Red sand dust

Chapter 7 Those who have never experienced it

While walking, Yemu whispered to Qian:

"They clearly need our help, but they make it sound like we are holding them back."

"That's right, Nighteye!"

Qian smiled helplessly,

"Daimaru and I have been genin for several years, and you are no longer a rookie this year. If we didn't hold back, we wouldn't be in the same team."

In a team of three losers, Daimaru is the only one with a little ambition. Whether he admits it or not, Daimaru is the strongest among the three.

"Let's try again, Nighteye. Daimaru is not a kind person, but he probably won't abandon us casually."

"is that so?"

"So, you have to work hard. If you can't keep up with him, you can't blame anyone for being left behind!"

The competition in Sand Hidden Village is too fierce. The limited resources can only give priority to those outstanding ninjas who are more talented and perform better. Some mediocre people have actually been given up. Most of them either died or quit after struggling for several years. Join the ranks of ninjas.

Konoha Village's so-called strict success rate of choosing one of three is really too luxurious for Sunagakure Village.

The Country of Wind is vast, but ninjas can move very quickly. It only takes about three days to run from Sunagakure Village to Konoha Village.

Of course, this is Metkai's ultimate speed without rest, and ordinary ninjas are far from that fast.

Nekaze took Daimaru, Qian and Yeme, and it took them five days to barely reach the border of the Kingdom of Wind.

A rough estimate shows that the marching speed of Sound Wind Team is less than one-third of Metkai's. Taking into account the physical exertion, the speed of super long sprint may not be as fast as one-fourth of Metkai's. The gap is quite large.

"This won't work!" 』

Daimaru was anxious because his basic quality was far behind.

Qian's physical strength is average and his speed is average, but he needs to rest for too long. Nighteye's physical strength is acceptable, but his short legs limit his speed.

Daimaru could barely keep up with Yin Feng, but when he arrived at a small town not far from the border of the Land of Wind, he was too tired to walk.

As a last resort, several people stayed in a hotel for one night to relieve their physical fatigue before officially starting to prepare to eliminate the bandit group.

The four people left the town early in the morning, and soon after, they changed their identities and sneaked back.

Nekaze disguises himself as an old man, and takes Daimaru, who is disguised as his grandson, and his two granddaughters, Senyo Yami.

“I feel like I’m being taken advantage of!”

Daimaru, who took off his ninja uniform and dressed up as a merchant from the Land of Grass, tugged at his ugly linen clothes with some dissatisfaction.

Qian looked like a civilian farm girl, but her face had a calm expression that was completely inconsistent with her status.

Yinfeng's old man's disguise isn't very good either. He's still very energetic despite his age.

Apparently, he didn't learn the disguise and lurking lessons well in Sunagakure Village.

On the other hand, Yame's little granddaughter didn't look out of place at all. She was small and childish, and she didn't look like a ninja at all.

"Quiet, Daimaru, the hem of your sleeve is almost torn."

Yinfeng reminded in a low voice.

"I'm also very helpless. These clothes are too uncomfortable to wear."

The sun in the desert of the Kingdom of Wind is really too harsh, and exposed skin will definitely get sunburned over time.

So people here are generally well-covered.

The clothes worn by civilians in the Country of Grass are completely unacceptable in the Country of Wind. After a while, Daimaru's exposed arms were already a little red and a little itchy.

The sun in early spring is so strong, and if you wear it like this at noon in the hot summer, something will definitely happen.

"You can obviously collect intelligence in the town, why bother to do this?"

"You guys have too little experience!"

Yinfeng shook his head,

"Looking at this small town, don't you think it's strange?"

"What's weird? Apart from being a little depressed and messy, there's nothing special about it, right? People here are a little wary of strangers, but that's not a big deal, right?"

The four people were walking on a street that was almost the same as before, pretending to be interested, and looking at the merchants selling goods on the street.

"Did you see the uncle who set up the stall just now? That guy is probably a robber who sells stolen goods."

"No way……"

The three genin clearly didn't believe it.

"Idiot, don't look back, it's too distracting..."

Yinfeng stopped his subordinates from trying to find out.

"You genin have basically never been out of the Kingdom of Wind, and you probably rarely come to the border land. There are some tricks that you can't understand without experiencing them yourself!"

Yinfeng led three of his subordinates to a remote teahouse and sat down in a corner with few people.

Seeing that no one was paying attention, Yinfeng whispered:

"This town is probably one of the strongholds of the bandits!"

"Isn't it?"

Daimaru was shocked,

"Have we already entered a den of thieves?"

"It's not that exaggerated. There is no danger yet!"

"So, you pretended to leave, then secretly came back, waiting for an opportunity to kill the thieves?"


Nekaze denied Daimaru's judgment;

"Many of the people in the town are family members of thieves' gangs, or ordinary people who are about to become thieves. The border area is different from the inland..."

As for the inside story, Yinfeng told his three subordinates.

The relationship between the Country of Wind and the Country of Grass is not very good, and some buffer zones have been created on the border between the two countries that neither side cares about.

Most of these places change with the changes of seasonal rivers and oases. Just like the town where the four people live, it was completely abandoned for a period of time. It was not until a few years ago that passing merchants came to trade here and it was revived.

Such a gray area is a breeding ground for bandits and horse thieves. Over time, there will definitely be groups of bandits robbing homes nearby.

Most of the people living in these gray areas are civilians in the Kingdom of Grass and the Kingdom of Wind who cannot survive. Occasionally, some wandering ninjas and down-and-out samurai will pass by.

The environment here is so harsh and survival is so difficult. If there is any disturbance, the surviving civilians will inevitably have no livelihood. They will either become refugees and leave, or they will become bandits and make a living by robbing merchants from the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Grass.

"Our mission is to eliminate the thieves group that is causing trouble. As for the inextricable connection between this place and the thieves group, what do you think? Should we lead the snake out of the hole and find out what happened to the thieves group and eliminate it, or should we follow the clues and catch all the people behind the scenes? "

Daimaru thought for a while and then said:

"Captain, is this a test of the mission?"

"You can think so!"

Yinfeng nodded,

"How far we want to go is actually up to us. Few people in this town are innocent. Even if they are babies waiting to be fed, the money to support them may have been stolen by their elders as robbers.

When they grow up, they will basically have nowhere to make a living, and they will most likely become the second generation of robbers! "

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