Red Dragon Roar

Chapter 381

Chapter 355: Go To Dragon Island!

War is a forced choice.

As Ikales said, if they fight for the name of the ruler of the continent, it will only be a bargain for the gods of the upper realms in the end.

For them, there is no benefit.

Therefore, with both parties having this intention, a treaty was signed against a series of conditions, and a temporary peace was reached.

For example: the army of the undead cannot leave the southern border, reach a united front in order to fight against the gods, etc.

Of course, this paper treaty is only based on the fact that the military and strength of both sides are almost equal.

If Ikales steps into the true gods soon, the treaty may be reduced to waste paper.

Eze was naturally happy to see the situation in front of him, and he never put himself in the position of world master from the very beginning.

The entire Northern Territory is vast, which is enough for him to vigorously develop his empire. There is no need to keep an eye on the southern border.

Even if the Red Dragon clan threw off their arms, they would not reach the point of population saturation for a long time.

And, anyway, Ikales is a tricky guy.

A demigod lich who has lived for more than 10,000 years, no one can imagine how many trump cards he has hidden, but he has secretly watched him grow all the way to the present.

That is to say, he knew exactly what Ize was capable of.

Eze didn’t know anything about him, and once a fight broke out, it was easy to suffer losses.

Not to mention the ability to unleash the undead army that swept the entire world, the ability to survive that makes the true gods helpless is enough to give Ize a headache.

Once such an enemy cannot be killed, it will leave indelible trouble for himself.

Even waging war would be meaningless if the undead army could not be defeated in one go.

It’s just that the Red Dragon Legion’s living forces are consumed in vain, while the undead army can continue to climb from the ground.

Eze saw this very clearly.

Likewise, it is an acceptable situation for Ikales.

Sealing for ten thousand years has not smoothed his edges and corners. Even if he has the idea of revenge against the gods and the ambition to dominate the entire world, he is not in a hurry.

After all, he has not been completely free, and is only limited to activities in the southern border.

In general, Yize threw the fragments of the phylactery into the portal, and the two sides ‘sweetly” reached an armistice agreement. I am afraid that the north and the south will not interfere with each other for a long time.

But when the portal was about to close, Ikales sent an invitation to Ize.

“I haven’t seen a powerful red dragon like you for too long. How about Targaryen, if you and I join forces, we will be able to quickly rule the world, even if the gods come, they are not our opponents.”

Eze rebuffed him.

“As long as you can eat a few more peanuts, you won’t get drunk like this.”

He sneered: “Your undead army will be able to show off on the main material plane and put it on the battlefield of **** battles, which may be a bigger splash.”

Yize immediately returned to the Dragon Palace on the Gold Coast. After all, the war that could decide the fate of the continent did not start.

However, he learned from Sophia’s communication that the Metal Dragon Clan refused to recognize the fact that Ize Targaryen was the leader of the Metal Dragon, even if it was an oracle from the King of Good Dragons himself.

In their view, the Dragon Empire is the first kingdom established by true dragons since this era.

But after all, there are a large number of evil creatures gathered, based on the opposition between the evil camp and the good camp.

No good dragon is willing to migrate to the territory of the Dragon Empire to build a nest.

Not to mention that there was a war between the two sides before, and many good dragons died in the hands of the Red Dragon Legion, and Yize personally slaughtered more than a dozen metal dragons.

Various internal contradictions and opposing hatreds made the Metal Dragon unable to recognize Yize as the leader of the Metal Dragon from the bottom of his heart.

Of course, Eze couldn’t just sit idly by.

No matter what kind of blood feud the five-color dragon and the metal dragon had before, it is best to let go of your prejudices honestly and coexist peacefully.

To achieve this goal, Eze doesn’t mind being a little tougher.

After all, it is not Tiamat, the mother of evil dragons, nor Bahamut, the king of good dragons, who can rule all the true dragons in Elbaf now, but his red dragon, Ize Targaryen!

In the palace of His Majesty the Emperor.

“Stinky bastard, what should you do if you say those metal dragons are disobedient?”

“Mom said that it would be good to beat the disobedient child.”

“Pfft… is it really that easy?”

“You don’t believe it? Like this…”

Izzy slapped Irelia’s butt, and the latter snorted, biting her teeth and biting her lips, blushing, and shrank into the quilt.

Yi Ze looked smug: “Look, isn’t this obedient?”

After several seconds, Irelia blushed and gradually stuck her head out, looking at her smooth stomach a little deflated.

“Big bad dragon, it’s been so long since you said that, why haven’t I conceived a baby yet. Although the mother dragon can control her fertilization ability at will, I accept you without reservation every time, but there is no reaction. nothing.”

Ize nodded thoughtfully: “It’s really strange. Maybe it’s because you have transformed into a power dragon, belonging to a rare legendary dragon species, and I belong to the bloodline of the ancestor red dragon, and I am the only one in the entire multiverse. So it is very difficult to have children.”

“Is that so?” Irelia asked, blushing and tilting her head.

“Probably so.”

“Doesn’t that mean that I may never have a baby for you.”

Eze smiled, took the sad Irelia in his arms, and kissed her face.

“How can it be so serious? We are not yet fifty years old. Judging from the long years of real dragons, we are still very young. There are opportunities. Although there are few legendary dragons, can’t the multiverse still see their shadows occasionally?”

“Yes.” The little female dragon nodded thoughtfully.

Ize looked at the beautiful Irelia with fiery eyes, her throat rolled a few times, rolled over and pressed it again.

“ We can study the origin of life now…”

“You mean we’re going to Dragon Island?”

Yize nodded and looked at the end of the Gold Coast’s field of vision: “Didn’t you agree to beat those disobedient metal dragons? If you don’t teach them a lesson, it’s really turning the world upside down.”

“But if the army is overwhelmed, will the metal dragon be more disgusted?”

“Just to scare them off.”

A few days later, all the five-colored dragons in the Dragon Empire received the call of the Red Dragon Emperor.

Hundreds of five-colored dragons of all ages, led by the Red Dragon Emperor and the Dragon Queen, flew to the Dragon Island in the center of the Falling Star Sea.

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