Redo of a Romanceless Author’s Life Devoid of Love; Another Chance at Youth

Chapter 416.

Chapter 416. We Encounter a Strange Spaced-out Girl Stranded on the Highway. (9/10)

“Hmph! Fine. If you forgot, then whatever. Forget it.” She turned to walk off into the thicket of trees, but I grabbed her wrist and pulled her close while still seated on my motorcycle. I kept my head tilted up while pulling her wrist down to the side which brought her face close to mine.

In that instant, our lips connected for a brief instant before she pulled back.

“I love you too.”

“Hmph! Too late, jerk.” She looked down to the left and grumbled with a pout, “Really, if you figured it out, don’t play dumb.” She weakly knocked on my chest with the back of her right knuckle.

Sickeningly sweet. Those were the best words to describe what the atmosphere between us was like. If I wasn’t careful, I might even get diabetes. It was embarrassing to admit that was a genuine concern that popped into my head.

“Are you trying to assassinate me with cuteness right now?”

“Did you only figure that out now?”

“It’s not good for my heart. Please stop being so cute. I’m not going to be able to take it. I’ll seriously die, you know.”

“Then go die, dummy.”

“Hey don’t go around raising death flags like that. Death flags aren’t something to joke about.”

“You don’t need to worry about death flags. Your death is already decided, remember? Did you forget that I’m the one who’s going to assassinate you?”

“Haha, certainly.”

“Now hurry up and get going already.”

“Sure, I’ll be back soon.”

“Anytime you say that, you take forever. My expectations of you making it back fast is zero so take your time and text me if something comes up.”

“Haaaaah. Sure, I will.”

“Drive safe.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

I took off and returned to Dawn’s side. She was still spacing out by the time I got back.

I really wanted to get this over with quickly. I’d been enjoying my time together with Rosa over the last few days a lot.

“Hey, Dawn.”

She was unresponsive.

Was she daydreaming again?

This girl really needs to get her head out of the clouds.

I got off my bike, strapped her battery down to the back of my motorcycle, and ensured it was secure before I made a second attempt to catch her attention.

“Heheheh, thanks for the free battery, you foolish girl.”

I drove a hundred meters before I stopped and looked back at her. 

This girl… she’s too absentminded.

I let out a small sigh, turned around, and pulled up by her side.

“Dawn. Can you hear me?”


This girl is so troublesome.

“If you don’t say anything in the next ten seconds I’m going to kiss you.”

“10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 0…”

What the hell?

“That was a joke.”


I grabbed her hand, but unlike the first time I came across her, she didn’t respond.

“Hey, are you okay?”

Is there something seriously wrong with her? Both her pulse and breathing were normal.

It was like she was trapped in her own world where nobody could reach her.

What do I do?

Do I sit around waiting for her to snap out of it?

No, who knows how long that would take.

I lightly pinched her right cheek. She didn’t even flinch.

I simultaneously pinched her left cheek. Still nothing.

I stretched her cheeks out. She remained completely still and unresponsive.

How is this even possible?

Is she asleep with her eyes open while standing or something?

If pinching didn’t work, would a slap on the cheek snap her out of it?

It felt like I was dealing with a patient in a coma. Wait. Rather than a coma, was she in some sort of vegetative state? There’s no way this is on the level of daydreaming. A neurological disorder? Was that it?

Rather than her home, should I take her to see a doctor in the city? It could be something serious.

I was really starting to worry for this girl. 

I lightly slapped her on the cheek and called out, “Dawn. Could you please snap out of it? If you’re messing around, stop it now. If you don't, I'm going to take you to see a doctor. This isn’t on the level of simply daydreaming, this is on the level of a neurological disorder.”

When that failed, I completely covered her eyes with my hand to see if that would garner a response, but she still didn’t react. Next, I pinched her nose and covered her mouth. If she was faking, this would surely end her little act.

But to my horror, after a full minute passed, she still hadn’t reacted at all.

I was at a loss for words.

How do her parents deal with her? Does this happen frequently?

Frozen in time.

That was the best way to describe it.

With a deep frown on my face, I revved my motorcycle’s engine as loud as possible beside her. Not even that had any effect.

Her serene expression and eyes remained unchanging.

What are you? Sleeping beauty who won’t wake up unless a prince kisses you or something?

“I’m not going to kiss you.”

There’s no chance in hell that would work. Absolutely not. I refuse to believe in such nonsense.

“I’m seriously not going to kiss you. If you’re expecting a kiss to wake you up from your deep slumber, then sorry, you’re going to have to sleep forever, Sleeping Beauty.”

Haaaaah. This one-man act was getting exhausting.

“Hey, I’m going to grope you.”


“If you don’t say anything, I’ll assume you don’t mind.”


“I’m really going to do it.”


As such, I did it. I stood directly in front of her, raised my hands up, and fondled those two plump perky breasts expecting to be slapped.


“Seriously?” Am I in some kind of hentai scenario right now? If I… would she not even react at all?

I shook the vulgar thought off, released her breasts, and took a step back.

It seemed external physical stimulation had zero effect.

I felt utterly defeated.

If physically touching her didn’t work… what about smell? Smells often brought back memories, right? If I stimulated her mind with smell would she snap back to reality?

I jumped across the ditch on the side of the road, entered the field, and picked a few fragrant flowers I found along with a few strands of wheat. When I got back to her side nothing had changed.

I held the flowers up to her nose one by one, but her nose didn’t even twitch. I held the strands of wheat under her nose and even tried brushing it under her nose to get her to sneeze, but even that failed. I even tried holding all of them under her nose at once to see if a collage of scents would make a difference. It didn’t.

Since smell seemed ineffective I moved on to her sense of taste. I placed my hand under her chin and squeezed her cheeks together a bit to open her jaw a bit.

I stuck one flower at a time between her lips and poked the tip of her tongue with them. The flowers were unsuccessful. I also tried a strand of wheat, but the result was the same.

By this point, I’d reached a dead-end and ran out of ideas. I was truly at my wit's end here.

If none of these things worked, there was no chance in hell a stupid kiss would seriously work, right? I refused to believe in such nonsense. Sleeping Beauty was a scammer. All these years I’d been convinced of that. I thought she was some gold digger and if the prince had stuck his dick in her mouth that would have surely woken her lazy ass up.

“Pffthahahaha!” I squatted down on the ground, covered my mouth, and clutched at my stomach as I burst out into an unexpected bout of laughter. It was because the distinct image of a prince doing so had popped into my mind, it was honestly a bit too comical. If he did that it wouldn’t be a fairytale any more, it’d just be a pornographic film. Sleeping Beauty was merely her pornstar name.

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