Red Dragon Roar

Chapter 66

Chapter 63: New King Ascends The Throne

Half an hour later, the Red Dragon clan headed for Kazarin with all the resources they could bring.

There are four or five thousand people in the entire huge monster army. In front of them are fierce tauren and ogres, the wolf cavalry is on the right, and in the middle is a group of mountain giants carrying the corpses of Earth Titans shaking the ground. The flying dragon and Chimera guarded the sky, and they spread their wings, casting a huge shadow on the ground.

With such a mighty power, before the monster army officially entered Kazarin, it caused countless creatures to crawl on the ground and tremble.

The three-headed real dragons fly in the sky with pure dragon power, especially the huge red dragon that is completely incompatible with its age, his sharp claws all over the joints and the large bone spurs protruding from the back of the spine. , just looking at it from a distance is enough to make one’s heart shudder.

The red dragon swooped down from the sky quickly, and every time the huge dragon wing flapped its fan, it could set off a hurricane. Whether it was yellow sand or gravel, it was an exaggerated dust storm wherever it passed.

The monsters looked at the mighty and powerful red dragon in front of them, and their eyes were full of incomparable adoration, as if they could smell the coming **** battles one after another!

The red dragon’s declaration of war made the monsters realize that the end of the dragon-titan war was not the end, but the beginning of a new era. They believed that under the leadership of the great red dragon, they would conquer all enemies and dominate the entire southern border. land.

As we got closer to Kazarin, the wilderness gradually began to show its vitality, green grass and low shrubs scattered everywhere, and the species gradually increased.

In front of you is a virgin forest with an average height of 30 meters. The huge trees stretch into pieces, extending infinitely to the east and west, and you can’t see the end at a glance. Even though Izawa was prepared in his heart, he was still deeply shocked by the creation of nature.

But in the blink of an eye, he put the last remaining shock behind him, but couldn’t help but be ecstatic.

He is now the real master of Kazarin, which means that all the resources of the forest will belong to him. As long as he is given enough time, he will create an invincible monster army.

If Huang Yangang just provided him with a small platform to stand on his feet, then Kazarin will truly become his springboard for the entire southern Xinjiang and even the whole world!

Sitting on a fertile virgin forest, he is confident that he will gain a firm foothold in this strange land world in an extreme time, have a powerful army that no force can ignore, and grow into a powerful red dragon lord!

And Kazarin is the foundation of his ability to implement all this!

The monster army drove in with unparalleled momentum, and the news of Master Kazarin’s defeat seemed to have come back, and no monsters hindered him along the way.

At the beginning, the aborigines of Kazarin could not imagine how powerful an enemy was to kill the mighty giant, until they saw the daunting red dragon and the corpse of the Earth Titan carried by the mountain giant. Lin’s countless creatures kept silent.

“The natives of this forest don’t seem to welcome me very much.”

The released mage eyes detected many secret peeping eyes, the red dragon bared his teeth, and the dragon horns protruding from his cheeks made him look even more ferocious and terrifying than the black dragon known as the ‘skeleton dragon”.

Yize opened his mouth and let out a mad dragon roar, and the pure dragon power spread out. Except for the Red Dragon clan, almost all creatures trembled under his unmatched power.

The secretly peeping eyes disappeared, and a few seconds later, one after another, birds and beasts appeared one after another, paying homage to Kazarin’s new uncrowned king and this unstoppable army of monsters.

Deep in Kazarin.

It’s a vast open area full of mutilated boulder foundations and crumbling giant statues. In the middle is what looks like a simplified version of the Parthenon, supported by several huge stone pillars.

Inside the temple, there are several incomplete giant statues with only half bodies left on both sides, and a megalithic throne with several deep cracks in some years.

Obviously, this used to be the palace of the Earth Titan, and now he is back, but in the form of a corpse, and he has also brought back a more powerful new master.

“A savage is a savage, and the palace is so broken that it looks like a hut for the poor.”

Yize sneered, with the eyes of a real dragon, especially the red dragon who loves money like his life, this dilapidated relic that reveals the ancient times is indeed too shabby, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a shabby house.

Because in the inheritance memory of the dragon family, the lair of many powerful dragons is a magnificent castle, where precious magic items and picturesque and wonderful works of art can be seen everywhere.

In his eyes, this prehistoric ruin, where he could not find any valuables, was like a ruin.

The red dragon stepped on the megalithic throne. This unusually huge stone throne was a little crowded for him. The main reason was that the huge dragon wings far exceeding normal real dragons could not be placed. Even if it’s restrained, it feels like it’s handicapped.

He had to use Transfiguration to shrink his body a little to be able to lie on top of it completely, but since it was not a throne tailor-made for a real dragon, no matter how he adjusted his posture, he felt awkward.

As soon as he ascended the throne, this red dragon began to think that the palace must be demolished and rebuilt, not to mention the splendor, at least it must be in line with his identity as the lord of the red dragon.

The red dragon turned his head and let out a long low roar towards his clan. The dragon’s roar came from afar and gradually covered the entire Kazarin.

Then I saw that almost continuous monsters knelt on the ground toward the red dragon, starting from the red dragon clan to countless other monsters that followed.

In the next second, countless loud roars sounded, and the sound rose from wave to wave, shaking the entire Kazarin.

This is the hype of the monsters, the fall of the old king, and the birth of a new king.

The red dragon just lay quietly on the throne, with a pair of dragon eyes ignoring all the dragon-born family members. He knew that this was an indispensable process of becoming a great lord. Aboriginal identity or surrender.

From now on, the rule of giants has completely disappeared, and the master of Kazarin has been replaced by this majestic and supreme red dragon.

After a long time, the red dragon let out a low roar to stop the restlessness of the clan under his command.

He knew that if he didn’t stop it, with the urine nature of this group of monsters, he would probably cry for three days and three nights before he was willing to give up.

ps: Thank you buddy for your reward and support!

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