Red Dragon Roar

Chapter 469

Chapter 434: Two-Headed Dragon

An active volcano that has been immersed for hundreds of years in the Valley of Flames suddenly erupted into a riot.

The ground shook, thick smoke billowed in the sky, and the huge fire column of magma rushed into the sky dozens of kilometers in rage, and then countless huge lava like meteorites smashed tens of kilometers away.

The sky collapsed, and with the scene of the end of the world, a two-headed dragon with a length of 100 meters flew out from the magma fire column.

It **** the wings of mixed five-color dragon scales, and its physical features are like the stitched bodies of all colored dragons.

The two ferocious dragons let out a low roar, unscrupulously releasing their violent and evil aura into the world.

“Oh, what a wonderful taste. Compared with the cruel Avernus, the world is like a weak newborn child, which makes the dragon salivate.”

“Is this the suppression of the complete main material plane? If it wasn’t for the mother of dragons to tear apart the barriers of the plane with supreme divine power, I would probably be countered to death with my strength, thank the mother of dragons.”

It fell to the edge of the volcano and muttered to itself. The irregularly long tail covered with bone spurs curled up on the mountain peak. Every sweep was enough to make the surrounding space ripple and make the entire mountain sway.

It opened its dragon wings, and even every dragon scale was erected, the heart part emitted a strong light, and the magic power in the area of 100 miles was rolling towards it.

This is how the two-headed dragon perceives the world, and it is also adapting to the laws of heaven and earth on this main material plane.

It took a deep breath, and the expression was exaggerated to the extreme enjoyment.

“There is no real god’s breath, although there are a few weak reptiles, but in this world, I am a god. Perhaps, I can still capture the heart of the plane, and this continent will become my kingdom of God from now on!”

“But before that, I have to deal with the entrustment of the Mother of Evil Dragons, and after the alien dragon is dealt with, I will slowly enjoy the fruits of victory.”

“However, since that guy has something that even the mother of dragons covets, maybe I can get a piece of the pie.”

Its two dragon heads said separately, both showing their fangs, the depths of their eyes were full of greed, and they were full of strong possessiveness towards this world.

“It’s time to go, now, first go to destroy that guy’s empire, then plunder all his dependents and treasures, and finally slaughter his head in an invincible manner to enjoy the fruits of victory.”

After adapting to the laws of the plane, the two-headed dragon could no longer feel the slightest suppression. It held its head high, and its size rose again.

The exaggerated body is close to 150 meters, the thick dragon wings cover the sky and the sun, and the terrifying coercion that slopes down is boundless, like a true **** descending.

“This seat will be the place where I ascend to God!” The two-headed dragon whispered in horror like a devil.

The dragon wings fluttered and took off, and the soaring magma fire column wrapped the body and flew towards the nearby mountains.

It has already felt that this scarlet valley with a radius of thousands of kilometers is the territory of the red dragon, and it will use the authority of the mother of evil dragons to recruit a group of its own relatives.

Flame Nest.

The red dragon Aurelion walked out of his lair, flew to the highest peak, and looked at the flames shrouded in the western sky with a solemn face.

Her current body size has grown to fifty meters. After her bloodline has returned to her ancestors, she has become a genuine ancestor dragon. Even if she is only about three hundred years old, she already exudes a powerful aura that is not weaker than ordinary ancient dragons, and possesses epic-level power.

Even so, she felt the huge pressure from the fast-moving flames.

And this kind of special dragon power, she has only experienced up close to her younger brother, the current Red Dragon Emperor Ize Targaryen.

Is it Eze?

But why is this breath so different?

If it weren’t for him, who else in Elbaf would have this near-divine power?

“Mother, I sensed an unprecedented danger.” Aurelion bowed his head to the red dragon next to him.

“It’s not Yize, although it is very similar, it is a veritable mobile natural disaster, but the aura is completely different. That thing may not be Elbaf’s native life form at all.”

The Flame Dragon Mother stood on the main peak with her head held high. Since then, she has adapted to the power of the bloodline of the ancestors of the Red Dragon. The age of nearly 2,300 years represents unparalleled knowledge, and she is trying her best to dig out her own bloodline every day. the power of.

The inside of her body is changing almost all the time. The violent replication and proliferation of her own cells is directly reflected in the skyrocketing level of her body shape.

The dragon’s body is nearly 80 meters, and the dragon’s tail of 70 meters is included, and the body is simply unbelievably huge.

Each magnificent dragon scale is attached with high-temperature flames, the dragon horns are entangled into a crown, and the claws and teeth are the most indestructible things in the world. In terms of appearance, it is already the most perfect embodiment of all the red dragons in the multiverse.

“You mean, that thing may be the arrival of a true **** from outside the realm?!”

“It’s hard to say, but even if it’s not a true god, it’s not far away.”

The Flame Dragon Mother bowed her body and roared vigilantly: “Be vigilant, it’s coming to us.”

“Could it be that even the mother is not its opponent?”

These days, Aurelion already knew that his mother had embarked on the road of consecration, and that there was a weak divinity in her body.

When she completely masters the bloodline of the ancestor of the ancestors of the red dragon, she will almost be able to officially ignite the divine fire, which is an extraordinary life form that is infinitely close to a demigod.

The Flame Dragon Mother didn’t answer, and a pair of perfect gilt vertical pupils stared at the fast-moving flames in the sky. Judging from the power alone, it was really similar to Yize.

She let out a roar of dragon roar, and the seventeen red dragons stationed around the Flame Mountains gathered to roar. The Flame Legion, full of high fighting spirit, also walked out of the magma, and faced the fire clouds.

The Black Dragon, the Grand Duke of Venomous Blood, Pandaria crawls in front of the Flame Dragon Mother with a flattering face.

With his cunning wisdom as a black dragon, he has already guessed that the flame dragon mother is ready to fight, but now in this world, who is the opponent of the powerful Red Dragon Legion?

Even the Grand Duke of the Undead who ruled the Southern Border, his Undead Legion is nothing but a group of skeletons that are ready to collapse. During this time, the two sides have fought many times, each time ending with the victory of the Red Dragon Army.

Coupled with the fact that the Dragon Mother, the Dragon of the Conferred God, serves as the head coach, apart from the great master, Pandaria can’t think of how to lose, this will be a sure-win battle!

“Your majesty, the great Empress Dowager of the Flame Dragon, the war is coming, your army has been refurbished, and the expansion of the empire has been unstoppable. I would like to be the vanguard and welcome the first battle of your triumphant return with a destructive victory, and unscrew all the enemies. dedicate the head to my king.”

The flame dragon mother looked at the little black dragon cub with a surprised Although she was usually greedy for life and fear of death, she never thought that she would have such courage in front of a powerful enemy.

If that’s the case, let him try the depth of the enemy. Although his strength is a little bit worse, he has barely become an epic.

“Go, be careful, don’t die. That thing is very strong, maybe I’m not an opponent.” The Flame Dragon Mother kindly reminded.


Pandaria turned around abruptly. He was dumbfounded when he saw the cloud of fire that was as thick as lava.

Almost in an instant, the lava fire cloud has come to the sky above the nest of flames, and the two-headed dragon hidden in it opened its evil dragon eyes and looked down at the earth.

Then it uttered a sinister roar, and these powerful creatures were suitable for his family.

“The reptile below, ready to meet the great prince of color, follow me, and I will give you power!”

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