-proof yellow mud, which was as dry and hard as the stones on the body of a violent wild boar. A, even if a ferocious monster is allowed to attack, it may not be able to break through for a while.

This is the first defense.

There are strips of stones at the back, mixed with various small stones, mud and water, mixed into cement, and built layer by layer to form an inner wall. The inner wall is 1.5 meters higher than the outer wall, and humans can stand on it and shoot arrows to defend against the enemy.

There are two simple towers on both sides of the gate, here is the position of the caster, and in front of them are rows of repelling thorns, which can resist the first wave of monsters. In addition, two siege crossbows were placed at the main entrance, with signs of wear and tear, which should be the equipment brought from the north by this human community when they fled.

Obviously, this human gathering place already has a strong defense. As long as it is not a large-scale beast tide or monster riot, no matter how many charges are launched, the humans will be repelled.

It took only three days to turn a desolate highland with nothing into a fortress with strong defenses. It is estimated that humans can do it in Elbaf Continent.

Yes, when it comes to building and protecting their homes, the terrifying fighting spirit that human beings have erupted is undoubtedly the first in Elbaf Continent.

Carlsen stood on the tower, and he saw the green-skinned orcs and gnolls. Although there were countless monsters rushing out of Kazarin and swimming across the Sancha River in the darkness farther away, he didn’t think that it was only by These low-intelligence monsters can break through the camps carefully designed by humans.

However, when there was a roar in the air and a huge black shadow covered the sky, Carlson suddenly changed color!

The high wall may be able to block the charge of the monsters on the ground, but it cannot stop the invasion of the air overlord!

The sky has always been the weakness of human defense. In some relatively large human castles, there are usually high element towers, and trained eagles or griffins combined with human soldiers to form air combat troops.

But this is not a towering and heavy city wall, but a humble camp that is many times more fragile than it, how can it be resisted?

There were fine beads of sweat on Carlsen’s forehead, and his back was wet with cold sweat. The mercenaries looked nervously at the huge figure in the air, and suddenly lost most of their courage.

Damn, are these monsters crazy?

Under the light of the fire, flying dragons, griffins, chimeras, and eagles covered almost half of the sky, and there were also gnolls or orcs riding on them. Such a comprehensive army reminded Carlson of the one in the north that disturbed the human kingdom. Brutal dragon.

His heart froze.


Ize lay quietly on a stone platform. In front of them were several adult wildebeests that were roasted by flames, and several human adventurers were tightly bound by hemp ropes and thrown into a cage made of wood.

The red dragon was enjoying a delicious meal. With its big mouth, it swallowed a whole wildebeest. The strong bite force chewed the bones together, and then swallowed it into its stomach. Occasionally looking at the humans in the cage with fierce eyes, the adventurer who finally woke up from the coma suddenly fainted a few more.

In his opinion, this simple human camp can be easily trodden down, but this time he sent troops to sneak attack not to destroy, but to plunder the population.

Otherwise, you only need to dispatch Chimera and spit a few fires in the air, and you can burn this humble human city to the ground like destroying the orc camp.

But in that case, both human beings and the camp will be devastated. Even if they are not afraid of being burned to death by the fire, they will be smoked to death by thick smoke. In that case, his expectation of plundering the population will be in vain. It doesn’t seem to make any sense.

The gnolls took the lead, regardless of the danger in front of the city, how many slings and arrows were thrown by humans, they were all wearing light armor sewn with arms and iron sheets, and they held iron knives in their hands. Not afraid of death, he launched a charge towards the human camp.

Low-level troops like gnolls are characterized by their fast reproduction speed and short growth cycle. In order to accelerate the expansion of the number of gnolls in Warwick, the “big breeding campaign” was promulgated in the tribe. Monsters who don’t want to mate, can see the male jackal and the female jackal combine together to create a “ho **** ho ho” cub as soon as there is time.

After more than a year, the first batch of wolf cubs have been able to form a basic fighting force, whether they are charging into battle or being consumed as cannon fodder, they are the most suitable race choices.

In the face of the charge initiated by hundreds of gnolls, the human side also made a counterattack at the first time. The dense rain of arrows poured down, and just one round of volleys killed dozens of gnolls, but with this group of wolves With the speed of the brat, I am afraid that after another round of salvos, he will be able to rush to the gate of the village.

And at that point, it’s the caster’s turn to take action.

As mentioned before, any powerful spellcaster is no less useful on the battlefield than an elite army, and they can cast a wide range of magical strikes to cause heavy damage to the enemy army.

Of course, this is under ideal conditions, if the caster is targeted by the enemy, their effect is greatly reduced.

The reason why Eze tortured the human adventurers was to know the fortifications of the human camp and the specific deployment of troops. The caster is the focus of attention!

The magic aura just lit up from the tower, and the huge flying dragon slammed down violently. The simple tower made of wood could not withstand the impact of the flying dragon at all!

With the roar of the flying dragon, the two towers completely collapsed, and the spell attack prepared by the caster was interrupted before it was released. Only a few sporadic fireballs and magic missiles fell into the gnoll’s position, but it was like water droplets. Falling into the desert and disappearing without a trace immediately, the death and injury of several gnolls did not help the final direction of the entire battlefield.

Gnolls and orcs roared and jumped from the backs of flying dragons, Chimeras and other air overlords into the camp, and slashed at the armored mercenaries.

This fairly well-equipped mercenary team was supposed to be the last line of defense against the monsters on the was the umbrella in the camp’s mouth, but now it was disrupted in advance by the “airdrop soldiers”. Suddenly messed up.

The mercenaries and the orcs and gnolls fought fiercely together. Obviously, the human soldiers were more organized and probabilistic. After a brief period of chaos, they formed a large circle back to back, forming a tight and stable iron barrel formation, with the caster firmly protected by them.

The soldiers used shields to resist the attack of the monsters, and they slashed with uniform big knives.

However, gaining a small advantage on the local battlefield does not mean anything, without the support of mercenaries, the defense of the high wall is greatly reduced.

And right here, a huge tauren appeared among the monsters attacking the high wall. The sharp and thick horns made the soldiers guarding the city feel chills…

ps: There are two more in the afternoon!

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