Redo of a Romanceless Author’s Life Devoid of Love; Another Chance at Youth

Chapter 56.

Chapter 56. Confronted by an Assassin.

I had a weird dream. 

A dream where I returned to my youth. 

I had a second chance at it… right after a nightmare where I found myself with a blood-stained knife through my chest.

When I awoke from that nightmare, I found myself in a classroom where I met my first homeroom teacher from high school. 

Immediately after that… I met her.

Rosa Scarletyse.

The one who became my first girlfriend in life.

Then something absurd happened, the clues I had all led me to believe she was an assassin. Even now, I still find that hard to believe. I mean, an assassin? Isn’t that a bit outdated?

Assassins being a thing in this modern day and age where they should long be extinct, wasn’t that just utter nonsense? In my first time through high school, it was completely normal, I didn’t notice something ridiculous like my classmate secretly being an assassin.

But… I couldn’t completely deny the possibility as I’d shut my eyes to the world around me when I was in high school. If I’d opened my eyes back then and searched for such abnormalities, would I have discovered that there was an actually interesting world out there the entire time?

If I hadn’t had my head down only focusing on my grades, just trying to survive, barely getting by from one day to the next, all alone by myself in the cruel reality I was bestowed, would I have seen things differently?

Who really knows?

My eyes slowly opened and I was faced with the reality I was currently trying to escape from.

The facts were staring me straight in the face.

A handsome man dressed in all black was seated on a couch in front of me with his legs arrogantly crossed one over the other. He had red hair and scarlet eyes. They truly reminded me of my girlfriend.

“Are you prepared to die, boy?” The man asked me coldly with a terrifying grin on his face.

My lips spasmed uncontrollably as a bead of sweat trickled down the side of my face and fell to the ground. The atmosphere was tense, the air dry, it was suffocating being stared down by this man. When the drop of sweat landed on the ground, in this dead silence, you could actually hear it.

“Sir, don’t you think you’re overreacting a bit here?”

How did I find myself in this awkward standoffish confrontation? Well, I’d need to go back to the beginning of winter break.

Short chapter since it is the prologue for volume 2. Next chapter will be a bit longer than usual to balance it out. Honestly, was debating on whether or not to include the volume 2 prologue in the web novel version. What do you think? Despite it being short, does it make you curious and want to read on to find out what's to come later into the volume?

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