Red Dragon Roar

Chapter 74

Chapter 69: Undead

Warwick retreats with the Meow Axe, the name Eze gave to his axe.

Although Warwick really couldn’t understand why His Majesty gave this fierce-looking battle axe such a strange name.

How can a cute little pet like a cat have anything to do with a powerful killing weapon like an axe? Is this the contrasting cuteness that has become popular in human society recently?

Warwick murmured, although he really wanted to name this axe something like “Wolf Tooth Axe”, but, forget it, Miao Miao Axe is Miao Miao Axe, after all, it was named by the great master.

A few minutes later, the tauren entered the temple with a dozen or so complete monster corpses, including two tauren, four ogres, seven gnolls, five giant wolves, and three chimeras.

In fact, in the war with the Earth Titan, a lot of monsters died on both sides, but because the monsters were too ferocious, the death of most of the monsters was quite miserable.

The red dragon asked the tauren to carry the monster corpse into a separate room. Looking at the bad environment in front of him, Yize felt a little helpless. He remembered that many mages had their own mages towers for various magic experiments. For safety, some even built the mages towers in a hidden half plane. , usually use teleportation to enter and exit.

Yize is also a high-level mage now, and he doesn’t even have a decent independent space. The poor experimental conditions made him mutter, and in the future, he must build the world’s largest and most deceitful mage tower for himself to be worthy of his great identity as a true dragon.

Ize used polymorphism to shrink his body. His current size is too large to make precise operations on the corpse.

Although some data of the necromancer’s spell book has been missing for a long time, there are also many leftovers, including the production method of the construct golem.

The so-called constructs are mostly activated objects and unnatural objects created by magicians. From the perspective of modern people, they are a bit like the so-called “magic robots”. The golem, a powerful, magically-made machine creature, is one of the most perfect works in the category of constructs.

Golems are very different from other constructs in that they contain living powers—golems draw magical life from an elemental soul, usually an earth elemental spirit summoned from the Inner Plane.

The process of creating a golem is like tying the earth element to a man-made body, which merges with this specially prepared vessel and is subject to the will of the creator.

It is important to remind that golems are not cheap cannon fodder, but expensive fighting machines.

They do not need to breathe, eat or sleep. They have powerful magic immunity and physical resistance. They also have terrible attack power. They can protect those nests, residences, tombs and treasure houses. specified task.

It is precisely because of so many advantages that golems are respected by countless people, which also establishes the status of golems in constructs.

Of course, the golem also has one of the biggest characteristics, that is, it is very expensive.

The production of each golem requires expensive alchemy materials, and also needs to use powerful magic power to create an internal driving device, and finally brand it with various required construction characteristics, in order to play the golem maximum power.

All kinds of complicated manufacturing techniques or alchemy techniques make most people stop, which is doomed, golems can only be made by some powerful mages.

Yize was a PM who led a running group in his previous life, and he knew this very well, but after all, this is a real fantasy world, not a tabletop role-playing game like Dungeons and Dragons. The reality is much more complicated than what he knew. .

Flesh golems generally use stolen corpses, cut off some useful organs or limbs, and use thick ropes, wires and metal nails to carefully sew the corpse’s stumps into a terrifying deformed life. The whole looks like an extremely twisted, deformed, and creepy **** monster.

Eze didn’t have any expertise like ‘surgery”, so he planned to use complete monster corpses as raw materials. If these dead monsters appeared in human society, I am afraid they would be robbed by countless mages in the first time.

After all, no matter where a powerful monster corpse appears, it is a very precious alchemy or magic material.

It can be said that Yize used the complete monster corpse for experiments, which is already a very local tyrant’s practice. If many human mages know about it, it is estimated that they will shout slogans such as prodigal sons.

But he doesn’t care, isn’t it just a corpse? He is the master of Kazarin, has a powerful monster army, and has a lot of raw materials.

“Sleep you are paralyzed, get up! (manipulate the corpse

Eze shamelessly shouted the basic spell in the ancient dragon language. At the same time, the complete spell model had been constructed. The magical aura formed a perfect spell circuit, and a mysterious spell was formed in his hand that exuded the breath of death. He couldn’t help but shoot directly into the body of a gnoll.

However, nothing strange happened.

The gnoll’s body was still lying motionless on the ground without any response.

“Is there a problem with the spell?” Yize said to himself, “No, the spell model constructed is very complete, and there is no fault in the magic circuit. The generated death spell has a strong shadow element, which is incompatible with the spell book. The description is generally the same.”

After careful analysis, Ize was convinced that this was a very successful spellcasting, so since the problem had nothing to do with the spell, it was obviously on the corpse.

He stared at the monster’s corpse and was about to dissect it for examination when the target corpse suddenly moved.

Yize noticed that the shadow element in the target’s body suddenly became denser, and a cluster of blue flames suddenly ignited from his heart. Yize did not feel any obvious heat, and the temperature in the room even dropped slightly.

This is the heart of undead creatures – soul fire!

Immediately afterwards, the mutilated fingers of the target’s corpse trembled. This movement was like a chain reaction. It suddenly opened its eyes. The pale eyeballs had gray bloodshots, but there was a twinkle in the depths of their eyes. An eerie blue light.

“Hey, it actually became… It’s just this delay, it’s comparable to China Unicom.” Yize really didn’t know how to complain.

The dead gnoll stood up from the ground, and its limbs looked extremely stiff. Eze knew that this was not a golem, but a zombie awakened by necromantic magic. It belonged to the lowest undead. Although it was not afraid of death, it acted. Slowly, any adult gnoll can easily decapitate it.

ps: It is only 4 fans away from breaking the 100, and you can see the qualitative change caused by the quantitative change!

Dude, look at you!

On the six frequency recommendation position, please collect and recommend!

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