Red Dragon Roar

Chapter 89

Chapter 81: Winter Mountains

The Frozen Snowfield is a plateau that is covered with snow all year round. It is located in the southwest of southern Xinjiang and borders the west of Kazarin, occupying almost a quarter of the huge southern Xinjiang.

The climate is harsh, the food is poor, and it is a truly barren land.

The cold wind roared down from the frozen snowfield, bringing the ice, snow and cold to the surrounding areas, and the heaven and earth were gradually covered with a layer of plain white.

The climate-sensitive Red Dragon obviously feels that the temperature has dropped a lot. As the altitude increases and the weather becomes more and more severe, the vegetation that spreads from the virgin forest gradually sparses, and finally there is a huge road that almost stretches across it. The entire southern border region came to an abrupt stop in front of the Winter Mountains.

Yize was a little absent-minded, even the mighty ancient red dragon seemed extremely insignificant in the face of the magical power of nature.

There is no doubt that the Winter Mountains are a huge moat, which almost blocks 90% of the eyes and peeps of Elbaf Continent. In this extremely cold place with few people, it is full of the most primitive mystery and danger in the world.

“If you want to conquer the snowfield, the Red Dragon clan must first conquer the winter, otherwise, the word conquest will be meaningless.”

The red dragon made a dull whisper, and the dark red dragon eyes looked at the towering snow-capped mountain in front of him, and then the dragon’s wings were shocked and quickly flew to the top of the snow-capped mountain.

The steep snow-capped mountain may be an insurmountable chasm for ordinary creatures, but for a sky overlord like Zhenlong, it is just a higher mountain.

The ember aura was greatly weakened in the extremely cold land, so just as Ize entered the radiation range of the Winter Mountains, he spontaneously transformed into a frost aura that was more suitable for the current harsh environment. With the acquired resistance to freezing immunity, he did not feel any discomfort even when he came to the low temperature environment that Red Dragon hated the most, facing the cold and biting snowstorm on the top of the snow mountain.

Yize found a relatively gentle hill and fell down. Looking back from here, he could see the virgin forest that stretched for thousands of miles. The emerald green that could not be seen at a glance, and the frozen snowfield revealed a deadly and desolate pale atmosphere, forming a two A brightly colored extreme.

Ling Lie’s cold wind was like a sharp knife cutting his dragon scales. He couldn’t help but secretly rejoiced that he was fortunately reborn as a red dragon instead of a white dragon living on the ice field. Otherwise, living in this harsh environment every day would probably be The dragon head is going crazy.

It is no wonder that the white dragon is the five-colored dragon with the lowest intelligence. The environment here is harsh, the temperature is cold, and the low temperature makes their thinking slow, and it is normal for their brains to be frozen.

Ize couldn’t help but spit out in his heart.

The towering Winter Mountains have all the characteristics of a cold and snowy mountain.

– Steep ice walls that can be seen everywhere, dark valleys formed between icebergs that go straight up and down, and mountain tops that are like sharp blades piercing the clouds.

Of course, there are the constant blizzards all year round, and all kinds of harsh environments are enough to keep out any creatures that are not part of winter.

Passing over this huge mountain range that straddles the southern border, it is a glacier with no end in sight. Legend has it that in the depths of this vast icefield, there is an unfathomable howling abyss, which is a real forbidden place. Even adult white dragons and frost giants dare not stay for a long time.

Yize gradually retracted his gaze. He has no plans to go to the endless glacier for the time being. The ancient and mysterious Winter Mountains are enough for him to explore for a long time.

Braving the biting icy wind, the red dragon flew at a low altitude between the towering snow-capped mountains, occasionally landing on an iceberg with sharp edges and corners.

If it weren’t for his red scales and armor, which was out of tune with the surrounding wind and snow, his vigorous posture made him look like a white dragon that lived on a glacier since he was a child.

Of course, it is a shame to describe a proud red dragon with the white dragon of the dragon family’s shame.

The climate of the Winter Mountains seems to be much worse than the Endless Glacier. The red dragon flew along the mountain range for a long time. Except for a constant layer of ice and snow, he has not seen any living creatures.

“Could it be that the Winter Mountains are a dead place where even cold creatures are unwilling to survive?”

Yize found a very hidden ice cave, and he could not see the traces of the claws excavating, but he did not rule out the possibility that the claw marks were re-frozen by the subsequent wind and snow.

Compared with the red dragon, the ice cave is much smaller. If the huge dragon body of 20 meters is compared with the white dragon of the same size, it is at least the size of an old white dragon or a very old white dragon.

This is also the reason why Yize dares to explore the Winter Mountains by himself. With his current strength, he has been able to disdain the vast majority of glacial creatures. Even if he meets a white dragon of the same size, he will make those dragons with low intelligence. Shame knows that Glacier isn’t just home to the White Dragons.

Yize shrunk in size, about the size of a normal baby red dragon. Compared with his fierce and ferocious body, the reduced appearance looked indescribably cute.

He restrained his breath and walked in with a few steps. The ice cave was not large and did not appear to be deep. He only went around a corner and reached the end.

Here he made new discoveries.

– Several snow worm caves of different shades, under the keen eyes of the red dragon, he even saw a few white worms that were twisting and wriggling, trying to get into the ice.

Snow worms are long and fat worms that live in ice and snow environments. They are found in every corner of the glacier. They look like crystal clear ice silkworms. Their flesh is plump and juicy and rich in nutrients. One of my favorite foods.

Yize just glanced at it and then retracted his gaze, just thinking about the soft and greasy cotton-like texture of snow bugs, which tasted more like carrion, he felt disgusted.

It has to be said that since childhood, there was a powerful Red Dragon Lady covering her, and his standard of living was indeed much better than that of other real dragons.

The first meal was a delicious fire lizard, and in the following days it was fed on ferocious and ferocious animals. His tastes had already been cultivated, eating soil, ore, insects, and carrion. This is the behavior of the weak, and the strong The Red Dragon is naturally disdainful.

In addition, he also found some animal skeletons in the cave, all of which were frozen stiff and piled randomly in the corners like popsicles.

The cave is filled with a faint dragon’s might, and there are various signs that this should be the lair of a white dragon, but I don’t know whether it is a young dragon or a young dragon.

ps: Frozen Snowfield, a new map in the future, the character building in the book review area is collecting characters!

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