Red Dragon Roar

Chapter 95

Chapter 87: Hesitate And You Will Lose!

The frost giant looked at the red dragon cub in front of him. He was deeply indulged in its perfect shape and could not extricate himself.

He made up his mind that no matter what the price was, he would capture this red dragon alive!

The frost giant was so excited that he could hardly contain the intense excitement in his heart, causing his entire body to tremble slightly.

This is just a cub of a red dragon. Its combat power may be far inferior to that of the young white dragon I saw just now, so I don’t need to be nervous at all.

The frost giant took a deep breath. Yes, there is only this red dragon in his eyes now. As for the timid white reptile, he has long since forgotten where it was thrown.

Research by the “Continental Mage Association” shows that:

-Although white dragons have obvious animal nature, thick scales and slender limbs make them look clumsy, but in fact, they are as fast and agile as other real dragons. Their slightly lower intelligence than other dragons is not enough to provide them with cunning tactical thinking, but their long-term loneliness of survival makes it easier for white dragons to stimulate the primitive instincts of beasts and become the best among all dragons hunter. This group of white lizards, raised on frigid glaciers, knows good hiding places and the best ambush sites, and their hunting methods are not only clever but also ruthless, often able to kill with one blow.

“Remind all human adventurers that if they find traces of white dragons in glaciers or snow-capped mountains, it is best to offer them enough precious wealth immediately. Blindly escaping will only accelerate your death.” – “Report on the Research on Elbaf Dragons” “Merlin

The Samoyed quietly crawled out of the darkness at the corner. The unique toe structure of the white dragon was different from other real dragons, which allowed her to crawl on the ice without making any noise.

This dragon beast that grew up bloodthirsty has a more cruel and violent behavior than the normal white dragon. Otherwise, it would not have attacked Yize the moment he saw the red dragon!

Those scarlet eyes revealed fierce light, and Samoyed stared at the frost giant who had been listed as an enemy by her. As long as she found the right opportunity, she could bite off his neck!

The frost giant was carrying a mace, with a ferocious gleam on his face. He greedily looked at the red dragon cub in front of him, already fantasizing that he would become the unique red dragon knight in the tribe, able to enslave a red dragon as a slave , his status in the tribe will also rise, and he may become the leader of the tribe in the future.

“Little red dragon cub, you should be very clear in your heart that you are not the opponent of a great frost giant, so be my pet, don’t try to resist, this is nothing but a severe beating for you. benefit.”

The frost giant slowly approached the red dragon with a sinister smile, and the mace in his hand was always ready to hit the red dragon that might suddenly explode, but at this moment, a white figure suddenly passed by behind him!

The Samoyed had been gathering momentum in the dark for a long time, but it was just a pounce, and the six-meter-long white dragon easily threw it to the ground.

She stomped on the frost giant’s wrist with her strong claws to prevent him from continuing to fight back with the mace. The barbs and serrations on the claws were supposed to be better for walking on the ice, but now it has completely turned into war. Tool, she easily tore the tough muscles on the Frost Giant’s wrist and pierced it hard.

“It’s you, that white reptile!”

The frost giant screamed in horror. The cub of the red dragon attracted all his attention, making him forget that there was a young white dragon who was not weak in the ice cave. He was ambushed by the white dragon due to his carelessness. !

“Despicable maggots! How dare you attack me, don’t let me catch you, or I will twist your head off to make a urinal, I will eat your flesh and blood, and feed your dirty internal organs to yours Fellow clan! I will skin you and dismantle you, burn your soul with fire, and make you die!”

The frost giant screamed and spit out vicious curses in giant language, but Samoyed couldn’t understand it at all. Her bloodthirsty eyes did not reveal any emotional fluctuations, but just regarded this ambush as a simple hunt.

Just as she hunted winter wolves and yaks on the icefield, it was no different.

Yes, her mouth even began to drip with icy cold ambergris.

She was beaten by the master of the red dragon for one night, and the snowy yak she finally captured was presented as a tribute to the red dragon for dinner. She was already very hungry.

She stepped on the frost giant’s body with her forelimbs, and the dragon’s tail wrapped around his legs. She was not going to give the frost giant any chance to resist.

– Samoyed bit down without hesitation, his big mouth full of rows of sharp teeth, bit his neck under the horrified eyes of the frost giant, the real dragon can bite the strong bite force of steel, almost It bit through the throat and artery of the frost giant in an instant.

Ice blue blood kept coming out, sucking this sweetness, Samoyed’s scarlet eyes finally showed a crazy She swallowed the blood of the frost giant, this ice blue blood. Blood contains powerful frost energy, which is simply the favorite of Samoyeds.

“You bastard… how dare you… dare to kill me, I… my clan… will… will avenge me, they… can’t spare you, I… I curse you, you will… will be… , will…will die in the worst…worst form…die…die…”

The Frost Giant kept struggling to let out a whimper, but as the blood in his body continued to flow, the strength he was proud of was also quickly fading. Half a minute later, the Frost Giant lay motionless on the ground, his pupils wide open, Seeing no more life, apparently dead.

Samoyed sent a low dragon roar towards the body of the frost giant, and kept slapping his head back and forth with dragon claws. The bloodthirsty meaning in his eyes gradually faded after he found that he was indeed dead.

After killing a frost giant in seconds, Samoyed suddenly felt a little boring. She lowered her head to start eating. I don’t know if she suddenly remembered something. She ran to the master of the red dragon and knelt down obediently like a domestic dog.

The red dragon nodded slightly, this guy’s performance is not bad, although he attracted all the attention of the frost giant, but if he hadn’t cultivated a sharp hunting skills, he would never be able to achieve such a smooth one-shot kill!

In fact, if the frost giant had a one-on-one head-to-head fight with the white dragon, even if it was not the opponent of the white dragon, it would not lose too badly, and if there were companions around, it would not die because of it.

If you are careless, you will lose.

ps: Ask for collection, ask for recommendation!

Don’t forget to refill Izawa and sister Yinlong every day~

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