Redo! Last Chance for a Dying World!

Chapter 161: Misfits

  Around a campfire, a few hundred miles south from where Geth was preparing his meal;

"I can't believe that man's generosity!" Ulysses exclaimed while looking over his gear.

Blade scoffed, "I can't believe that you actually dared to challenge him. Could you not feel the pressure that was radiating from him?"

"In any case, these gems that he provided us with increased our party's capabilities several-fold!" Felix chimed in.

"He really is a good man," Zulu stated. "Even if it's for his own gain, we now have a purpose."

Ulysses rubbed his throat gently, "Well, I think he's scary."

"Most wild animals are peaceful until you try to poke them with a stick," Storm said while shaking her head.

The old Cook, Helga, laughed at the Assassin's embarrassment. She slopped her most recent stew onto plates for everyone.

"Dig in! This concoction will increase everyone's Defense and Strength slightly for the next twenty hours. It has an added effect that will keep you warm throughout the evening."

"You really are the best, Helga!" Blade praised.

She pointed her ladle at him, "You have some explaining to do. How do you know that young man?"

"As I've said before, Geth saved my life," Blade scooped a spoonful of meat and tried to avoid answering the question.

"You might as well tell us the whole story. I think it'll be better for the party to know a bit about who we're working for," Felix stated.


"Fine. I guess it would be a bit easier to start from the beginning.

I met Geth years ago, though he probably doesn't remember me. At the time, I worked maintenance at the hospital.

Geth was one of the technicians brought in when the problems were a bit larger than our crew could handle," Blade began.

"I had issues back then. I was constantly in and out of rehab, and I ended up jobless and on the streets.

Geth saw me behind the hospital one day in the winter. I was at one of my lower points.

The man fed me, bought me a few outfits, and even paid for a month's motel fees. He couldn't have been more than twenty at the time."

Blade smiled gently as he recalled some of those memories.

"He hooked me up with a job as his replacement before he went on to pursue better. I would have died behind that hospital if it weren't for him.

I abused his gift and fell back into my old ways after five or six years. I stole from my boss and strung myself out again."

The man stirred the campfire a bit, causing the flames to crackle.

"Fast forward to this world. I woke up a bit earlier than those around me.

Due to the extra time, I managed to get slightly ahead in Levels. On top of that, I lucked out in finding a Solo Dungeon that only had a few weak Goblins.

The more I leveled, the less I experienced withdrawals. I even became addicted to the feeling of growth."

Blade stood up and turned away from the group. He hung his head as he finished the rest.

"I found a group of people who were abusing their new powers. Instead of helping the people they were hurting... I just let it happen.

Geth didn't let it happen! As soon as he saw that those people were in need, he did something to help!

Eventually, Geth came across our group. I'm the only one who survived that encounter, and it's only because he told his people not to give chase.

The man saved my life once, and even after such a fuck up, he let me live again."

Storm placed her hand on one of Blade's shoulders, "We've all made mistakes. Even more than normal after coming here."

"You didn't fill your head with excuses while watching innocent women being abused!" Blade blurted out.

"No," Storm agreed. "But I did make excuses while I witnessed hundreds of children being ripped apart by those wolves. We all did."

Everyone at the campfire turned solemn. It was the truth.

"For the sake of survival, we've all done something terrible," Shaka agreed. "I pushed innocent children to their deaths just to make sure my wife survived."

Zulu had tears streaming down her cheeks, "And I pretended not to notice! I just let you do it."

Blade turned around to look at the couple. Troy stood up to speak.

"I shot someone else in the leg with one of my arrows to get ahead! That young woman died, but I escaped," The young man admitted. The shame on his face was apparent.

"I won't even say what I've done. The point is that we are all failures here. This world has broken everyone," Ulysses added.

Blade spoke quietly, "Not everyone."

A moment of silence passed as the group thought about the man who had put them together. Shaka stood and slammed his sword against his shield.

"The only thing we can do now is better ourselves moving forward! This group of misfits will help build a kingdom where no one has to face such decisions!"

"Ha! Now that's a name right there!" Ulysses yelled before jumping up onto his seat. "From now on, we will be known as the Misfits!"

"Sit down, old man, before you hurt something," Blade chided. "But I will propose a toast! To Geth!"

Blade held up the liquor that had been made by Helga. Everyone else followed suit.

"To Geth!"



Geth rubbed his nose and looked around. He had a sudden feeling that someone was talking about him.

Everyone had finished their meals and climbed up into the branches for the night.

His Skeletons had caused a few scares at first. After explaining the situation, everyone gradually got used to the undead walking about.

"Is everything okay?" Sindri whispered from a nearby branch.

"Leave the man alone and close your eyes, Sindri," Peter remarked.

"Up yours, chubby!"

Geth chuckled at their little dispute. He shook his head and made himself comfy on the branch.

"Get some sleep. We have another long run tomorrow." 

The last thing Geth heard before falling asleep was Peter's groaning.

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