Redo of a Romanceless Author’s Life Devoid of Love; Another Chance at Youth

Chapter 121.

Chapter 121. Preparations to Destroy a Scumbag’s Life. (2/8)

I slept like a log and only woke up in the afternoon. If I were to describe how my body felt when I got off the bed, it would be fully rejuvenated.

Irene was definitely… too good. If I assigned her her stat points like a game, they would all be maxed out. She was some final boss type of woman. Intelligent, cunning, calculating, hardworking, motherly, a loving wife, able to cook, great at taking care of others, amazing in… bed.

The last point gave me a headache when it came to mind. I shook my head to get it out of my head. The feeling from early morning was still fresh in my mind.

I was convinced it'd be hard to even look at her lips without these thoughts surfacing. Her nefarious plan to get me hooked on those coupons was working.

Forget it, I have other important matters to take care of. I’d like to take care of the Angel of Death matter between today and tomorrow. I retrieved my laptop which I’d brought over from my place yesterday. I’d used the morning yesterday to transport all my things here and I informed property management I was moving out. I claimed it was some sort of emergency that came up on short notice, family overseas had fallen chronically ill and I had to rush over immediately to look after them for some time.

I showed them a fake letter from a doctor I forged and they believed it easily, no questions asked. They weren’t even going to charge me for not giving them a month's notice as stipulated in the agreement I signed.

Like that, I was able to pay Irene without any worries starting this month. She similarly quit her part-time job and would have five extra hours to herself on Saturday and Sunday from now on. She wasn’t required to give any notice when quitting because of how few hours she worked, it didn’t inconvenience the company much as they were used to a high turnaround rate.

With all that information it narrowed down the list of what her potential last job might be, but those clues weren’t really definitive. They could even throw me off which was why it was best to wait and see her tax forms when they arrived for verification. She thought I’d given up, I wouldn’t alert her by making random guesses. When she least expected it, I’d solve the mystery.

I’d thought of one possibility in particular after taking a few factors into account, but I still couldn’t be certain I was correct. It was also hard to believe that was something she did for a living.

I’d recorded my answer in a document saved in google docs. If I had been correct the entire time I’d get to reveal to her triumphantly that I’d known all along. 

Ah, but putting my pettiness aside, I had to get to work for real now. On my laptop, I input a URL that led to a page on the dark web I remembered from my past life. I’d memorized it because I’d used it as part of a story. The link directed me to a… porn site on the dark web.

I found the user I was looking for. The guy had tonnes of videos. Every woman the poster was with was very attractive. His face was always blurred out, but the women’s faces were not. It was obvious enough that it was the same guy in every video though.

Why was this important? It was because this was the culprit who drove Ms. Angel of Death to suicide to ruin his life. After her death, her fans were enraged and mobilized showering every corner of the internet for an answer to why she did it. Nobody believed the half-baked answer that was officially given.

Not long after they began digging one of her fans stumbled across this site. Well, it was a video on this site. A video of Ms. Angel of Death secretly being recorded as the man in this video pushed her down and forced himself on her. She called out his name in the video asking him to stop but he censored it out and blurred her mouth. However, he slipped up and was careless. He likely didn’t think that it was possible for someone to remove the blur he put in. Though they couldn’t recover the audio, they’d recovered the movement of her lips to make out in a certain frame, the single word, ‘boyfriend.’

Her fans didn’t know of their relationship, however, her manager did. She stepped forward and revealed to the world that he was her boyfriend. 

A big reason I want nothing to do with this woman was because of how merciless she was and how absurd the influence she had over so many people was. Her death sent millions of fans into motion for her sake. 

Let’s say I was in this scumbag’s position, I’d have no way to escape either. He’d documented everything himself and put it up on this site on the dark web as if it were to flaunt his success with women. He could claim it was a look-alike trying to frame him, but the fact that the manager had stepped in gave credibility to the fact that it was him.

It was revealed she’d been saving herself for a long time and wouldn’t put out. In the end, he never cared about her at all, he just wanted to bang her so he could add it to his trophy collection. When his girlfriend discovered he was cheating, she approached him to end their relationship, but he forced himself on her and recorded everything.

He told her if she revealed his secret of cheating, he’d reveal the video to the world and destroy her image of purity in front of her fans. He’d drag her down to his grave. He said they wouldn’t be able to prove it was him who violated her with the blur. He might become known as a cheater, but he could make the claim that this video was a paid actor, someone who might look similar to him that she hired to destroy his reputation. She couldn’t stand he’d cheated on her and had stooped so low to destroy her.

Truly, two morons who thought this man’s plan was foolproof.

These two idiots didn’t even expect someone would be able to reverse the blur and use an AI neural network in conjunction with genetic algorithms to enhance the video even further.

Hell, they could even deep fake it. They were both popular celebrities with countless photos and an AI could be trained to create fake videos with them. These two were morons as far as I could tell. They’d never bothered to keep up with technological advancements.

In the future I saw, this sort of thing was child’s play. Sites popped up that even did all the work for you. Technology was a great thing, but if used with malicious intent, it was utterly horrifying.

I learned a lot while studying electrical engineering. Including how to code. I’d taken several computer science courses that I found interesting at the time. After I graduated I’d occasionally create some AI projects for fun.

As I’d taken an interest in this story and written my own story, I’d taken the time to understand how to achieve what the person in this time period did what he’d done. This time I’d be the one taking on their role.

Having knowledge of the future was quite convenient. Being an author who’d researched all sorts of different things for stories was also quite nice.

Anyway, I set up the neural network with all its parameters and started training generations of AI to enhance images of celebrities, in particular, the two I was most concerned with. I left my laptop plugged in and running in the background. If I wanted it to be good all-around for any image or person, it would take many more generations worth of training, but I didn’t have that sort of time so I was cutting corners. I’d save an astronomical amount of time this way by having it specialize instead of being a general-purpose tool.

Meanwhile, on a secure no-log VPN connection, I simultaneously downloaded every video off the site one by one and saved them to an external hard drive I’d completely wiped. I’d run a program to set every bit to zero so it would be impossible to recover anything I’d previously used it for. I also had it randomize the bits after a few times just for added insurance.

Deblurring images and videos were things I’d actually learned how to do in a course at university. Though blurring was a lossy process, it was still possible to recover a large amount of information using the appropriate techniques. So I coded a program to do exactly that. I made use of various resources and packages I found online so I didn’t have to do all the work from scratch. Coding was such a convenient thing. Truly wonderful. Once someone had done the work once, you wouldn’t have to. You’d save so much time.

I thank you great predecessors for all your effort.

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