Redo of a Romanceless Author’s Life Devoid of Love; Another Chance at Youth

Chapter 403.

Chapter 403. A Heart-Pounding Day Together with My Girlfriend: Eating Marshmallows while Telling a Campfire Story. (4/4)

Truly… getting deported when she did was the worst-case scenario. Having me with that timing too. Looking at it, everything was working against her. It was as if she was cursed. Plagued by misfortune after misfortune, a never-ending sequence of calamities and hardship. The world rejected her. She was one of the unlucky ones.

Nothing could be done about it.

That was life.

Nature’s natural course.

Her life was filled with ups and downs.

Untold hardships and pain.

From it, I understood working your ass off didn’t guarantee you anything in life.

There were countless hard workers just like my mother chasing after a pipe dream who met a similar end.

When I saw reality for what it was after I graduated from university and understood everything, I gave up on chasing the dream we were fed as children of those fancy unobtainable high-paying jobs.

One day, I eventually took things into my own hands. What started out as a little hobby while I was working several shitty jobs at once turned into a means to earn some money on the side. I worked at it for years on end until I was able to cut down on the number of jobs I had to work at once.

I wrote like a madman. As if my life was on the line while doing something I discovered I enjoyed the most.

I limited my life to forty years.

I wouldn’t slave away forever the way my mother did.

I took things calmly as they came and went at life with a level head. I never panicked or freaked out over everything the way she did. If something awful fell upon me, I took it on with an ‘Oh well, so what’s new?’ attitude.

Living that way, I was content at the end of my forty years. I didn’t believe there was anything wrong with me even if I was a defective, failure of a human from society’s point of view.

Others would have thought I was pitiful, but I enjoyed life my own way. I couldn’t care less whether people thought I was successful or not.

Success meant nothing to me, it was something completely worthless.

I was more than content being a failure so long as I enjoyed it.

In my eyes, failure was something far more interesting than success.

“Ran, what are you thinking about right now?” Rosa suddenly spoke up and broke my chain of thought.

“I’m not thinking about anything.”

“Liar, you’ve obviously been thinking about something depressing.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Well aside from the listless spaced-out look in your eyes, there’s also the neutral expression on your face.”

“Why would that convince you I’m thinking about something depressing? Isn’t that how I normally look?”

“Sure, that may be how you normally look, but I can still tell. We’ve been together for long enough and I’ve always been watching you since the first time we met. Assassins are acute at picking up on subtle changes in the air.”

“That’s way too vague.”

“Well I can just somehow tell, that’s all that really matters, isn’t it?”

“What do you think I was thinking about in specific?”

“Obviously your mother, right?”

“Well… you’re not wrong.”

“I see. Sorry…”

“For what?”

“Making you talk about it.”

“You don’t need to apologize for that. I’m not particularly sad or anything. I’ve long become numb to all of it.”

Rosa hopped off the rock she was seated on, plucked off the single marshmallow on the stick she’d been feeding me with, and bent her body forward in front of me until she was at eye level.


“Thanks for telling me. As a reward, you get the last marshmallow I’ve roasted for the night.”

“Oh wow, what an amazing reward.”

“Yes, it is. You should be proud of winning the prestigious marshmallow reward from me. Now open up to receive your reward.” She raised her hand with the roasted marshmallow up between us.

When I opened my mouth, she stuck the marshmallow between her lips. Before I could complain about my reward being stolen, she leaned forward further until I felt the marshmallow enter halfway into my mouth. Our lips touched and I not only felt the warmth of skin, but also the heat of the mellow gooey substance between us.

I bit down into it and the marshmallow squished down at the center. Rosa’s tongue slipped in, disguised with the marshmallow, and that gooey substance transferred back and forth between our mouths.

I suppose this was what they called a French marshmallow kiss. I’d heard of it before, but I definitely never thought I’d ever experience it myself.

Somehow, a kiss from Rosa made me feel as if I was constantly winning the lottery.

When the marshmallow was soaked in our saliva, Rosa pulled her head back. There was a long thin white gooey string connected between our lips. It eventually snapped and the two of us swallowed that oh-so-sweet marshmallow.

“How was that one compared to the previous marshmallows you had before it?”

“1/10, would not recommend.”

She frowned and shot me a glare.

I held my hands up in defeat and told the truth, “I’m kidding, it tasted the best of them all.”

“Good.” When her smile returned, I suddenly felt like I was floating and on cloud nine. I really can’t beat her. She’s too strong. I guess this was just what it was like when you fell in love with someone.

A simple smile from them was all it took for you to feel over the moon. I naturally wouldn’t ever admit to that out loud though. I’d definitely keep that a closely guarded secret to my grave.

“So, shall we head to bed now?”

“Yeah. Let’s call it a night.”

I dumped an eight-inch-long piece of log that was harder to burn which would keep the fire going overnight in the fireplace. We’d prepared it in advance earlier in the day when setting up camp. It wasn’t close enough to anything that would catch on fire, plus, with the three rocks and our tent around it blocking out the majority of the wind, we didn’t need to worry about it spreading. It was well contained.

The two of us entered the tent together.

Inside we only had a single sleeping bag laid out on the ground. We decided to just share it as we were traveling light. I got into the sleeping bag first at Rosa’s behest. 

Before she entered the sleeping bag Rosa suddenly pulled her arms inside the shirt she had on.

“Are you cold?” I couldn’t help but ask when she did that.

“It’s a little chilly.”

“It’s not that bad, is it?”

“You’ve lived in a cold city a lot longer than I have. My cold resistance just isn’t as high as yours.”

“Hmm, I suppose you’re right.”

“Therefore, it’s your job to keep me warm.” She slipped inside the sleeping bag as she said that. My vision went dark and I felt something pull over my head.

I felt the warmth of her bare skin directly. It took me a second to realize what happened. She’d pulled my head under the shirt she had on. My face slid along her belly up and over her soft breasts until my head popped through the collar. My chin ended up in a position over her right shoulder. Our bodies were stuck closely together with the elasticity of the shirt squeezing down on our bodies.

It only hit me when our bare skin was touching that I’d completely forgotten to put my shirt back on and I’d been shirtless this entire time.

“Was this really necessary?”

“I want to sleep like this. I can’t?” Rosa questioned cutely while she wrapped around my back under the shirt and snuggled closer.

“I guess… it’s fine.”

“Then please do a good job and keep me warm throughout the night.”

“Sure, I will.”

After I zipped up the sleeping bag, I hugged her back beneath the shirt.

Listening to the sound of her breathing and feeling her heart at ease beating through her chest, I felt calm. At peace. Nothing else in the world mattered right now. Like this, it only took a short minute to fall asleep.

If this is what Heaven is like, sign me up.

Well, I’m a devil so this might actually be Hell and I just don’t realize it.

If so, Hell really isn’t such a bad place after all.

I think I’ve grown quite fond of Hell.

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