Redo! Last Chance for a Dying World!

Chapter 172: A Familiar Face

Geth's blatant display of superiority quickly drew the ire of the wolves. The two wolves fighting from a distance ignored the cries of their partners and climbed over them in a frenzy to get to Geth.

'They really are prideful creatures,' Geth smiled smugly and dispersed the hardened mud on the ground.

He'd led the four of them back to where their spiked pitfall was hiding. A gaping hole opened under the feet of the creatures.

The beasts plummeted into the depths of the crater. Two of the injured wolves died on impact, while one was pierced through its thigh.

The last of the creatures managed to land, though not so gracefully. It gave Geth enough time to inspect the battlefield.

The two intact Taming Formations were glowing with a bright golden aura. The Direwolves inside had long since stopped struggling.

The two creatures burst into particles as the cards in his hand grew warm. He took a moment to glance at the cards to see two small Direwolf puppies displayed on the face.

The cards disappeared into his inventory, and his attention returned to the cavity below him. Both wolves were still taking damage every two seconds.

:Direwolf, Lvl 56; HP- 12,407/39,600:

The wolves that remained were all Level 60 or lower. Sindri was tanking the final two wolves on their side while the others bombarded them with attacks.


A deafening howl sounded from the dying wolf in the pit. Geth could swear that the Level 56 looked up at him and smirked after its brother's dying wail.

He commanded his Skeleton to switch targets to the helpless creatures in the hollow. It only took seconds before the Arcane Archer finished them off.


Geth turned his head quickly. A slight vibration could be felt in the Mana around him.

Thud! Crash!

The Mana continued to react violently, and branches could be heard crashing in the distance!

Thud! Crash! Thud!

'What the hell is that,' A massive Mana signature was swiftly moving in his direction.


Angry barks started filtering through the trees and brush as the crashing noises came near. A final loud impact resounded as a massive creature stepped out onto the path.

"Wait... is this..?"

A larger than average pitch-black Direwolf stood before him. Between the creature's eyes lay a small scar that looked as if it had marred itself with its claws.

The Direwolf looked at Geth and shifted its head to the side as if it were trying to recall something. He stared back into its intelligent eyes that shone like starlight.

Suddenly, the creature's curious face turned into an angry snarl. The Direwolf slowly prowled forward, drool pouring from its open maw.

"Yup. Definitely the same one from back then."

:Direwolf, Lvl 72; HP- 69,420/69,420:

The pressure coming off of the wolf was lower than the World Boss but much more potent than any other creature he'd ever faced.

'I don't think that I can- Wait!'

Geth swiftly recalled his Skeleton before it had the chance to attack. An empty purple and golden Taming Card appeared in his hand.

:Enhanced Taming Card (Epic);

This card can be used to tame any creature Tier 4 or below. This card can not tame Bosses or Sub-Bosses

This Taming Card has been imbued with a Rune of Luck. Doubles odds of success:

'My current odds of success are 6.4%. With this card, my chances increase to 12.8%!'

He didn't hesitate to cast Tame Creature just as the beast's strike was shown by his Foresight.

The two Formations instantly appeared under and over the Direwolf's massive body. A cage quickly took shape, ensnaring the magnificent creature.

At first, the wolf was stunned, but the astonishment didn't last long. It tackled the edge of the cage, putting all of its speed and power into one giant leap.

The cage rattled but held firm. Its subsequent attacks were a technique that Geth hadn't seen before.

A dark mist formed over the Direwolf's claws. The Mana surrounding the fog seemed to empower the strange gaseous substance.

The bars of the cage slowly widened to form the golden cylinder. Geth could tell that the thickness of this enclosure was twice that of the other Taming Cards.

The Direwolf lashed out at the bars on the cage. The black substance leapt from its claws and onto the bars.

Nothing happened at first, but the beast kept striking the cage. Geth stepped a bit closer to inspect the damage.

'I see! It's just like my Corruption!'

The bars on the cage were slowly being eaten away by the black aura. All of the progress that had been made was slowly fading away.


Geth cast Curse on the creature. It wasn't a damaging Skill, so it wouldn't affect the chances of the Tame succeeding.

He knew it was working when the aura began to weaken. The Direwolf started to panic and lashed out in a series of blows.

Its struggling was for naught. With its spell weakened, the bars grew quicker than what the smoke could eat away.

"Its main Attribute is Intelligence?!" Geth mumbled excitedly. Just how different was this creature compared to the other Direwolves he'd faced.

'I wonder how it will be affected by the Taming process. It could just revert to a base form like that of all Direwolves.'

He shook his head.

'I need to worry about actually acquiring the damn thing first!'

He concentrated on the Curse spell and made sure that nothing went wrong in its casting. 

One of Geth's selves popped up in his mental sphere and controlled the liquid Mana to cool the Curse Rune faster than usual. The Mana cost dropped slightly, the Rune not even having the chance to exert heat.

Sweat constantly dripped from Geth's brow for the next thirty seconds. The Direwolf repeatedly thrashed about in the enclosure, but with the thickness of the walls, it couldn't escape.

On the thirtieth second, a bright golden glow lit the area.. The card in Geth's hand heated up as a picture of a pitch-black Direwolf Cub appeared on its face.

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