Redo of a Romanceless Author’s Life Devoid of Love; Another Chance at Youth

Chapter 431.

Chapter 431. Soul Exchange. (3/7)

When she finally calmed down she sat up and leaned her full weight against me.

“Haaaaaah… haaaaaaah… haaaaaaaaah. I really haven’t laughed that hard in a long time. It actually hurts to laugh. Were you trying to assassinate me by having me laugh myself into suffocation?”

“What? You saw through my plan?”

“How evil of you. Trying to assassinate your assassin girlfriend.”

“It seems my plan has been foiled.”

“It does, doesn’t it?”

She tilted her head further to one side until her cheek was on my shoulder and her hair was brushing against my neck and cheek.

“Hey,” Rosa called out.


“You know that song?”

“What song?”

“Hmm… I guess it’s not a song. It’s more appropriate to call it a nursery rhyme.”

“Which one?”

“I don’t remember. I only heard it once when I was a kid. They were making fun of some boy and girl. How does it go again?”

“Making fun of a boy and girl?”

“Yeah. So if it was us, it’d start out with Rosa and Ran sitting in a tree. What comes after that though?”

“It’s K-I-S-S-I-N-mmmmm?”

I’d been played.

Well, I didn’t really mind.

She’d sneakily slid her hand up from below, placed her palm on my cheek, and turned my head her way. While I was caught off guard, she raised her head up and kissed me on the lips. Her tongue curled around mine as strings of saliva mixed together.

Between our kiss when our lips momentarily separated she continued the nursery rhyme, “First come love.”

When there was another gap she spoke up again, “Then comes marriage. What was the rest after that?”

The next time there was a gap I took the chance to complete it, “Then comes Rosa with a baby carriage.”

She grinned as she nibbled and pulled on my lower lip.

A minute later she pulled away with sly impish eyes. She returned to her original position with her head on my shoulder.

“Now that I think about it, it would be a bit too dangerous to do that up here right now,” Rosa muttered to herself.

“You weren’t seriously considering it, were you?”

“I was, but I have to hold it in a bit longer.”

“Why would you even consider doing it here?”

“Don’t you think it’d be exhilarating to try it?”

“It’d be terrifying, not exhilarating.”

“Scaredy cat.”

“What if the branch broke?”

“If it broke during a climax wouldn’t it feel pretty amazing? It’d be a zero-g orgasm where you really feel weightless mid-fall.”

“That sounds like a recipe for disaster.”

“Oh, what about bungee jumping? How do you think it’d feel when doing that? If I was on top of you right when we were at the bottom of the fall would it be like a super thrust?”

I shivered when I saw the genuine curiosity in her eyes.

“Rosa, please don’t get such strange ideas, I’m begging you. I really don’t want to be the first officially recorded death of a mid-orgasm bungee jumper.”

“Hehehe, why not? You’d go down in history if you died that way.”

“I’d prefer a normal death where I’m not laughed at by the entire world for being the first dumbass to die in such a degenerate manner.”

“Haaaah. You have a girlfriend who’s willing to experiment with so many different positions but you don’t want to take advantage of it.”

“That’s not a different position, that’s a different sport altogether.”

“Bungee fucking… pffthehehe,” Rosa couldn’t stop herself from giggling after she said it.

“Hey, what if I waited at the bottom and you inserted and pulled out-”

I cut her off before she could elaborate further on her dirty joke, “Please stop painting that picture in my head right now.”

She couldn’t stop laughing when she imagined it herself.

“Haaaaaah.” When she calmed down again she breathed out a tired sigh.

“It really hurts to laugh. I don’t think I’ve laughed this much in a single day before.”

“Aren’t you just laughing so much because it’s late and you’re sleepy? Everything is funnier when you’re tired.”

“Is it?”


“I see. Now that you mention it, I am a bit sleepy. Still though, I would have laughed even if I wasn’t sleepy.”

“Don’t go falling asleep up here, that wouldn’t be funny at all.”

“I think it would be kind of funny though.”

“Absolutely not, don’t you dare.”

“Fine, I won’t. We should probably get down soon though. If I stay in this position any longer I’m really going to fall asleep up here.”

“Then let’s head down now.”

“Wait, before you do, there’s something I’ve been curious about for a while now.”

“What is it?”

“Before, in your story, you mentioned the doctor sold his soul to you.”

“Yeah, what about it?”

“Previously, you had me get Jass to sign a contract and the condition was also to sell his soul to you. Back then I thought it was a joke and that you were just being mean, but it came up again today. What’s that about? Is it just a coincidence?”

I’d never actually properly filled Rosa in on the whole me being a devil ordeal since it just never really came up before.

“Actually, forget that, first and foremost, why haven’t you asked me to sell you my soul yet? You could even have it for free if you just asked me for it.”

“Are you kidding me? Don’t go selling your soul for free. You’d be getting blatantly scammed. At least ask for something in return.”

“I already have everything I want though.”

“There’s got to be something you want.”

“Something I want? But I already have you.”

“Then a contract to sell your soul is impossible.”

“Huh? Why?”

“A contract requires an exchange of value of some kind, a transaction.”

“So there needs to be something exchanged?”

“Yeah… I think.”

“What do you mean you think?”

“I’ve never actually tried it.”

“You speak like you can tell when you’ve received a soul. What are you, a devil?”

“Yeah, I am actually.”

“Hahaha, so that’s why~. You were a devil.”

Huh? When she suddenly burst out into cheerful laughter, I thought she was going to treat it like a joke, but it sounded like she took it seriously instead.

“You believe me?”

“Yeah, I believe you.”


“Because I do.”

“It’s not good to blindly trust people.”

“I don’t blindly trust people. I only trust you.”

“How about in return you stop aging once you’ve fully grown for a condition?”

“Stop aging after a certain point? Yeah right, as if you can do that.”

“In truth, I already received the souls of all the women I’ve become entangled with through contract and gave them this condition.”

“What? Are you saying I’m the last to sell their soul despite being the first girl to get involved with you?”

“Ironically enough, yeah, for the time being.”

“This feeling of defeat…”


“No, it’s fine. It’s not really something to be down about. Anyway, I thought of a condition. I’ll take the one you offered and one other thing as part of the deal.”

“You thought of something? What is it?”

“Your soul. You haven’t sold that to any other girls, right?”

“My… soul?”


“I don’t even know if devils have a soul though. Nor do I know if it can be sold to someone else.”

“I see. Are you able to return a soul after the contract is made?”

“I haven’t actually tried it before, but my gut feeling tells me the destruction of the contract should be enough to achieve that. That’s the assumption I’ve been going off of the entire time.”

“How about we test to test whether a soul can be sold for nothing first?”

“You sure? What if it really works and I’m unable to return it after all?”

“Then oh well. We’ll just deal with it if it comes to that.”

“If you say so. Don’t blame me if you get scammed. But of all things, why do you even want my soul?”

“Only one person can have your soul, right? Hehe, I couldn’t be the first to sell my soul to you, but I can, however, be the first and only one to be in possession of your soul.”

“What would you even do with it? Even I don’t know what can really be done with them.”

“I’d have it.”

“That’s it?”

“Yeah. That’s it. I just want to have it.”

“Why though?”

“Because it’s yours, dummy.”

“Haaaaah. Whatever I guess.”

“Do you have any paper on you?”

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