Red sand dust

Chapter 106 Accidents always come at the most critical moment

The sudden use of ninjutsu was obviously not Daimaru's true form.

"Is it really a puppet? In order to hide his position, he deliberately let the substitute puppet show its flaws!"

Temari, who accidentally hit the passenger car, did not panic. Instead, she swung her three-star fan and swept the iron handle across, knocking the vacuum jade and the stand-in puppet away.

"What a grumpy little girl!"

Audiences who could understand a little bit admired Temari's decisiveness.

However, even if it is just a puppet, it still makes me feel a little frightened when I look at it. If it were really hit like that, half of my life would be gone if I didn't die!

Sure enough, the puppet that was shot away again had its head tilted to the side. If it were a real person, its spine would probably be broken.

"Don't you know, be gentler? If I had lied just now, wouldn't I have been beaten to death by you?"

The joints all over the body were making clicking sounds. The puppet adjusted the broken parts, straightened its head, and moved it left and right. After it seemed to be nothing serious, it complained in a slightly hoarse mechanical voice.

"You deserve it. Who told you to talk nonsense and seek death yourself?"

"He is really a ruthless guy, and he doesn't know how to show compassion to his compatriots..."

The princess of the Sand Ninja will strike without mercy even when facing an opponent who is unconscious. She is so cold and intimidating that she has a cheerful personality and is more bold and cruel than boys of the same age.

Even if it is a "competition" that is more about performance than competition, Temari, who is stronger, will not be merciful.

Temari held the three-star fan behind her back, slightly bent her legs, charged up her arms, and then swung forward twice.

"Stop talking nonsense! Ninja: Feng Shachen!"

The fierce wind blew up the dust on the ground, blowing back the hidden weapon Senbon that the puppet shot casually, and swept across a large open space. The puppet Temari, who had been knocked to the ground before, was like a tattered rag doll, and was directly picked up by the strong wind and fell to the ground. On the ground, buried by wind and sand.

Not only that, the stand-in puppet that stretched out its arms to block was covered with a layer of fine sand, which accumulated thicker and thicker. A lot of sand was poured into the delicate and flexible joints, making it impossible for Daimaru's body to control it as he wished.

To make matters worse, Daimaru himself, who was hiding motionless in the corner of the trees on the sidelines, also appeared because of this layer of contaminated sand.

When the rolling sand passed through an area, it was obviously blocked by an invisible human-shaped object, but it disappeared inexplicably after a while.

Although Daimaru adjusts quickly, it only takes a blink of an eye, but as long as the eyes are not blind, any fool will know that there is a problem.

"Stop blowing, stop blowing, it's covered in sand and it's so annoying."

Daimaru reluctantly lifted the optical invisibility. There was no use hiding in front of Temari anyway, as he would be discovered sooner or later.

Although the arena is vast, the terrain limits a lot of performance. For example, Nara Shikamaru used shadow imitation to subdue Temari in a battle of wits. Without the hole that Uzumaki Naruto had previously drilled in the ground, there would have been no possibility of success.

"Are you finally willing to show up? This sneaky guy is really annoying..."

As she spoke, Temari showed a confident smile and challenged her head-on. The unrivaled Temari was confident of defeating her opponent.

"This is the fighting style of a puppet master!"

Even though Daimaru was not an orthodox puppet master, since the tactics were built around wind escape and puppetry, they were inevitably greatly affected. Besides, isn't it normal to kill enemies secretly on the battlefield?

"Since I can't deal with you this way, let's use another method!"

As Daimaru spoke, chakra concentrated on the soles of his feet, lowered his upper body, and galloped towards Temari at super fast speeds.

The stand-in puppet nearby also used Wind Release and Vacuum Jade to attack continuously, forcing Temari to spread her three-star fan in front of her to defend herself.

"I am also very strong when attacking from the front..."

Knowing that Temari's Wind Release Ninjutsu was very restrained in her already exposed tactics, she still continued reluctantly. If it weren't for the purpose of stalling for time, Daimaru wouldn't be so stunned, entangled in the area where his opponent is best at.

Close combat is Daimaru's chance to win.

Although Temari's taijutsu is not bad, it is still much weaker than the level of wind release ninjutsu. With his obviously burly physique, Daimaru had a lot of advantages.

As long as you get close, tie them tightly with chakra threads, and punch them one after another, the winner will be determined quickly, it depends on who can withstand it.

"A decisive battle!"

The corners of Temari's mouth raised slightly, and she was about to face the enemy head-on, using a powerful ninjutsu to defeat the enemy with one move, but unexpectedly, a petite shadow suddenly appeared from the soft sand under her feet and grabbed her right leg tightly!

"Is it this broken doll again?"

Temari raised her foot and kicked her away. This doll, whose face was almost the same as hers, had endured too much anger today and was no longer as graceful as before.

Immediately after closing the three-star fan, Temari used it as an iron rod and hit it hard on the stand-in puppet, which was obviously not very flexible anymore, completely paralyzing it.

Temari let out a breath of anger and once again looked at Daimaru himself, who was approaching. She opened her three-star fan completely, waved it confidently, and rushed towards Daimaru.

The boy couldn't avoid it, but the wind tornado that he collided with turned into a stream of light and disappeared in Temari's surprised eyes.

"Is it a phantom? Not good..."

Before she could react, the female sand ninja felt a figure coming behind her.

"Don't let me disappear from sight easily. It's very dangerous! Let you see how powerful I am..."

As Daimaru spoke, he stabbed Temari on the side of the neck with his left hand like a knife, making her feel dizzy. He grabbed the clothes with his right hand and exerted force suddenly...

"The wind is blowing and the clouds are flying..."


There was a crisp explosion, as if something had broken.

Daimaru was half-kneeling, maintaining a posture of exerting force, staring blankly at the broken dark red belt in his hand.

"This... the quality doesn't seem to be very good..."

Originally, I was planning to recite a few passionate ancient poems and use a powerful throwing technique to end the competition that had dragged on for a long time, but I didn't expect it to turn out like this.

Daimaru smiled awkwardly, holding the belt in both hands and handing it to Temari.

"Sorry, I used too much force..."

Originally, both of them were ninjas who were good at wind escape. The scattered wind blades were flying around, and it was natural for them to suffer minor injuries.

Daimaru habitually exerts the power of Wind Release Chakra on his hands. If he is not careful, he will cut the material of clothing with little protection, and then pull it violently...

Of course, Temari wears a relatively conservative skirt, so there is no chance of her being exposed.

The belt is only for restraining the body to prevent loose clothing from affecting the battle, and it also serves as an armed belt.

Unfortunately, this is not an excuse for Temari to forgive Daimaru for tearing her belt.

"You stupid pervert!"


Temari, furious, took the belt and punched Daimaru on the chin. There was a loud click, and after the crisp sound of dislocating the jaw, Daimaru fell to the ground foaming at the mouth.

"Winner, Temari!"

Shiranui Genma kicked Daimaru's calf, which had no reaction and twitched twice from time to time. After confirming that there was no reaction, he announced the result of the fourth round.

What was originally a close and exciting game ended like this. The stunned audience was stunned for a while, and then burst into laughter.

Unlike the previous victory that was praised by everyone, Daimaru, who lost in a very ridiculous way, was naturally ridiculed by everyone, and Temari, who won, also had a red face.

"It's such a shame to win like this!" No, competing with an idiot's Daimaru is stupid in itself. 』

There was a joyous atmosphere in the stands, and the medical team entered the field to take away the injured Dawan.

"No need for treatment, we sand ninjas will handle it ourselves."

Temari said, stopping the Konoha medical ninja, twisting the puppet where Daimaru fell with one hand, and dragging Daimaru by the collar of his clothes at the back of his neck, heading towards the staircase.

"Let them go, leave it alone!"

Shiranui Genma didn't care, and asked the medical team to leave and start preparing for the next competition.

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