Redo of a Romanceless Author’s Life Devoid of Love; Another Chance at Youth

Chapter 390.

Chapter 390. A Heart-Pounding Day Together with My Girlfriend: A Very Dangerous Game Under the Table. (1/5)

The rumble of an engine permeated through the air as wind blew past my sides. I was currently headed south down the highway.

The road in front was dark gray, painted with white solid lines on the sides, and a blurry dashed white line at the center. There were only two lanes and I was on the right one. To the left, there was a ditch between the second pair of lanes headed in the opposite direction. 

Beyond the solid white lines on both roads, a vast yellow plain filled with wheat stretched out as far as the eyes could see. Patches of dark green trees and vegetation occasionally popped up along the sides as I traversed the highway.

Today was the last Sunday in June.

After a week at work, my two weeks of paid vacation were approved. Though, it wasn’t easy. The Owner made things a bit difficult. She was fine with us taking our vacations one at a time, but not at once.

Did that mean Rosa wasn’t with me right now? The pair of hands wrapped around my waist from behind suggested otherwise. Of course she was with me, if she wasn’t, there was no way I’d be headed away from the city

Then how did we get our time off approved at the same time? By arranging for people to stand in for us with the Owner’s approval. Luckily there was the perfect replacement for Rosa. There was even one for me.

Who were they? Well, that was naturally Izora and Jass. After explaining Jass already had some experience with our store after standing in for me over the last week, the Owner agreed. When we introduced Izora to the Owner while dressed in her goth clothes, the Owner had a strange look in her eyes.

It seems she saw it as the perfect opportunity to create some special limited-time Izora-related items for the store. A goth/punk girl could potentially attract another demographic she hadn’t gone after yet. 

So luckily for Jass, he got paired up with Izora at the main store for the next two weeks. The Owner would be there to assist them if they needed help with anything during this time.

Since Izora could get some extra spending money over the summer, she didn’t mind covering for us while we were away. Jass was more than happy to work at the store when I dangled some Izora bait in front of him.

It was too easy.

Jass had only been able to keep in touch with Izora through text messages all this time, but for all his hard work, he’d been rewarded with a full two weeks together with her. He literally bowed down to worship me like I was his god and savior and he apologized for ever doubting my plan. 

He did ask me about what happened to Malory, but I just told him to forget about her. I’d blocked his number and deleted it on her phone before I abandoned it at her place.

He was a bit depressed at first but was quick to bounce back when he remembered Izora.

I was slightly curious whether there would be any progress between those two, but unfortunately, I wouldn’t be around to see it. 

“Ran, there’s a small town coming up soon, why don’t we stop there for a short rest and get something to eat?” Rosa suddenly spoke up from behind and brought me back to reality.


We’d already been driving for about two hours now. This was the first town we were coming up on. We also had to fill up on gas while we were there as well.

About five minutes later, the town came into view. Not too long after it appeared we entered and slowed down to the speed limit. The first thing that came into view as we entered the town along our right-hand side was a gas station.

To our left, there were five lines of train tracks with a long freight train at a standstill on one of them.

I pulled into the gas station, filled up a full tank of gas, and paid at the pump with my card.

Leaning against the pump while looking at her phone, Rosa said, “There’s a restaurant two blocks west of here. Let’s head there.” 

“A restaurant? Can’t we just get some hotdogs from here or something?”

“No way, that’s so lame. Did we come out here just to eat some hot dogs that we could get anywhere? Let’s try out some local cuisine.”

“Haaaaah. But my wallet…”

“Jeez, I’ll pay you, cheapskate. Since you paid for the gas, I can at least pay for the food.”

“Deal.” A full tank cost me about $20. Food would cost more than that so I was more than content with striking up such a deal with her.

After our short little pit stop for gas, we made our way to the restaurant Rosa found online.

The place was a two-story building on the corner of the street. Looking at it from the front there was an open balcony area on the second floor that hung over the sidewalk supported by seven square-shaped blue and white pillars. At the front entrance below the balcony, there were five large glass windows, two to the left of the shiny mahogany wooden door and three to the right. 

The second floor looked like it could be rented out for parties or celebrations where people in this small town would socialize.

After I parked my motorcycle out front we entered the building and got a better look at the inside. It looked quite nice. Along the left wall were more windows where you could see the street outside. Along the right wall, there was a river rock fireplace with a rectangular mantle and raised hearth around the firebox.

There were five wooden tables with four chairs tucked under each one along the wall with the door we entered through and three tables along the left wall. There was one table for each window. Each table had a long table cloth covering them that hung down low less than a foot away from the ground. Only the ends of the bottom of the wooden legs were visible. 

The center back wall had a bar counter with tall cushioned bar stools in front of it. To the right side of the counter, behind the fireplace, was a painted black stainless steel spiral staircase that led to the second floor.

“Hey, Rosa.”

“What is it?”

I whispered, “Don’t you think this place looks like… it would be a bit too expensive?”

“No.” She shook her head.

“But… this place looks too nice for it to be in a small little town out in the middle of nowhere like this. There’s no way the food is going to be any good. They put all their money into outward appearance rather than the food, I’m sure the food won’t be worth it. It’s sure to be overpriced and taste terrible.”

“All the people eating in here right now suggest otherwise.”

She was right, the place was pretty full for a small town. Five of the eight tables in the restaurant had customers. The three tables along the left wall and two to the right of the entrance were fully occupied. There were also two customers seated at the bar counter. They were chatting and eating their food together.

“The rev-” I was immediately cut off before I could even finish my question. 

“They’ve got a lot of reviews online too and they’re overwhelmingly positive. There’s nothing but praise for the food here.”

She read me like an open book.

“They’ve got to be paid reviews or they must be the only restaurant in the town. They probably just asked everybody in the community here to support it through online reviews to keep the place running by attracting gullible tourists.”

“Well, you’re right that it’s the only restaurant I saw on the map in this town. But the only way to find out whether the reviews are a scam or not is by trying it ourselves, don’t you think?”

“I’m telling you, the best restaurants are the inauspicious ones that don’t stand out at all.”

“You’re just biased.”

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