Red sand dust

Chapter 36 The Place of Suspicion

The special jonin of Konoha's torture team was actually exploited by a genin of Sunagakure Village.

Speaking of retaliation, Morino Ihiki's mind is not so narrow-minded.

However, this summary report of the first test of the Joint Chuunin Examination must explain the causes and consequences of this abnormal situation to provide reference for similar tasks in the future.

The matter has come to this, and we have to find a way to remedy it.

If we continue to let things go, there will be no need to announce the tenth question, and there will be no need for the second team survival test in the Forest of Death.

There will be an early individual competition to determine the top ten players. After one month of participation, the final test in the third trial will be over.

"It would be a lot easier if it was this way, but it's a pity that it doesn't work!" 』

Morino Ihiki looked at the time, roughly estimated the number of remaining candidates, and then solemnly tapped the blackboard.

The sudden movement of the examiner Morino Ihiki made all the candidates present stop what they were doing.

Nara Shikamaru was sweating profusely with anxiety, Uzumaki Naruto was scratching his head and bewildered, Rock Lee and Akimichi Choji were waiting for support...

Ninjas who will be famous in the future are now looking at the serious Morino Ihiki as if they have met a great savior, waiting for the examiner to announce new matters.

Candidates with a little bit of brains were almost aware of the anomaly in this written test.

The difficulty of the exam is obviously beyond common sense, which is not in line with the original intention of the Chunin Exam. If no changes are made, this joint Chunin Exam will become a laughing stock.

It's certainly not what Konoha Village, the organizer of the Joint Chunin Examination, wants to see!

The person who made the first trial so embarrassing and so difficult to get off must be Daimaru, the despicable and shameless Suna ninja puppet master.

It's not that no one wants to change the situation, but this requires all candidates present to give up interfering with competitors' intelligence gathering.

Most senior students in ninja schools are exposed to theoretical scenarios similar to the Prisoner's Dilemma. Although they are not deeply involved, they still know a little bit about the basic principles.

It is the best choice to collectively put aside our prejudices and tide over the difficulties together, but we are unable to unite and cooperate.

The best choice for the individual, the best choice for the team, and the overall interests of the candidates present are completely at odds with each other.

Among competitors who cannot be trusted at all, even if they make an agreement in advance, there is no guarantee that someone will not set up obstacles for competitors who have not yet obtained the answer after getting the answer.

The team that had already written their answers and passed safely stood by and watched, sometimes adding fuel to the fire.

The genin who had not finished writing were helpless and watched helplessly as the unlucky ones who woke up too late like themselves slowly slipped into the abyss.

It is no longer possible for the candidates to save themselves. Only the invigilator has the ability and power to temporarily change the examination rules to remedy the situation.

Most of the candidates seemed to be greeted by rain after a long drought, but only Daimaru's expression changed drastically.

"Did you go too far and have the opposite effect?" 』

The most troublesome thing is that Kankuro is not in the examination room now. If he cannot come back in time, Kankuro will lose his qualifications for the examination, and it will affect Gaara and Temari, especially Gaara, if he does not qualify for the third test of the Joint Chunin Exam , it is definitely impossible to successfully liberate Ichibi Shukaku in the Chunin Exam.

If such a drastic change occurs, Konoha's collapse plan will definitely undergo major changes, and everything will slide in a completely uncontrollable and unfamiliar direction.

Thinking at a deeper level, if Gaara, Kankuro and Temari all stop the first written test, Daimaru will become the leader of the genin of Sunagakure Village in this joint chuunin exam. Some of the original Gaara, Temari and Kankaku The tasks Kuro is responsible for will definitely be completed by Daimaru.

Living on the edge of the "Konoha Collapse Plan" and waiting for opportunities, Daimaru is not too repelled, but he is deeply involved in it. With his current small body, can he really leave Konoha Village alive?

Daimaru looked at the time and saw that it was only five minutes past four. There were still ten minutes before the scheduled announcement of the tenth question. Can Kankuro make it back in time?

"You bunch of losers have really brought shame on the ninja profession!"

Morino Ihiki attracted the attention of the candidates present and patted the podium heavily.

"I originally had high expectations for you, but it seems I overestimated you. In view of this, I decided to announce the tenth test question in advance, and temporarily added a rule that will make you more desperate..."

Morinoi Hiki said this with a gloomy look on her face.

"Next, will it be a paradise of pleasure or a hell of pain for you? It's really exciting..."

"No, I'm going to suffer!" 』

Daimaru hurriedly informed Yami to send several signals to Qian. At the same time, the fingers of his hands shook slightly, and the secret technique of the puppet-Practice·Personal Resistance Technique was fully activated.

At the same time, Qianya knew about Daimaru's plan, but...

"Plan C for self-rescue in critical situations, is it already so dangerous?" 』

Although he had doubts, Qian, who fully trusted his teammates, started to carry out Daimaru's instructions without hesitation. He held a fan in his left hand, covered his face, gathered chakra all over his body, and activated his most sinister illusion, the secret medicine powder. The mixed genjutsu chakra was inhaled into Qian's nostrils.

In an instant, Qian's body began to tremble.

"It's ironic that the first person to bear the secret skill that I finally developed is myself!" 』

Following Daimaru's instructions, Chika launched a genjutsu attack on him, his expression changed, and his eyes lost focus.

Then in the blink of an eye, Qian's pupils became clear again, and his expression seemed to be a different person. It was Yamanaka Ino who took this opportunity to escape from the cage.

The panicked Konoha female ninja did not understand the situation at all, and hurriedly formed seals, terminated the secret technique of Heart Turning Technique, and her spirit quickly returned to her body.

Sensing Qian's movements, Daimaru quickly used puppet threads to suppress Qian's illusion reaction, blocking some nerves and easing his pain.

Ino Yamanaka, who hurriedly escaped, was not so lucky. After a delay of several seconds, the newly awakened kunoichi screamed in pain, and then fell on the table again, trembling all over.

The sudden change attracted the attention of candidates and examiners.

Morino Hiki, who was about to announce the new rules, frowned:

"what happened?"

Konoha Chuunin proctor Saint Simon, who was sitting next to Yamanaka Ino, stepped forward and checked Yamanaka Ino's condition.

"Unconscious, is it a sudden illness?"

Nara Shikamaru, who was worried about Yamanaka Ino, slammed the table and shouted:

"How is that possible? I've never heard of Ino being seriously ill. It must be a surprise attack by a candidate. I think those who don't follow the rules should be excluded from the exam!"

"Shut up. If there is a problem, the examiner present will decide for himself!"

Morino Ihiki scolded the emotional Nara Shikamaru.

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