Red Dragon Roar

Chapter 189

Chapter 174: Battlefield

The poisonous smog was like a dark gray-green cloud that was constantly stirred, rolled up, and quickly dissipated, spreading out in all directions.

A small pill was pressed under the tongue of the Red Dragon Legion. Seeing His Majesty’s great power, all these monsters screamed and rushed towards the enemy.

The Titan Golem pulled up a big tree and smashed all the branches and leaves to use it as a weapon. It was impossible to know how many monsters were swept away with one stick.

On the other side is a more ferocious black dragon. Its body is covered with jagged exoskeletons. Its wing strikes and tail sweeps are like heavy weapons of war. Combined with the strong corrosive acid breath, it ploughs through the green dragon again and again. The position of the family members brought purgatory into the battlefield in a blink of an eye.

The damage caused by these two violent beasts is unimaginable, destroying many defensive positions of the green dragon family.

On the frontal battlefield, the left, middle, and right blossomed in multiple lines. Perhaps even the enemy did not expect that the red dragon’s attack would come so violently, and their defense was so vulnerable.

At this time, the Red Dragon Army, like a torrent of steel, finally rushed into the battlefield. Under the leadership of the leaders of the various clans, they cut down the enemy with the butcher knife without fear of death.

The spider webs woven by the Ett monsters were of no use at all, and the poison lurking in the bushes and underground was trampled into flesh by countless iron hooves before they could sneak attack.

In the face of the overwhelming collision from the Red Dragon Army, these night killers could not organize an effective resistance and were crushed one by one.

Yes, Yize also discovered this, the green dragon lacks a clan that can play like a heavy tank on the frontal battlefield, but the two cunning green dragons are too timid to fly out of the cliff and try their own risk. .

To put it nicely, “take care of the overall situation”.

To say it badly, is cowardice.

As a result, the combat situation was much simpler than Eze had imagined, and the situation presented an almost one-sided slaughter.

It wasn’t until the Red Dragon Legion had advanced for a hundred meters that the thorns of the manticore arrived late. These large monsters with human faces, lion bodies, and dragon wings were much stronger in combat than griffins.

Their slender tails have 24 plexus-like spikes at the end, rushing out from the canopy, and shooting 8 in each targeted round. The dense rain of arrows suddenly fell from the sky, and the bone spurs ripped through the air, sending out indescribable The arrow whistled, almost completely covering the battlefield below.

In an instant, countless gnolls, orcs, ogres, etc. were shot into hedgehogs, but this damage was almost negligible for the huge number of Red Dragon Legions.

The Manticore wanted to launch a rain of arrows again, and the attack of the flying dragon and Chimera arrived in the next second.

Dragons, Chimeras, Griffons, and Manticores are enemies who often compete for food and realm, but the latter two are often the first two.

And what can make them take advantage of the battle is the 700-year history of the Green Dragon. The number of griffins and manticores is too numerous to count, and the total is almost three times that of the Red Dragon Legion.

(Note: Green Dragon has developed for 700 years, and the number will not be exaggerated. The “total population” of the forest is limited and resources are limited. Three times the number has been saturated, and any more will fall into internal friction.)

The battle in the sky was equally bloody, the dragons drenched blood, and the Chimera roared and breathed out, wrestling and fighting in the air.

Interestingly, most of the chimeras under Ize’s command have red dragon heads, spewing flames. Most of the Chimeras under the Green Dragon’s command have the head of a Green Dragon, spewing poisonous gas.

Irelia, who has reached fifteen meters in length, is definitely the largest of them.

Wrapped in the terrifying dragon’s might, she roared and rushed into the manticores. The huge force knocked more than a dozen manticores to pieces on the spot, and then fell on the battlefield and was trampled and killed by the ground clan.

Irelia spewed out flames and frost in turn, she shook her head, and the cone-shaped breath drew fan shapes in the air.

In this area, whether it is a griffin or a manticore, they all fall from the air like dumplings.

Today’s Irelia is definitely a major force in the Red Dragon clan.

Although Izawa’s performance has always been too bright, and she has always been under the protection of her elder brother.

But it is undeniable that this little female dragon, who has inherited all the excellent characteristics of the red dragon and the silver dragon, has an extremely powerful talent.

If it weren’t for the existence of a perverted force like Ize, Irelia would be a proper template for the protagonist of the novel.

After this body mutation, her body size has exceeded the normal size of a red dragon of the same age.

The powerful strength and terrifying defense force made her break into the enemy group as if she had no “people”.

The manticore’s poisonous arrows can’t break through her crystal-like defenses, and any of her basic attacks can smash a manticore or a gryphon into pieces.

In the sky, broken wings, stumps, minced meat, and internal organs could not stop falling, and the beating was extremely fierce.

Just as the ground clans of the Red Dragon Army were victorious, the living plants all over the mountains and fields were killed.

They came rushing from the distant The immeasurable number of them looked like the whole forest came alive in an instant.

The green ocean swept through wave after wave, and everything along the way was swallowed up by living plants, which made the monsters’ scalps numb.

As the master of the forest, this is the trump card of the green dragon’s ability to dominate the huge territory.

Their terrifying ability to give plants life can make all plants within a certain range come alive and fight for the green dragon.

There is no doubt that in this dense forest, green dragons are obviously much more terrifying than red dragons. This is their home field and has unparalleled advantages!

“Array formation!”

“Prepare to fight!”

The red dragon roared, and the red dragon army also gathered into a tight formation in a short period of time. The large monsters were all blocking the front, ready to meet the frontal impact of the wave of living plants!

The battlefield heather with sharp teeth and sharp mouths and thorns all over the body is like an overwhelming swarm of locusts that can’t see the end. They are not afraid. They are instructed by the green dragon to tear all the enemies in front of them to pieces!

At the forefront of the Red Dragon Legion is undoubtedly the powerful red dragon that dominates the entire battlefield. At this time, he no longer considers whether to burn the entire forest.

He took a deep breath, and red light began to glow under the row upon row of dragon scales. The temperature in his body rose rapidly, and it looked like hot magma flowing from his neck to his abdomen.

In the next second, a scorching flame of fire spewed out of his mouth, instantly covering an area of 100 meters in front of him, and the living plant that collided with was instantly ignited under the indescribable high temperature, and even the screams were too late to be ignited. Burned to ashes.

ps: To be continued, hey~

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