Red Dragon Roar

Chapter 426

Chapter 398: Dragon Egg

Eze and Irelia finally ended the cub-making movement that lasted for more than half a month.

A certain dragon was both mentally and physically satisfied, only the little female dragon looked at her belly with a deflated face.

She could clearly sense that the seeding was not successful this time.

“Damn, why is it so hard to want a baby.”

Hearing this, Ize couldn’t help but be happy.

“If the reproductive capacity of legendary dragons is the same as that of ordinary real dragons, wouldn’t this multiverse be ruled by you long ago? How could it be so rare?”

“Although I understand the truth, I’m just very angry.”

“Irelia, this can only mean that the revolution has not yet succeeded, we still have to work hard!”

Irelia nodded in agreement, she suddenly made a vicious look, and bit Eze hard.

“You won’t be allowed to walk around when you come back this time. When will the seeds germinate, and then let you go!”

Eze blinked, Irelia didn’t expect you to be such a dragon!

It’s just… so good!

Ok, deal!

The world will not be destroyed, and the creation of dragons will not end!

“By the way, Irelia, what about the two dragon eggs we brought from the dragon’s nest? It’s been decades, and there’s still no response?”

“No eh.”

“Wouldn’t it have become a dead egg?”

“Eh? No, I remember that the two dragon eggs are still quite active.”

“Do you remember?” Yize suddenly groaned in his heart, “When was the last time you looked at those two dragon eggs.”

“Well, probably around the time you rescued me from the High Forest.”

Yize felt a little dizzy, wasn’t it decades ago?

“Cough, I put them in an excellent place that no one can find, but I have prepared in advance, once there are signs of hatching, I will feel it!”

Irelia said that she mobilized the magic in her body to construct a miniature teleportation circle.

After a while of white light, two dragon eggs appeared in her hands.

Yi Ze was stunned: “Irelia, you tell me these are the two red dragon eggs?”

The dragon egg in front of him is about the size of a square, and the surface is covered with a layer of fine scales, but it is not the red scales unique to the red dragon egg he is familiar with, but a kind of red and black, showing a strange gray-black.

The most peculiar thing is that Yize actually sensed a very strong radioactive pulse on the two dragon eggs!

This is-


Obviously, these two dragon eggs have undergone some unknown mutation in the past few decades, and they are 108,000 miles away from the original dragon eggs.

Yize looked at the dragon egg carefully, and touched it carefully with a ray of divine power to conduct an all-round inspection.

Soon he noticed the anomaly.

Irelia is right, the two dragon eggs do maintain a high degree of activity, but the essence of the dragon eggs has long been mutated in a radioactive environment.

That is to say, even if these two dragon eggs hatched successfully, it would not necessarily be a red dragon, but some kind of unknown deformed monster.

He is well aware of the effects that radiation can have on a living being – even a small lizard can become Godzilla!

But this only exists in typical sci-fi stories after all, and the most common ones are messy, ugly and deformed life forms.

Ize took a deep breath, calmed down a little, and slowly told Irelia what was in her heart.

“It’s a great miracle that the dragon egg was not killed by radiation, but based on the current situation, even if it hatches, it may not be a real dragon. Be mentally prepared.”

“Did I kill them with my own hands?” The little female dragon’s face was full of sadness, “But I was clearly…”

“It’s not your fault, Irelia. Whether a real dragon can be born is a matter of probability, not to mention that they still maintain a very high vitality, which is something I never expected.”

Eze stretched out his tongue and licked Irelia’s cheek, comforting.

“The real dragon is the most incredible life in this world. Maybe these two little guys will give us a big surprise.”

“Really?” Irelia seriously once again showed hope.

“Of course, now take me to the nest where they hatched.”

Irelia nodded, cast the teleportation spell and the two dragons left quickly.

This is a small living room, but the surrounding walls are exuding faint fluorescence.

Under Ize’s gaze, countless green rays of light instantly occupied his entire field of vision!

From the walls to the dome, these emerald lights flow cheerfully, as if presenting an imaginary world.

The dark underground, which was originally invisible, became clear and clear. Under the outline of the light spots, even without dark vision, Yize could see the texture of every floor tile!

In the center of the stone room is a stone platform where the dragon eggs are placed. The temperature is suitable, and there is a bright light. For a real dragon who is greedy for money, it is undoubtedly an extremely strong temptation.

It is no wonder that Irelia will use this place as a room for hatching dragon eggs. If the hazards of radiation are not considered, it is indeed a wonderful place.

Irelia herself, as a power dragon, is not sensitive to the radioactivity of radiation, but Eze is very clear about it.

This stone room, and even this underground mountain range, is a gathering place of radioactive elements, and the radiation is extremely strong. If ordinary creatures live in this place for a long time, it is estimated that they will die soon.

These two dragon eggs are exposed to radiation day after day The inside of the dragon eggs has long been assimilated by radiation, losing their original characteristics.

At least, it is no longer possible to be a red dragon.

Yize carefully relocated the two dragon eggs to the stone platform. Now the mutation transformation is only halfway through. Perhaps when the transformation is complete, the hatching results of the two dragon eggs can be seen.

Yize carefully restrained his divine power, and when he evacuated, he actually felt the kindness conveyed from the inside of the dragon egg.

Eze has a bottom line in his heart.

“Irelia, you say that if they hatch successfully, are these two little guys considered our siblings or our offspring?”

In this serious environment, Yize suddenly threw a very philosophical question.


Irelia was stunned for a moment, the question was too profound, and she didn’t know how to answer it for a while.

“Look, from the mother’s standpoint, we are the last batch of dragon eggs she picked up, and they should be regarded as brothers and sisters. From our standpoint, these two dragon eggs were hatched and raised by us. It should be our child.”

Izawa seriously dissects it from two different levels.

“But… I just want to hear me and your child call me mother.”

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