Red Dragon Roar

Chapter 81

Chapter 76: Wake

A large amount of sulphur gas evaporated from the red dragon to wrap him, and the rich elemental magic power continued to surge along with his breathing.

Therefore, even the silver dragon Irelia, who occasionally returned to the treasure house, did not know what her brother had become now.

In fact, the change of the red dragon had ended as early as 8 months ago, but Ize did not wake up immediately.

The changes brought about by the deep sleep greatly enhanced his physique and ability to contain magic power. He could clearly feel that, whether it was the bone spurs protruding from the back of his back, or the more and more dragon horns growing out of his skull, it seemed It can greatly improve his spellcasting ability.

The abnormally fast growth rate has finally been eased, but it will take more time to fine-tune this new form to fit the body. However, for the extremely adaptable real dragon, it is like eating and drinking water. So simple.

Another five months passed, and the long breathing of the red dragon finally began to speed up. After reaching a certain critical point, Ize slowly opened his eyes.

The surrounding sulphur gas and elemental magic were inhaled into his lungs like a whale swallowing seawater, his sober mind returned, and a very high-temperature elemental flame swelled on the surface of his body, burning the dust off his body.

The ember halo had expanded to an exaggerated radius of fifty meters during the time he was sleeping, which almost enveloped the treasure house of integration. The high temperature that the halo radiated all the time made Irelia voluntarily move out after only three months of his sleep. Of course, there were still 99.9% of her treasures.

The rock floor below him was roasted red by the high temperature, but Yize didn’t feel anything. The temperature was still a little worse than the magma. However, he still restrained the burning ember aura, otherwise, no one in the entire Red Dragon clan would be able to approach him except Irelia.

After consciousness regained control of the body, the first thing Ize did was to get acquainted with this new physique. He can clearly feel that the strength of this body is probably several times that of the previous one, and under the continuous scouring of the huge magic power, his dragon scales already have strong magic resistance.

Compared with the siege crossbow that easily shot through the mountains before, even if that thing is enchanted with the “Armor Breaking” attribute, I am afraid that it can only leave a shallow white spot on his current dragon scale.

“I don’t know how my territory has become now.”

Ize muttered, while he was asleep, no one came to forcibly wake him up, which means that everything is developing according to the pre-determined trajectory.

The huge body of the red dragon stood upright, and the strong hind limbs were fully able to withstand the pressure from the body. He twisted his neck to look at his back.

– The dense group of bone spurs is like a coral cluster, along the back to the tail, a true dragon in this form has never been seen even by Ize who has searched the entire dragon family.

But he felt a little familiar.

If he didn’t have the wings to cover the sky and his neck was shortened a bit, he would be like a real dragon version… Godzilla?

However, it is only like.

He checked carefully and found that there was no “thermonuclear energy conversion organ of the body’s atomic furnace” in his body, but this antenna-like thing seemed to be very helpful for spellcasting.

But what is the effect, you need to try it slowly later.

Ize walked out step by step, every step of his now huge size is no less than causing a small-scale shock.

A heavy roar spread from the temple, and Irelia felt a familiar aura. She fluttered her wings and came out of her lair. She saw Ize, just glanced at it, and her mouth was completely stunned.

“you you you you?”

She stammered for a long time without saying why, but just stared at Ize dully with disbelief on her face.

It’s no wonder that Irelia was so surprised. The huge transformation of Yize’s body this time seems to have changed him. If she hadn’t felt the familiar aura from him, I’m afraid she wouldn’t have thought of it at the first time. iser.

Whether it was the fierce ramming horn on the nose bone or the group of bone spurs on the back, it made him look very different from the normal red dragon. Even the black dragon with a skeleton-like shape was far less terrifying than him.

Moreover, he is too big, this huge body is probably more than 20 meters, he stands upright, so that Irelia has to look up.

– Bahamut is on the top, she has never seen such a strong and fierce red dragon!

Even Daenerys, the mother of the flame dragon, looks like a normal red dragon, but she is bigger than him.

His current size is almost the same as the red dragon Aurelion, but Aurelion is a young red dragon who has lived for more than 200 years, and how old is Yize? Not even ten years old at all!

However, the fierce aura emanating from him was much stronger than what Aurelion felt to her.

Such a rapid growth rate makes Irelia, who is also a real dragon, feel ashamed, because her current size is only one or two times larger than when she left the nest from the Flame Mountains. Compared with Ize, she is completely Differences between adults and children.

“Irelia,” Eze stopped in front of her, looking down at her condescendingly, “my sister, how long have I been asleep?”

Yinlong stared straight ahead, she didn’t seem to hear what Ize was saying.


“Don’t tell me you didn’t recognize me?”

Yize couldn’t help thinking Although his appearance has changed a lot, his aura will never change.

“Brother, you’re facing me with a straight face. Are you in heat and want to mate?”

Irelia sighed and pointed at the murderous creature in front of her.

She is not ashamed. Many monsters of the Red Dragon clan don’t wear clothes. Regardless of whether they are male or female, all their organs and organs are exposed to the air. She has seen such scenes a lot.

What’s more, true dragons have always had a weak sense of shame. They are perfect creatures, and there is no such thing as a so-called isolation. In theory, they can mate, mate and produce offspring with any creature. Feeling good-looking, will raise the urge to want to mate.

This is also why real dragons are rare, but there are so many sub-dragons and pseudo-dragons. Nowadays, there are many races on the road of Elbaf that contain dragon blood.



what the hell!

He is only a child at his age!

Ize lowered his head and followed Irelia’s gaze. Because of her standing upright, the huge monster was facing Irelia’s face.

This position…

Yize shyly retracted his avatar into his body, he swears, he never has that filthy idea!

What bites and throats, is he such a dragon?

“Cough cough…”

He coughed twice, but fortunately, his newly grown “face” was so thick that he couldn’t tell whether he was blushing at all.

“Irelia, is the situation of the Red Dragon clan okay?”

ps: Ask for collection, ask for recommendation!

Taken from the “Black Dragon Code”, Luna is so cute.

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