Red Dragon Roar

Chapter 466

Chapter 431: Dragon Breath

The distant void has a crazy gathering of divine power, which penetrates the barriers of the plane in the blink of an eye, condenses into a beam of bright light and falls down.

Visually, it was as if two waterfalls flew down in an instant, and the abyss of ominous and ruinous atmosphere instantly filled the world.

This is divine punishment from the bottomless abyss!

Obviously, the angry lord took action, and the two gods faced the two demigods!

“It’s just an abyss lord with weak divine power, neither a projection coming nor an incarnation of divine power, a demigod who wants to judge the main material plane just by divine punishment?!”

The fierce Red Dragon Emperor just sneered, his tone full of disdain.

“I really shouldn’t say that you are as timid as a mouse, or that you are too big for yourself. The gods couldn’t kill me ten thousand years ago. Where does an abyss lord come from?”

The Red Dragon Emperor stood on his strong hind legs, and the dragon wings of more than 350 meters were spread out. Between the solid and liquid flame dragon scales, the fire of high temperature lava was flowing.

Chijin’s vertical eyes with slits blinked, he stared at the instantaneous divine punishment beam, and took a deep breath.

The power of the thermonuclear atomic furnace of the living body was instantly pulled to the limit, the cluster of bone spurs on the back emitted a scorching red light, and the crimson cracks on the chest spread to the whole body.

An indescribable thermonuclear storm emerged from under his unfurled dragon wings. This force was more destructive than flames. The projection of the angry lord was like rootless duckweed, becoming more and more illusory.

The God-Blessed Frost Bone only lasted for a moment, the flesh and blood of the whole body were stripped one after another, and even the bones melted and disappeared.

The soul of the frost giant went to the abyss along the channel of faith. He uttered a vicious curse in his screams. Unfortunately, just after the soul light was produced, it was annihilated under the terrifying high temperature, losing the possibility of the rebirth of the kingdom of God.

He opened his mouth wide, and countless golden particles condensed in his mouth, mixed with the energy breath that burst out from the basal blood vessels to emit a bright light!

When this particle stream squeezed to a terrifying critical point, the breath weapon compresses violently, his throat rolls, and the laser cluster breath wraps a circle of golden lightning tornadoes, violently spurting toward the descending God’s Punishment Attack!

The space bursts along the way, and all matter is annihilated in the thermonuclear breath.

The wind and snow stopped, as if a ray of eternal light appeared from the bottom to the top between the heavens and the earth. The breath of the particles carried an unstoppable momentum, instantly pierced through two divine punishments, and rushed down into the endless sea of stars outside the realm.


The dragon’s mouth closed, the crimson light surging under the dragon’s scales disappeared, and the high-temperature burning air made an abnormal noise.

In the void, the almost transparent Angry Lord Projection did not choose to continue to shoot, but only took a deep look at the alien red dragon, and the phantom gradually disappeared.

Through the confrontation just now, the angry lord has already figured out the strength of the alien red dragon, and has reached the limit of the power that the main material plane can withstand.

It is impossible for Koschurch to leave his kingdom of God for a dead voter. That is too dangerous. In the event of an accident, his abyss will be deprived of his divine personality, and there is a high possibility of a divine fall event.

After all, he and these two demigods do not have any hatred for the time being. As for the faith in this continent, if you lose it, you will lose it. There are endless planes in the endless star sea, and it is no big deal.

This red dragon just doesn’t have a priesthood for the time being, so he can’t condense his own godhead from a high position. Besides, he is almost equivalent to a true **** with weaker divine power.

Koschurch knew very well what it would mean once such a demigod appeared on the Material Plane. As long as there was no accident, the red dragon would be conferred a god.

At that time, the main material plane has evolved into a kingdom of gods, and has the divine power to change the laws of the planes. In his own kingdom of gods, he is invincible.

The Pit Lord has enough enemies, and he doesn’t want to make enemies for himself.

Yize didn’t know that the angry lord had already treated him equally, he felt a little regret, why this abyss lord didn’t come with his body, didn’t they all say that the devil is a madman with a confused mind, and he is so calm.

He also intends to join hands with Ikales to hunt the true **** and **** the supreme godhead.

He turned to look at Ikales, and in the turbulent mist of shadows, he felt a force that almost destroyed the world.

Even if he didn’t make a move just now, presumably this 10,000-year-old skeleton could easily block it.

“Ikaras, I helped you stop God’s punishment, you owe me a favor.”

Ize bared his teeth, and the shadow mist around the flames that sputtered out from the gaps burned away.

The Undead Grand Duke was a little speechless. He had finished singing the spell just now, but he didn’t expect the red dragon to move faster and take the lead, otherwise it would be his turn to tell him.

Really shameless.

He snorted coldly, his scarlet eyes faint: “Targaryen, look at what you have done, use the ultimate power of the plane to scare my prey away, you owe me a godhead!”

“Old guy, are you still shameless?!”

Ize looked down at him, flames bursting from between his scales, if he didn’t know the details of this old guy, he would really want to slap him to death.

“Why, don’t you admit it? Because of your impulse, I missed the opportunity to become a god!”

Yi Ze was so angry that he rolled out two hot white smoke from his nostrils, and sneered: “Since you are so capable, you have been sealed by the gods for ten thousand years?”

“Red Dragon! You exposed my scar, is your skin itchy again?!”

“Old guy, I wanted to beat you for a long time! Let me tear apart your bones today! Rua!”

The furious red dragon turned on the violent mode, the thermonuclear storm and the dark fire collided, countless high-level magic hedges, and the vast psionic energy danced wildly!

There were big explosions in this dead place, the space was torn apart, the plates shook, glaciers for dozens of kilometers collapsed, the Wanren Xuefeng collapsed, the ice and snow turned into magma, and the thermonuclear radiation permeated.

Within their fighting range, devastating waves swept across ten directions, the shock wave spreading in ripples around the collapsed storm cliffs, and no other living creatures were around.

Even in the far north, you can feel the powerful majesty of the demigods.

The biological atomic furnace in Yize’s body is running rapidly, providing powerful energy support for his dragon His red-gold pupils gradually filled with red, and the surface of his body also overflowed with golden particles and flames, magic and magic. Spiritual energy dances together, and in this state, the mighty Red Dragon Emperor is like a god.

On the other side, the Undead Grand Duke held the half-artifact Netherfire Embrace, and the surrounding shadow mist was dispelled by the Dragon King’s high temperature, revealing his burly body.

Although the imposing manner is not as good as the Red Dragon Emperor, the magical heritage accumulated over ten thousand years makes him enough to deal with any crisis. With the blessing of Netherfire Embrace, any spell can burst out the greatest damage, even with Yize’s physique. suffer, and be hurt.

This was an evenly matched battle. Ikales’ body was pierced by the minions of the Red Dragon Emperor, and the bones were scorched black, while Ize’s dragon body was flowing with blood as hot as magma.

“Enough, Red Dragon, do you want to completely destroy this place?”

(Do you think I’m broken again? Hmph, it’s just too late.)

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