Red Dragon Roar

Chapter 376

Chapter 350: Kill It For You

Watching Irelia and Sophia leave, Eze fell into contemplation alone.

When the Metal Dragon joins the Red Dragon Army, the overall strength of the Dragon Empire will increase several times, but compared with the army of the undead of Ikales, it still looks a little underwhelming.

This is a ruthless man who was able to fight with the True God more than 10,000 years ago. Even if he failed in the war, he could not successfully kill him. He could only weaken his strength and seal it.

It is conceivable that, as the first chief necromancer of the Red Robe Wizarding Society, how powerful is Ikales.

Generally speaking, after the wizard transforms himself into a lich in order to obtain eternal life, there is only one phylactery.

But this world has never lacked some geniuses, such as one of the great arcanists in the lost kingdom of Netheril, the legendary spell Shattered Life Philosophy invented by Ovo, which can divide one’s own life phylactery. To completely destroy the phylactery, all fragments must be destroyed to be successful.

But the phylactery is the most precious thing in all the lich, no one knows where a lich will store its phylactery, it may be in the cloud, it may be in the sea eye, or even in the cracks of space, half planes…

In this way, it is almost impossible for the lich to die, which is inherently difficult to kill.

It is conceivable that Ikales, as a demigod, cannot possibly have similar legendary spells.

Sophia encountered the bone fragment of Ikales when she was young, and it may be just one of the fragments of his phylactery. Even if it is successfully destroyed, it will not have much impact on Ikales.

It’s so nerve-wracking…

The Silver Dragon King Sophia only stayed in the Dragon Palace for less than a day before leaving in a hurry. Whether it was His Majesty Bahamut’s appointment of Ize as the leader of the Metal Dragon, or the task assigned to her by the Dragon King, it must be conveyed as soon as possible.

Irelia regrets Sophia’s hasty departure and welcomes her time to come to the Dragon Empire.

In the following month, a certain little female dragon paid a “painful price” for her words and deeds. Fortunately, there was a special person in the empire to govern it, and the post-war recovery work has been carried out, and the country has not developed a trend of chaos.

When Yize came out of the bedroom after paying the public rations refreshed, the Darkscale guards immediately reported the situation to him.

“Your Majesty, the village called Nordessa that you asked us to look for has already taken shape.”


Yize subconsciously asked, although the war has not yet broken out, but his sense of urgency has always been very good. Only by contacting the information about the undead Grand Duke in person can he have a general grasp of it.

Since more than a thousand years have passed, many things have been reduced to history, beyond recognition, and completely buried in the long river of time.

Since only Sophia in the entire adventure team survived, she has never been to that place again. With memory, she only provided a general orientation, and she does not know whether the village of that year has continued.

“We have checked a lot of books within two thousand years. There are 75 place names in the entire Elbaf continent called Nordessa, of which 32 have disappeared or been replaced by other names, 14 are in the empire, 22 One is distributed in other parts of the mainland, one is an island, and the rest are some canyons, fortresses, mountains, etc.”

“We carefully compared the basic directions and information you provided us, and found relatively suitable geographical locations in the Naslake Valley, Solhan Plateau, Osram Mountains, and Shahe Bay in the western part of the mainland. Nordessa was or still exists, and there are traces of undead activity in the Nasrake Valley and the Osram Mountains.”

“We have dispatched dark scales to investigate those places, and the details may have to wait for a while to report to you. These are the data we have already collected.”

The drow submitted a report and map, which marked the specific locations of the 75 Nordessa in detail, their age of existence, address development, and whether there were any major historical events.

With this information, it’s not difficult to spend time finding a little-known village or town.

“Well, well done.”

Yize gave him a drop of dragon blood as a reward, and the Darkscale Organization did not disappoint him. As long as he personally explained the tasks, they would complete the tasks very well. Their abilities have been fully realized in this war that has lasted for more than ten years. reflect.

“Thank you, Your Majesty!”

The drow elf took it over with ecstasy. As long as he successfully survived the transformation of his body, he would become the dragon vassal of the Dragon King, and his strength would increase by leaps and bounds.

Ize walked around in the huge palace, the huge dragon claws stepped on the crystal ground strengthened with spells and made a hollow echo. He looked uncertain, paused, and said slowly.

“Let all the dark scales come back. If you really meet that guy, without the help of a powerful enough legendary power, you will be in danger.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Darkscale slowly retreated.

“Ize, do you still decide to go to investigate in person?”

Irelia’s voice sounded silently, but Eze knew that she had never left her side.

“Well, I’m always worried about Ikales. You know that the spell of bloodline regression is what I exchanged with him with the source of the evil god. If he is really the first chief necromancer of the Red Robe Wizarding Society more than 10,000 years ago, He’s probably a lot tougher than we thought.”

“I’ll go with you.”

Irelia said that she has transformed into a legendary dragon species, and has undoubtedly become the second most powerful fighting force in the Dragon Empire. She is one of the top creatures of Elbaf, and will no longer drag Eze back as before.

“No, you still stay in the Dragon Palace. The Northland has just been unified, and there are still many places that need your presence. Besides, even if I find it, it’s just one of the fragments of Ikales’ phylactery, and it poses no threat to me. , you can rest assured.”

“Then…you have to be careful about this Irelia’s eyes flickered: “Ikales’ identity is after all a demigod lich, the biggest disaster in the world. ”

Eze raised his paw and patted the little dragon’s head with a chuckle: “What nonsense are you talking about. I was called the source of chaos and the incarnation of Calamity by the humans of the North, and Tiamat all said people like me were like me. The alien dragon is the enemy of the gods, it sounds like I am a little bit more powerful than that guy Ikales.”


“Okay, don’t worry, even the three gods are not my opponents. Is a rotten bone stronger than the three gods?”

A confident smile appeared on Izawa’s face.

“If he dares to appear in front of me, I will kill him.”

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