Redo of a Romanceless Author’s Life Devoid of Love; Another Chance at Youth

Chapter 393.

Chapter 393. A Heart-Pounding Day Together with My Girlfriend: A Very Dangerous Game Under the Table. (4/5)

“I’ve got it.” Rosa didn’t miss the chance and moved before either of us had the chance to. Within a short second, she’d released me and was under the table.

At first, I felt a sense of relief when she let me go, but I immediately regretted that thought when I felt a pair of lips suck on the very top of my head and a tongue poke the opening of my urethra.

My entire body stiffened up. I tensed all my muscles with everything I had and clenched my teeth firmly. I did everything in my power to not move an inch. Meanwhile, under the table, my erection was throbbing violently and semen was gushing out. It felt like my urethra was being sucked on like a straw and my semen was the beverage being consumed.

“Do you see it?” The waitress 

My left eye shut on its own while my right eye twitched. I looked down at the ground from the corner of my right eye and saw Rosa’s left hand as it grabbed the pen.

“Mmmhmm~” Rosa was daring enough to make that sound while I continued to ejaculate between her warm luscious moist lips.

I could practically see it in my mind. Both my eyes shut all the way as I filled her mouth up.

She stroked the shaft with her right hand as I ejaculated and ensured she squeezed out everything down to the last drop. She dutifully made sure none of it went to waste or made a mess.

A few convulsions later, the muscles in my body finally relaxed and I breathed out a sigh of relief. The warm sensation of Rosa’s lips on the tip disappeared, but immediately after I felt something moving along the shaft. It was pointed and moved quickly across the shaft. It seemed to be spelling something out.

When I recalled the pen I was ready to scream.

I deciphered what she wrote by simulating the motion the pen made in my head.

‘Rosa’s Dick ♡’

That was what she’d written.

As soon as she finished she pulled my underwear back in place, buttoned my pants, and retreated from under the table back into her chair. In the process, she’d simultaneously pulled my right leg up onto her chair and clamped down on it between her thighs to keep it in place.

She stuck her left hand out with the pen in it to the waitress who received it graciously.

“Thank you.”

Rosa nodded.

“I’ll be right back with your appetizer.” The waitress stuck the pen in her breast pocket, turned, and headed to the counter where the kitchen was located behind.

“You’re insane,” I whispered with a helpless expression.

I shut my eyes and slumped back into my seat exhausted. Thank god it was over.

I was naive to think that.

When I felt my shoe being removed I opened my eyes and locked eyes with Rosa.

She parted her lips slightly with the corner of her lips raised as she showed me the viscous white fluid inside her mouth.

“You should use the washroom.”

She scrunched her brows up and shook her head like she found my words offensive.

“Hey, what do you think you’re doing?”

She’d sunk down a bit in her seat. She’d clasped my right leg with both hands and was moving it on her own. My right foot was pressed up directly against her groin.

She leaned back in her chair until her head was directed up to the ceiling. She shut her eyes and discreetly used my right foot under the table in whatever manner she pleased.

A few minutes later she sat up straight and opened her lustful eyes. The look in her eyes was an unsatisfied one. What the hell are you unsatisfied about?

You’re not thinking of just outright doing it in front of everyone, are you?

It was right at that moment that the waitress arrived with a small platter containing twelve fried wontons.

“Here’s the appetizer you ordered.”

“Thanks.” This time since Rosa didn’t speak up, I was the one who thanked the waitress.

“Enjoy.” The waitress was quite busy and didn’t have much time to chat and she immediately moved on to tend to the next table of customers calling her over.

Rosa released my foot, picked up one of the fried wontons from the platter, opened her mouth, and put the entire thing inside her mouth. When she opened her mouth I saw the white fluid was still there.

Was she… using it as some sort of condiment to go with her food? I couldn’t help but stare at her as she chewed on the wonton with a pleasant smile on her face.

When she suddenly swallowed it all in one go without any trouble, I unconsciously gulped.

She finally opened her mouth and asked, “Aren’t you going to eat? It tastes really good~” The hidden meaning in her words combined with the impish look in her eyes was a destructive combination. My girlfriend was a bit too powerful. She’d taken lessons from the best. It would be a lie to say I wasn’t aroused by her.

Before I had the chance to eat one, she picked up a second wonton and stuffed it into her mouth.

“Hmm… but, it seems the second one just isn’t as good as the first one I had.”

“Oh really.”


“Uh… don’t you think you should at least wash your hands before eating?”

“Oh, you’re right, I completely forgot. I’ll be right back. You can wash your hands when I get back. Wouldn’t want to leave the food unattended. Though I don’t see any flies around, it would be bad if one got inside and landed on the food.”


When Rosa stood up from her seat, my foot stuck between her thighs was finally free.

She’d already slipped her sandals back on.

Watching her walk away with her back to me, supporting my cheek with my right hand, I picked up a wonton with my right hand and stuffed it in my mouth. I chewed while I stared at her swaying hips from behind. My eyes wandered down lower to her unusually perfectly curved bare white legs. I couldn’t help but admire how perfectly sculpted they were while chewing on the wonton in my mouth.

A word came to mind, wanton.

Spoken the same way as the food, the meaning was completely different. Wanton in this sense referred to a sexually unrestrained woman.

The wonton in my mouth tasted quite good. The shrimp inside it was very juicy.

I picked up a second one, and then a third. By the time I finished my third one, Rosa was back.

“You can go wash your hands now.”


I stood up and headed to the men’s washroom. When I got inside I took the chance to zip up my fly which had still been down. Since it was buttoned at the top and the shirt I had on was long enough, my open fly hadn’t been visible on my way to the washroom.

I thoroughly washed my hands with soap and water before I returned to the table. When I got back Rosa had stolen my seat.

I didn’t really care and moved to take hers, but she patted the seat to her side and said, “Sit here beside me instead.”

“Huh? Why?”

She pouted and complained, “I want to sit closer to my boyfriend, is there a problem with me wanting to do that?”

Well… if I sat beside her… she wouldn’t be able to pull what she did before. I’d be able to eat comfortably with peace of mind that way.

As that was the case I took up her offer and sat down beside her.

“Hehehe.” She giggled cutely when I complied and hugged my right arm. She was directly beside the wall and had pulled me along with my chair until they were touching side by side.

“How are you planning to eat your wontons like this?”

“Feed me, dummy.”

“No way, feed yourself.”

I picked up a wonton with my left hand, then opened my mouth, but just when I was about to put it in, Rosa leaned her head in front of me and snatched it out of my hand with her mouth.

She started chewing with her left cheek puffed out.

“Don’t go snatching the food right out of my hand.”

“If you don’t want me to snatch it away from you, then be a good boyfriend and feed me.”

“Haaaah. Fine.”

When she finished chewing and swallowed it down, I picked up another wonton.

She opened her mouth expectantly and I raised it up to her mouth. Right before it made contact with her lips, I pulled it away and stuffed it in my mouth. Upon doing so, she shot me a resentful glare. She pouted and complained, “What are you doing going back on your word?”

“As if I’d ever be a good boyfriend.”

“Jerk.” She moved closer to my face and softly whispered an ominous line in my ear, “I guess we’ll have to do this the hard way if you don’t want to be a good boyfriend...”

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