Redo of a Romanceless Author’s Life Devoid of Love; Another Chance at Youth

Chapter 88.

Chapter 88. Break up? (6/6)

“The you that cannot feel, I will assassinate that side of you. That’s what I really wanted to kill.”

“I will show no mercy in doing so either.”

“I will do whatever it takes to fill you up with all the things you’ve never experienced or felt, and in doing so, kill your former self that is empty, devoid of emotion and love. The mask you wear, I will forcefully rip it off if I have to. I will shatter it to pieces so you’ll never be able to pick up the pieces to put it back together again. You will never be able to wear it again. It may take time to do so, but I never expected to see results overnight anyway.”

I closed my eyes and continued to listen to the unreasonable declarations my girlfriend was making.

“By the way, Ran, your cheating naturally gives me the right to a second request that you cannot refuse.” 

“A second request… that I can’t refuse to?” I cracked open my right eye slightly and peeked at her through the small gap.


“You mean to say, you refuse to break up, and you plan to hold me cheating on you over my head in exchange for this second request of yours?”

“Yes, I will use this request to my advantage to thoroughly assassinate you for good. You won’t be able to escape, Ran. You screwed up, so you will now face the consequences with death.”

I let out a resigned sigh and said, “Haaaaah. I understand. I will agree to whatever your request may be. Kill me however you plan to, Ms. Assassin.”

“You will continue to date me, marry me in the future, and remain by my side until death do us part. The first request I made of you remains true too. If I can make Alicia confess to you, you must accept her feelings no matter what. You’re also not allowed to just blatantly avoid her, you have to interact with her properly. No running away. If she doesn’t find it in herself to confess to you, it’s my loss on this request.”

“I see. So you plan to chain me down with marriage so I can’t escape. You also plan to make use of your beloved friend to achieve that objective as well. You’ll kill me in such a fashion. It’s quite the unusual method you’ve selected to assassinate me. I was sure I’d find myself with a knife through my chest.” Just like my first time through life before I awoke and found myself back in high school.

“Yes I will use marriage to do so, but my secondary goal is…” the tone of her voice suddenly turned shy before she continued, “to tie Alicia to the two of us. She is… my most precious friend. I’m… worried we’ll grow distant after high school and university. I plan to selfishly use you to keep her close to me… as well.”

“But in my selfish request where I’m enlisting her assistance to assassinate you... I’ll be inadvertently turning that innocent good girl into a bad one who’d confess to a boy that already has a girlfriend…” she had an extremely troubled look on her face. She really did care for her friend and didn’t want to end up hurting her in the end.

“She’ll just think I’m helping her in her objective to become friends with you the entire time, completely unaware I’m trying to make her realize her feelings for you… and get you two hooked up.”

“I just won’t let you win. You won’t be able to turn her into that bad girl if she isn’t able to confess after all. But honestly, you’ve lost your mind, dating two women will end horribly for me and you should know that. It would be a social disaster, I’d be stoned to death by every guy I come across if they found out I had a beauty in each arm.” In simpler terms, if I was a black man, the translation would come out as, ‘Awwww hell naw! HELL NAW Rosa, you crayzay.’

“But Ran, there’s one more thing you owe me for now as well. I saved your life, didn’t I?”

“Oh… I guess that’s true.”

“So that makes me your benefactor.”

“Yes, it does.”

“So don’t you think you should owe me a third request where anything goes?”

“Uh… I suppose I can fulfill such a request.”

“Good. Then… save Irene too. She’s Alicia’s mother, if her mother is unhappy, I’m sure Alicia will be unhappy too.”

“Hah? Save Irene? Do you think I’m some sort of miracle worker? I’m just a simple high school boy. I’m not a playboy who can patch together the broken heart of a widow who lost her husband.”

“If it’s you, I think you can do it.”

“Doing so would mean cheating on you.”

“Then cheat. You said you weren’t opposed to cheating before, right? Was that another lie of yours?”

“It’s not a lie, there are certain types of cheating I can condone, but when it comes to cheating in a relationship, that is one I cannot.”

“Well too bad. You can’t refuse. I’ll adjust my request so you can’t find a way to try and weasel your way out, love Irene to fill the emptiness in her heart. This isn’t cheating now, this is a request made by your girlfriend.”

“A… request?”


“That I can’t refuse?”

“Yes. It is a request from the person who risked their life to save yours and prevent you from falling to your death.”

“Haaaaaah. This is a completely unreasonable request. You’re trying to hook me up with both mother and daughter? Just think about it, I’d become my own stepdaughter’s lover if things play out the way you want them to.”

“Isn’t that kind of hot?”

My lips twitched when I heard her say that. “You… you’re not turned on by that sort of thing… are you?”

“I’m not so sure. I might have developed some strange fetishes because of my parents' influence over the years.”

Where are they! Let me at them! Let me teach some common sense to these damn parents! Don’t teach your young impressionable daughter such strange things!

While I raged internally, I let out a sigh and said, “Haaaaaah. I get it. I’ll do what I can. If I fail terribly, don’t blame me. This isn’t something I’m experienced in.”

“I’m sure it will be fine. I’m quite confident in my boyfriend’s abilities to play with a woman’s heart.”

“I’m not a playboy or particularly good with women.”

“You say that but… would Irene have really gone all the way with you if you were that bad?”

“Let’s please refrain from talking about this any further.”

“What~ why not? I wanted to hear about it in detail. Like, how was it? How did it feel? How many times did you climax? Come on, come on, tell me all about it. I need to be sure I’m prepared to top that experience.”

“Please… stop.” I felt awkward hearing my girlfriend flippantly request for me to leak all the intricate details that transpired between me and another woman.

“How many times did you cum, where, and how much time did it take her to accomplish it?”

Her face moved closer while asking with an extremely serious face.

“Ugh… it’s troubling when you’re asking that with such a serious face.”

“Don’t be shy, tell me. I’ll be sure to make you feel even better.”

Unable to take her questioning anymore, I revealed the specifics, “The first three times in her mouth... she… swallowed every last drop. She never even gagged once. Those three rounds were... pretty quick... probably within 5-10 minutes.”

“Is that all?”

“No… we took a break after that where I recovered for 30 minutes... making use of some foreplay. After that... it was two times directly into her… womb. I can’t say I lasted very long. She was pretty aggressive and merciless in her attack. After that... I ended up forcefully pushing her down and I finished her off while fighting through the pain. The next thing I knew, I collapsed on top of her and passed out. I didn’t even have the chance to pull out.”

“Ohhhh~ that’s… pretty hot… what the heck? She sounds quite formidable in bed. Is that all from experience she gained with her husband before he died? But this information is quite good to know. So I need to at least make you ejaculate six times in one session within about forty minutes to win. That’s quite the high bar she’s set. Those surely aren’t some entry-level stats.”

When I heard such scary words come out of my girlfriend, I trembled. What the hell? What the hell is wrong with this girlfriend of mine? Is she one of those scary nymphos I’ve heard about?

My girlfriend is definitely… not an innocent good girl like Alicia. Not even in the slightest.

I started dating such a girl? Was there something wrong with my head? How was I supposed to know she was like this though? Isn’t she too abnormal?

“What’s wrong, Ran?”

“Huh? Oh… nothing.” I’m just scared about the future, that’s all. I might need to seriously consider building up my stamina more. Hit the gym maybe. Also… eating properly would be a good idea. I might really die if I don’t.

I don’t have the energy required for this sort of thing.

It seems the peaceful life I dreamed of might not be so easy to attain with this unreasonable girl around.

As cold sweat rolled down my back, the two of us waited for our ride.

After an hour we’d made it back to Alicia’s place.

The two of us would both be staying here for the rest of winter break.

Rosa had decided to start moving her things over from now. As for me… to complete Rosa’s request I didn’t have much choice but to stay there as well. Also, I’d already agreed to Irene’s request to stay over with her family for winter break as well.

Honestly, it had only been four days since winter break began, but it had felt like an eternity to me.

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