Redo of a Romanceless Author’s Life Devoid of Love; Another Chance at Youth

Chapter 64.

Chapter 64. Executing Operation, Codename: Date, Morning (4/4)

We headed over to it and entered inside, the two of us. There was only enough for one person to sit down though. I sat down first while Rosa sat down sideways on my lap like it was only natural that she sat there.

“It would be a bit hard to play like this, don’t you think?”

“Is it?”

“Well… it should be fine I guess. I’ll go first. You can go after me. Just pay attention to the controls.”


I inserted a coin then selected a mission to play. A gust of wind blew against us as the screen around us threw us into space where a bunch of targets came into view popping up one by one.

As this was a shooter, my skills from the games I was most familiar with transferred over well. It was an area I excelled at. Predicting and anticipating, moving with pinpoint accuracy, then pulling the trigger.

My area of expertise was first-person shooters. It was a world I’d once thrived and immersed myself in. I’d reached a rather deep realm in the world of FPS, even now, it was something permanently engraved in the back of my mind. It was a feeling, a sensation I’d never forget. 

My eyes quickly scanned the screen and found the most optimal pathing to move the joystick and eliminate each enemy from my sight. My hands moved rapidly as the crosshairs flew around the screen in conjunction with the controls I input. I lined up each shot with pinpoint accuracy and pulled the trigger with deadly precision. Not a single enemy escaped alive once they entered my line of sight, nor was a single shot wasted. Every shot I took hit the target dead on.

I sunk into a state I hadn’t been in for a long time. I forgot about the world around me. Rosa’s weight on my lap disappeared. She hadn’t stood up, I just couldn’t feel it anymore. 

I didn’t need to think, I simply needed to point, pull the trigger, and shoot. Movement of the ship was limited, minimal at best. That’s all there was. Me and the enemies before me in outer space. One by one, their ships exploded before my eyes.

One. Two. Three... Twenty-six enemies later, I blew up the Death Star and it was over. It had been far shorter than I expected. It was honestly a bit sad. It could have done with a lot more enemy ships in my opinion. I’d somehow gotten the first place score which was unexpected.

“Wow! That was pretty impressive. Are you good at these types of shooting games?” Rosa suddenly asked me.

“Huh? Uh, a bit I guess. I’m not that great though, there are a lot of people far better at these sorts of things.” Also, this game was just way too simple-minded and easy. There was no real depth or meat to it. It felt bare bones. I honestly felt a bit ripped off. There were a few more missions but I could only imagine they’d end up being the same, a disappointment. As such, I decided to let Rosa complete the rest of the very limited number of missions.

“You can take the next one.”

“Okay, sure.”

I let her sit down facing the parabolic screen straight on by adjusting my posture on the seat so she could fit comfortably between my legs.

I placed my hands on top of hers and started the second mission with her. Seeing how simplistic and easy the game was, there wasn’t much need to try so hard.

“I’ll help you a bit for the controls the first time.”

“Mm… yeah, sure.”

With our hands overlapping with interlocked fingers and our bodies glued together, I had an epiphany. A great one at that. The person who designed this was actually a bloody genius. This shit mediocre game was a cover for a private enclosed space where a couple could be intimate together in such close proximity while inside the arcade.

And the air that it blasted, it was not for immersion at all.

The thruster which seemed to be completely and utterly useless at first glance was what blew the wind. It didn’t seem to actually speed up your ship at all. The only thing it did was make it visually appear you were going faster with wind appearing adding such an illusion. I’d been curious about that useless feature from the start.

The air was for circulation. I pushed on the thrust and let the wind blow while we continued shooting the enemy ships down. Her hair would move gently and bush against my face and arms while the wind blew.

Her scent easily spread inside the enclosed space. Ah, yes, the man who made it truly was a hidden genius. The world had surely overlooked such a brilliant mind that could give even Einstein a run for his money. Whoever you are, creator of this game, I thank you for such a pleasant experience.

Eventually, the two of us forgot we were even playing a game. We quietly flirted inside while blowing up the stupid enemies on screen. If this was reality and the enemy ships knew of this they’d surely cough up blood and cry tears of blood.

How dare they start making out during a battle to the death.

Yes, I’d started to kiss the back of her neck. I released the thrust and wrapped my left arm around her waist.

“Jeez, is this supposed to be part of the game?” She giggled and asked me bashfully.

“Yes, it seems it’s the creator’s secret gift to the world.”

After a short two and half minutes, we’d completed the second mission and protected some ship or something. I couldn’t be bothered to care. The mood between us was pretty good at the moment. We started the next mission, but it seems she wasn’t particularly interested in what was going on in the game anymore. I still kept my eyes on the screen and played with one hand.

She turned around and straddled across my waist. Quickly locking me down. She kissed under my neck before she moved up. Her head tilted to one side, allowing me to see enough of the screen to kill the enemies while she invasively slipped her tongue between my lips.

This feeling was far different compared to when we were inside her place. We were out and about in a public place doing this sort of thing. The thrill of it was what made it a refreshing sort of experience. The thrill brought from potentially being caught red-handed in the act was exquisite. The idea that we were doing something we shouldn’t be doing. The wrong time and place.

But nevertheless, we shamelessly did it anyway.

By the fourth mission, her hands had slipped under my shirt. The smooth sensation of her skin in contact with mine. A scent of danger wafted about in the air.

By the fifth and final mission, our breaths were heated. Wherever she touched felt like it was burning up. We were panting. Our hearts had been beating much faster than normal, leaving us in this sort of condition.

It was only when I defeated whatever the final boss was supposed to be, Darth so and so, did Rosa pull back. I’d nearly died in that last battle because I felt light-headed and wasn’t able to focus very well on the game by that point.

“It seems you somehow made it while playing on the highest difficulty level where you’re supposed to make out with your girlfriend.”

“Truly, I never expected there would be a hidden difficulty level to this game. I wonder if anyone else has ever discovered it before now.”

If someone played this game normally it was certainly a breeze, but if they played it like this, it was much more difficult. I could only imagine single people writing scathing reviews for this game. It’s like paying $2 for every 2 and a half minutes to make out in public without anyone seeing. In a way, it sort of felt like the money was worth it. 

“This might be my favorite game so far.”

“We’ve only played three so far, you know.”

“Still. It will definitely rank up there.”

“Well, let’s try out some more then.”

“Yeah, sure. I hope there are some more like this.”

“I doubt it. The person who made this game is a God for being able to deceive arcade owners into installing such a thing without realizing its true intended purpose.”

“Certainly. It’s too bad we didn’t try the even harder secret difficulty setting.”

The two of us exited the pod fully satisfied with the wonderful experience it had provided as she said that on our way out.

“What do you mean? What would be more difficult than what we just did?” I asked her since I seriously didn’t understand.

“Don’t play dumb, you know exactly what I mean.” She moved close up to my ear and whispered softly, “Duh, s-e-x. What else would it be?”

When I heard her, my body stiffened up as I suddenly realized just how depraved my girlfriend truly was. She was several levels beyond me.

As an author, I had a pretty wild and depraved imagination myself. I’d written all sorts of scenarios over the years. The one she’d just suggested played out in my head and I couldn’t help but think… it’d probably be pretty damn hot.

Shit, I might be able to use this in a future story. So far this date had honestly given me a pretty decent amount of reference material I could use in the future when writing stories.

My girlfriend was actually helpful in a lot of unexpected ways that she herself wasn’t even aware of. But sex in there… the idea alone left me a bit jittery.

That was some straight-up top-tier H content. Hell, what if it was a real space battle even? Damn… Luke Skyfucker. Look sky fucker. Look sky fuck her. I could just imagine a stormtrooper pointing at his spaceship in the air and saying his name in an overly dramatic manner while he did the deed.

“Pfft.” Ah, I slipped up a bit when I thought of the protagonist's name and scenario.

I ended up crouching down and holding my abdomen as I tried to hold down my laughter.

“What’s wrong? Are you okay? Are you feeling unwell?” Rosa bent down by my side and asked me worriedly.

“Luke... Skyfucker…”

When she heard the name I said, she covered her mouth and did her best not to laugh too.

You laugh, you lose.

It took a while before we could stand up with a straight face.

Rosa looked like she was ready to burst out into tears by the time we calmed down.

“You can’t ever say that name again,” she said.


“I think I’ll seriously die if I hear someone utter that name in the future.”


“It seems we’re both pretty dirty-minded.”

“It seems so.”

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