Red Dragon Roar

Chapter 452

: Extra 3

The latest website: [It’s still the story of the Red Dragon legend, you can’t watch it if you’ve seen it. 】

The young dragon stood on the top of the volcano and looked down at the earth, its expression inexplicably panicked.

Kazarin is no longer the same as in memory. There is no forest at a glance, and there are shocking huge cracks everywhere, like a dry riverbed.

The elemental fluctuations in the air are extremely chaotic, and the remnants of the war of the past form a terrible storm that rages on this land.

Around Hellcastle, the wyrmlings also saw many peaks whose buildings had long since been destroyed.

Warwick said that this was originally a floating city built by the King of Southern Borders with legendary spells, but now none of them have been left.

The dragonfly was silent.

It looked west again, where originally the Winter Mountains spanned the entire southern border, dividing Kazarin from the endless snowfield like a moat.

But now, the Winter Mountains have collapsed long ago.

The avalanche swept across almost half of the southern border from west to east.

The forest near the snowfield still exists, but it is now covered with heavy snow, and icefield creatures can occasionally be seen.

The impact of the war was far-reaching, and the wandering undead became a frequent visitor to the southern border. Zombies, skeletons, and ghouls could find their dirty figures around any cemetery.

Warwick stood beside the wyrmling, even though he was old now, hunched over his back and over 20 meters tall.

He rolled up the dragonfly with his tentacles and placed it on his shoulders, his tone gradually flattened.

“Little master, the southern border is your territory. Although this land has become dilapidated, you must learn to manage it, at least before the master returns.”

His eyes gradually turned to the monsters wandering the cracked earth.

“It’s been too long, some clans built on the ruins have long forgotten who is the real master of this land, and those shameful gods are afraid of the master’s existence, and they actually unite to erase the master with powerful spells Everything in the world!”

Warwick gritted his teeth in anger, he looked at the dragonfly and said seriously.

“Little master, the world still remembers that the master’s life is running out. I used to be the only one, but now there are more of you.”

The dragonfly continued to be silent.

It thought in its heart, even his father was so powerful that he lost contact in the war, what could it do?

It’s just a child!

Weak, poor, and helpless.

“The master is still alive.”

Warwick suddenly said, looking up at the starry sky: “Although I don’t know where His Majesty and the Dragon Queen are, I’m sure they are still alive, perhaps fighting in the kingdom of the gods, or maybe temporarily trapped somewhere.”

“So, little master, when the invincible Red Dragon Army once again swept the entire southern border, the name of the king of the southern border will be resounding in the world. Only by making yourself stronger can you be qualified to explore the truth…”

The young dragon let out a low roar, spread out its wings and swept towards the cracked earth.

Warwick stood on the top of the volcano and watched silently. Only through hardships can the hatchlings accelerate into dragons.

His turbid eyes gradually became frenzied, and the little master has already shown outstanding talent.

I believe that it will not be long before the huge dragon wings will cover the sky, and by then, all things in the world will once again surrender to the feet of the king of the southern border.

Inheriting the excellent genes of the King of Southern Borders, although the young dragon has only climbed out of the egg shell for only three days, its body already looks like a normal red dragon for three weeks.

The bright red dragon scales are like flaming flames, even in the dark, they are so dazzling.

Its wings have begun to take shape, and the thick skin is spread on the dragon wing structure composed of light bones. The dense muscle groups in the wings and chest are able to provide enough strength for the red dragon.

Unlike other red dragons, the dragonfly’s wings have numerous tarsals derived from various joints.

The tails of these abnormal bone tips have many fine pores, which are arranged in a double helix structure, like a complex but very delicate controllable circuit.

When it **** its wings, it can even see a lot of sparks leaking from the tips of the wing bones.

The young dragon thought of the dazzling flame of his father’s dragon wings in his memory, and his heart was agitated.

“Maybe, I can do it too!” it cried out in his heart.

The Molten Core within the body seems to be able to hear the whelping dragon’s heart and burst out heat on its own.

The wyrmling’s wingspan is flat, and the tiny holes at the end of the tarsus serve as the only vent for pressure.

The next moment, a violent flame torrent spewed out from every small hole!

Behind the dragon wing is dragging a red flame that is several meters long and is longer than the size of the young dragon, like a meteor across the sky, passing by in the darkness.

If the king of the southern border, whose name has been forgotten by the life of the world, appears here, he will definitely be shocked by the current performance of the young dragon.

He usually only uses elemental jet pressure for overclocking flight, and the tail flame burst into a dazzling streamer.

Only by igniting the elemental fire in his body, the flame will turn red, and at that time his flight speed will reach three times the speed of sound.

But in that case, the mana consumption in the body will also increase to an astonishing level, which cannot last.

But Eze’s son was different.

The energy core at the chest is radiating radiation all the time, which can evoke the ley lines and connect to the molten core of the fire element plane.

This can be said to have mastered the key to the Fire Elemental Plane at birth, with unlimited energy.

The red dragon’s breath weapon at this stage is not fully developed yet, and it can only spit out a small flame when opening its mouth.

But if the wyrmling wants to, it can even spray continuously for three days and three nights.

And now, only to hear the wyrmling’s scream of “Ahhhhhh”, and its figure disappeared from Warwick’s line of sight.

Of course, the state of overclocked flight only lasted for less than two seconds, and the fiery red tail flame sprayed from the tip of the dragon wing suddenly dimmed.

With the young dragon’s current fragile physique, it could not withstand the scouring of the high-frequency flame torrent, and all the tarsals were devastated, as if the jet turbine engine had a problem.

Warwick was completely dumbfounded, and his heart was shocked to the extreme.

Just born to be able to fly overclocking, what kind of monster is this?

Before he could recover from the joy of the little master’s inheritance of the master’s ability to fly at high frequency, he saw the only crimson flame emitting in the darkness suddenly extinguish.

But now in his stunned moment, the distance between the two is thousands of meters.

Warwick couldn’t help but sigh, it really is his own, father and son both have the same virtue.

There are always crashes on the first test flight.

Of course, Warwick is not worried about the safety of the hatchlings. He knows the power of Molten Core better than anyone else. Once this thing breaks out, anyone except the legend will die.

You must know that the powerful Red Dragon Lord did not dare to implant the Molten Core into his body.

Although he didn’t know how the little master did it, it was a good thing after all.

Warwick suddenly burst into tears.

“My king, the little master is as good as you were back then…”

The wasteland is desolate, and from time to time a tingling scream can be heard from the cracked earth.

A chaotic magical aura radiates twisted light in the darkness, a remnant of power on the battlefields of yesteryear.

Although the overclocking flight suddenly stopped, after experiencing the initial panic and discomfort, Allen quickly reacted.

He adjusted the posture of the dragon wings, and the oncoming wind and turbulence did not disrupt his flight rhythm.

The wyrmling vibrated its wings slightly, and started to slow down gradually after getting rid of the blast wave during braking and deceleration.

Allen let out a happy dragon cry. He just wanted to try it, but he didn’t expect it to be successful.

Although it only lasted for less than two seconds, the joy of flying at a very high speed made him completely addicted.

Through dark vision, Alan looked down at the ground below from a high altitude.

Kazarin’s environment is much harsher than it once was.

No, there is no Kazarin anymore.

Instead, it is a wilderness called “Dragon Falling Plain” by monsters.

From the name, you can tell how tragic the war was at the beginning.

It even permanently changed the climate and landforms, and incalculable dragons fell.

The dragon corpse has turned into mountains and rivers, this is a land full of dragon blood!

At a glance, I can no longer see the stretches of forests. In the ravines of the southern border, there are only low shrubs that are divided into pieces, dotted in bits and pieces.

Allen had only seen the tip of the iceberg of Kazarin in his memory, and he did not have too deep feelings for the current situation of this land.

Whether it was a resource-rich forest or a desolate wasteland, he had to face it.

As the heir of the King of Southern Border, he has taken it for granted that Southern Border is his own territory.

He didn’t realize how dangerous it was to fly without scruples in the mid-air of the Falling Dragon Plain as a young dragon.

The bright red scales on his whole body are like a large eye-catching source in the dark, and it is difficult not to attract attention.

The former southern border was a place where aliens gathered, and survival and chaos were the eternal themes.

And now, after a tragic war, creatures that grow up in this environment become more aggressive.

Obviously, the dangers lurking in the southern border are greater than before.

I am afraid that many monsters have devoured the flesh and blood of real dragons, and they are veritable dragon eaters.

Under the deep night, several giant eagles quietly swept out of the clouds.

Their eagle bills are sharp, their eyes are scarlet, and their feathers from the neck up are not white, but a sinister crimson.

This is not a giant eagle whose camp is neutral and good, but a variant of the giant eagle, a blood eagle who has been corrupted in this evil land!

It is bigger and bloodier than the giant eagle’s body!

They are the predators of this evil land!

Seeing a young dragon who doesn’t know the world, actually dares to swagger in the air, the blood eagle moves, and the speed is as fast as a ghost.

They swooped down from the dark clouds, their bloodthirsty eyes fixed on the wyrmling, blocking all possible escape routes from all sides.

The red dragon has external ears that other five-colored dragons do not have, and its keen hearing can even hear the abnormal wind around it.

Alan noticed the evil blood eagle rushing towards him, but it didn’t seem panicked.

Dragon Heritage is like a rich encyclopedia.

Unlike other creatures, wyrmlings are born with an overall grasp of the world and an understanding of their own identity.

It knows how to move, how to use its innate abilities, and how to see the world around it.

It has a complete set of survival theory and knows how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

This realization is one of the reasons that even the youngest dragons can survive into adulthood.

It is this sense of superiority that gives dragons an unparalleled arrogance—

They are born knowing that they are one of the most powerful creatures in the world, or at least they will be when they are adults.

The blood eagle’s minions opened, attacking and killing the young dragon!

Their wingspans exceed five meters, and each is larger than a wyrmling.

Eagle claws can destroy gold and crack stones, and bloodthirsty eagle eyes have no emotion.

Once targeted by them, no juveniles can survive this group of natural predators.

The blood eagle made a sharp eagle cry of ecstasy!

Look, what did you find?

A lone wyrmling!

If nothing else happens, the young dragon will be torn apart by the blood eagle at the first time, and then divided into food!

Allen seemed confident because he felt he could handle this seemingly mortal situation.

His body was hot, and the temperature seemed to rise endlessly.

His whole body became hot, his dragon scales turned bright red, and hot flames began to burst from the gaps between the scales.

The blood eagle collectively made a high cry, and they felt that they were about to succeed.

The young dragon also roared angrily. It felt that this group of lowly sparrows dared to attack the king of the southern border. Damn it!

The thermonuclear storm swept in all directions in an instant!

The blood eagles finally showed horror on their faces. They adjusted the angle of their wings and wanted to escape impatiently.

However, it was too late.

Just a face-to-face, the impact of the thermonuclear storm burned all the blood eagle’s feathers and skin, as if it was filtered in high-temperature magma, and only **** flesh was left when it came out.

But at this time, the blood eagle has not died.

The Molten Core in Ellen’s body vibrated again!

The second round of thermonuclear storm surged out again, and the blood eagle’s only remaining flesh and viscera evaporated at a speed visible to the naked eye, leaving only bones.

Several corpses fell from the air, and the young dragon just glanced at random, slapped the dragon wings and left gracefully.

Allen landed on the canopy of a dry old tree. There were no dense branches and leaves, only the bare branches were weakly inserted into the sky.

He noticed that there were many dead bones around the old tree, and some exposed rhizomes even protruded from the eye sockets of many skulls.

Allen was subconsciously vigilant.

The old tree trembled lightly at this moment, and dozens of vines quietly wrapped around its limbs and wings, trying to strangle the young dragon to death.

“Shameless and vile blight!”

The red dragon couldn’t He let out a roar in anger.

Allen looked down at his chest, his chest gradually became transparent, as if hot magma was flowing in his body, and the heart of molten fire became extremely dazzling at this moment.

The vines wrapped around the red dragon started to spontaneously ignite silently, and then spread rapidly, turning into a fire that enveloped the entire old tree in the blink of an eye.

A human face gradually emerged from the trunk of the old tree, and it let out a shrill scream and began to beg for mercy.

Allen ignored it, he just sat quietly on the trunk, his bright red eyes reflected a splendid fire, and he watched the flames ignite and gradually extinguish.

Soon, the old tree turned into a pile of useless coke, and the young dragon was so happy that it smashed all the coke, flapping its wings contentedly and flying away…

ps: Today, the unit had a New Year’s Eve party ahead of schedule, and I drank about half a catty of liquor. Chieyu hasn’t had a drink in about seven years, and I was completely drunk. Then I got the bad news, my girlfriend’s grandmother died. It’s been a rough month.

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