Redo of a Romanceless Author’s Life Devoid of Love; Another Chance at Youth

Chapter 465.

Chapter 465. An Exciting Night with Two Girls Outside the City: The Alleged Haunted Castle. (8/10) 

It was too late by the time I realized my blunder.

Wisteria pounced at me from the ground and pushed me down with my back against the wall.

Even before she finished unzipping my fly her tongue had slipped beneath and embarked on its invasion. The stimulation from her tongue instantly got me hard. Her tongue greedily wrapped around the head and shaft as she used her tongue alone to pull me into her mouth. With seemingly little effort, she quickly devoured it in one continuous fluid motion all the way down to the base.

She didn’t give me a chance to resist and she wasn’t holding back in the slightest. She was using her full prowess and her tongue’s technique was just too skilled. The way it wrapped around the entire shaft in a double helix, forming a cavity of its own while she stimulated the tip with the central portion of her split tongue.

It’d been months since I last felt this overwhelming sensation and it was as irresistibly addictive as I recalled. My entire body felt limp as if all the energy had been sucked right out of it.

“Wisteria… stop.”

She naturally didn’t.

I placed my right hand on the back of her head to try and pull her away. But it seems my body had a mind of its own and refused to listen as it instead pulled her in as if wanting to thrust even deeper down her throat.

The cylindrical formation of her tongue started switching between rotating clockwise and counterclockwise inside her mouth and I could no longer hold back. I was brought to climax in a terrifyingly short ten seconds. When I thought back to the first time I experienced her skills, I realized she’d definitely held back. She’d been playing with me, but right now she was hungry and wasn’t.

Her throat bulged every time my shaft convulsed and the central portion of her tongue wiggled its way between the walls of her throat and my shaft to absorb it directly from the source as if unable to wait even a second longer for it to be propelled down her throat.

Despite her being unable to see me in the dark, she still looked up at me from down below with thankful eyes. It was as if she was thanking me for quickly feeding her. But from the look of it, she seemed unsatisfied and her tongue began to move as soon as I stopped convulsing.

“Wait, Wisteria, not so fast I just- hah~” I was winded when her tongue constricted tighter around the shaft.

‘Don’t hold out on me, I know you’ve got some more delicious stuff for me. Let it all out~’ That was what her eyes eagerly conveyed. That look sent spine-tingling shivers down my back.

My breathing quickened as I tilted my head back and looked up to the ceiling in a daze with glazed-over eyes. It felt like I was melting inside her mouth. It was as if I was being treated as some sort of ice cream bar for her to enjoy.

I shut my eyes and fully relaxed my body while Wisteria continued her merciless assault. I didn’t have the strength to resist. My hands remained on her head, but they no longer had the ability to do anything aside from rest there. Wisteria was free to move as she pleased and she naturally did so without any restraint or shame.

It seemed the only thing on her mind was satiating her hunger. No matter what it was.

Half a minute in I ejaculated for the second time inside her mouth. With that second load, she finally pulled her head back and removed it from her mouth. Her tongue remained wrapped around it though and the central portion of her tongue rubbed against the opening in the urethra as if she were patting someone on the head to tell them it’s been a good boy.

“Tanks for the meal, big bwother~”

“You’re… full now?”

She finally released me and retracted her tongue into her mouth.

“I’m still a bit hungry, but… I guess I can be satisfied with this for the time being.”

Seriously… were the bastards who genetically modified her trying to create a real Succubus or something? They must have been, right?

“Just… don’t do that again.”

“What do you mean? You’re the one who told me to suck it up, aren’t you? Wasn’t that permission?”

“No, I was telling you to not be a baby and bear with it for a little longer.”

“Ah. Heheh, I see, I see. English sure is hard, isn’t it?”

“Bullshit, you understood exactly what I meant.”

“But big brother, why are you even here right now?” Wisteria abruptly changed the topic as she asked with a skeptical look.

“Well, you can ask Rosa about that later. She’s behind all of this.”

“Rosa’s here too?”


“Uh… where is she exactly?”

“She’s above ground, inside the castle right now.”

“Why isn’t she together with you? Did she… get… caught?”

“No. We split up. But there are two guys who were sent to search the castle for people snooping around. Apparently, your target caught a glimpse of your hair from around a corner and called for them.”

“Ugh, so I was spotted after all.”

“When exactly did you lose sight of your target?”

“When? I escaped when I thought he might have spotted me.”

“Why did you even follow him all the way here?”

“I got impatient and was in a rush to finish this contract.”

I placed my hands on her cheeks and said, “Be more cautious, you could lose your life if you’re not careful in your line of work.”

“Of course... I know that… but…”


“I thought if I finished faster I might get more time to see big brother.”

“Haaaaaah. You’ll get no time if you screw up and die. Is the risk even worth it?”

“It’s worth it… to see big brother.”

“Well, since I found you, let’s get out of here.”

“But my target.”

“You mean the one you already lost track of?”


I rose to my feet, zipped up my pants, then grabbed Wisteria’s hand and pulled her up to her feet.

“Let’s go.”

“... kay…” Wisteria gave a meek nod in an abnormally obedient fashion.

I led the way holding her left hand in my right hand with my left hand. Thanks to the light from Wisteria’s soul I could see where we were going and I didn’t need to be overly conscious about where I was stepping.

“Uh… big brother, do you know where we’re going without a flashlight when it’s this dark?”

“Yeah. You’re an assassin, shouldn’t navigating in the dark be easy?”

“No... I was able to follow the light from my target down here since he was using a flashlight. When I lost track of him, I started using the flashlight on my phone to locate an exit but the battery eventually died and I ended up lost.”

“What a clumsy little sister.”


“What are you apologizing for?”

“For getting in the way of your vacation with Rosa.”

“You didn’t get in the way or anything. Our little trip to this castle was pretty fun… and…”

“And what?”

“Finding this place may have been a lucky break. So… I have to thank you.”

“A lucky break? How?”

“Was your target the doctor who was together with that woman I was chasing after at the hospital?”

“Huh? How’d you figure that out?”

“Your client is a farmer, right?”

“Are you reading my mind with your devil powers? What am I thinking right now?”

“How would I know? I can’t read minds.”

“Then how’d you know my client’s a farmer and my target was that doctor?”

“The girl I brought to the hospital that day is that farmer’s daughter.”

“What? Seriously?”


“Such coincidences really exist?”

“Guess so.”

“I guess this is what they mean when they say it’s a small world.”


Wisteria suddenly pulled me backward, wrapped her right arm around my waist, and covered my mouth with her left hand. 

“Shhh. Quiet. Don’t make any noise or sudden movements, big brother,” Wisteria whispered directly into my ear.

A few seconds later we could hear two sets of footsteps approaching from the passage I was about to turn down around the corner.

“Tsk. What a waste of time, there wasn’t anythin in the castle.”

“Yeah, Doc’s definitely losin it.”

I recognized their voices, it was the duo I’d encountered earlier. I felt a bit relieved knowing Rosa and Dawn hadn’t been discovered, but when I remembered they were headed our way, my heartbeat skyrocketed.

If they looked down this passage or turned into it, we’d surely be spotted. If we made a run for it we’d definitely be heard, but if we walked as quietly as possible we wouldn’t make it to the next corner to break out of their line of sight in time.

There was no escape.

A beam of light came from the passage. It gradually brightened and diffracted further around the corner as their footsteps grew more distinct. Closer, and closer, their chatter, louder.

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