Redo! Last Chance for a Dying World!

Chapter 145: Through The Eyes Of Albus (part 2)

Geth recognized the pillar as one of the control modules inside a Dungeon. Albus approached the structure and waved his hand over it.

A familiar holographic screen was projected from the top, though its contents differed from what Geth was used to.

It looked similar to a laptop's screen. The date and time were in the corner, with multiple icons to choose from.

Albus began moving, dragging the icons and throwing them out into the air around them. Each icon turned into an individual screen that hovered in the area.

Some of the screens were filled with data, while others had images of Runes. There were even multiple screens with live video feeds.

'Just what is going on here? We didn't even have this technology on Earth!' Geth watched the proceedings in awe.

Everything around him looked like something out of a science fiction movie. Albus pulled another of the icons out of the screen and pressed it to his ear.

Geth heard a voice coming in from the other side.

"Hello? Is that you, A-?"

Something strange happened at that moment. Geth could make out the A, but the rest of Albus' name sounded like white noise.

"Yes, it's me. How are things proceeding on the front line?"

"It isn't good. We've issued a full retreat. At least twenty thousand are dead. Another five thousand or more were taken by the Demons."

The voice made its report, the man's voice sounding similar to Larz. It wasn't exact, but it held the same sing-songy tone.

"Pull everyone back behind the barrier." Albus looked around at the surrounding pond. "We have enough Mana to keep them at bay for a few days."

Albus flicked away the icon that was pressed to his ear and turned towards his women. He gave them a sad smile before speaking.

"We are going to have to start working on the Formation..." Albus said carefully.

Mara took in a sharp breath, "That's forbidden magic for a reason! My grandfather should never have taught it to you!"

Albus smiled sadly in response, "I don't expect you to take part if you don't want to. The barrier will barely hold three days if that."

He rubbed his temples with his palms, "The last members of the Human and Elven races will barely fit in the barrier.

The Dwarves were annihilated long ago. As were most of the minor races. If we don't do this, then the Demons and Dragons will be all that remain."

Mara looked down at her feet for a moment before slowly nodding. Albus knew that it was dangerous, and it might not even work.

Still, something had to be done. The Demons wouldn't let them live for long. The Humans had proven their mettle time and again, even breaking free from slavery more than once.

Albus stomped on the floor, an opening appeared on the platform. A spiraling stairwell twisted down into the depths of the pond of Mana.

Albus and his women carefully descended the stairs. The walls surrounding them seemed to be a crystalline structure, through which Geth could see the depths of the pond. 

Small gems and stones floated around in the thick liquid. Each of them gave off more light than the surrounding water, causing the inside of the pond to look like a starry sky.

After the first hour of descent, the light from the Mana was doused, leaving them surrounded by the dull glow of the surrounding crystal.

"A-, is there any other way?" Tori asked him.

Geth heard nothing but static again as his friend's name was mentioned. He didn't have much time to think about it before Albus gave his reply.


"Unless we can find the strength to destroy them in one push, then no. The Elves' pride and the Humans' weakness have pushed both of us to the brink of extinction."

Albus glanced back at his companions, and Geth could see the two elven women looking solemnly down at their feet.

"This won't do much for the Elves, sadly. Though, it will give Humans a fighting chance."

Albus continued by saying, "For us, the worlds all merged at once. If we do this, the greater threats will be held back until the Humans are at least close to equal footing."

The four continued walking in silence. None of them broke it until they reached their destination.

"We're here."

Albus pushed a knob in the rock face at the bottom of the stairs. A slight shift was made, and he pushed the stone open to reveal a doorway. 

The group entered the room. It was a small cavern that looked like it had been excavated by hand.

The room was perfectly round and had a large platform in the center. The platform reminded Geth a bit of a cylindrical pyramid.

There was enough room for a single person to stand on the top. Ten could stand on the following level, and maybe one hundred could fit on the next.

The room was bare aside from the platform, and precisely ninety-seven other people standing in the room waiting. Mara walked in front of Albus and caught his attention.

"You were already planning to go through with this?!" She almost yelled at him.

"Yes. You know what I'm capable of. We will not survive this war. We have no time to be indecisive!"

Mara flinched back slightly as Mana surged from Albus' body with his rising frustrations. 

Albus quickly pulled the escaping energy back and embraced her. Geth felt tears streaming down Albus' cheeks as he held the woman.

"I'm sorry... but it's the only way."

Mara leaned her head on him for a moment before pushing him away with a sad smile.

"Then we should get started. Three days is barely enough time to handle this."

She turned away from him, not allowing Albus or the other women to see her own tears. Ren stepped in front of their group and spoke up for everyone present to hear.

"Right! You heard them! Quit your gawking, and let's get to work!"

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