Refurbishment: Turning Waste into Treasure

Chapter 59

Chapter 59 This Little Brother Is Full Of Courage [3 More]

In the final analysis, I have just come to an international metropolis from a small place!

The age is also a little younger. The rookie has just stepped into the society, and no one will be shameless. More importantly, his cousin tells him a lot about Xu Fan, although he can’t say who he is. Come.

But I also know that when people do business, it is tens of millions at every turn. In less than a month, the amount of business done has reached several hundred million!

I don’t know how much I made in the middle, but my cousin made nearly 30 million from it. I want to come to Xu Fan to make more, not less.

In the face of a big man with a net worth of at least tens of millions, you can still face it calmly. Should you say that you are a big nerve? Or should I say you’re a complete fool?

Good now!

Relatively easy-going and a lot more open.

“Brother… It will look like tomorrow. At the end of the night, in the morning, there will be a batch of scrapped screens and scrapped batteries from Yuezhou City!” Zhao Xuanyi finally found an opportunity to talk about it.

“how much?”

Xu Fan had been prepared for a long time. Several days have passed, but he has not been contacted. He thinks that this cousin has made a move, but he did not reach the end: “Go home and get the money, right?”


Zhao Xuanyi scratched his head a little embarrassedly. He didn’t have much capital, so he could only take it home: “I called back and told my dad, and my dad said that the family fully supports it.”

“How much did you take?” Xu Fan seemed to be more concerned about this.

“100,000 yuan, my dad also said… If there is still a need, I can collect some more.”

“Do you think it’s possible?”

There is no superfluous expression on Xu Fan’s face, but anyone can feel the stiffness, and at the same time he understands what’s going on in the middle: “I’m afraid you know better than me about your family’s situation. Forty to fifty thousand yuan, tight and tight, there is no problem in putting together one.”

“I’ll give you 100,000 at a time. At least half of the money here is borrowed from someone. Can we make more money and borrow it from usury?”

“I told you earlier that if I need capital, I can borrow you 1 million yuan first. Do you really think I’m joking? It’s stubborn, so is your dad, stubborn, who can I borrow?”

Xu Fan didn’t know what to say, so he didn’t continue: “How many?”

“There are more batteries, more than 30,000 kilograms!”

Zhao Xuanyi didn’t know the situation at home, but with such a good opportunity, he also took a sip and wanted to fight: “There are a lot of screens, but I only need 20,000!”

“All the 100,000 yuan went in!”

Xu Fan has his own judgment, so he can’t help but look at this cousin, he is absolutely high-profile, how much capital he has, he will do it directly, without keeping a point, he is full of courage: “Tomorrow morning, I will transfer 200,000 to you. In the past, if there is a shortage, I will use it to make up for it, and I will take all of it as much as there is there!”

“Okay!” Zhao Xuanyi didn’t refuse either, and he honestly agreed. With more capital, he could scan more goods.

Huashenbei has already done it!

But the market in Yuezhou is still blank. It has just been developed. This stage will usher in an outbreak period!

In the past, perhaps scrapped screens were thrown away as garbage, and there was not much stock!

But the battery is different. Some people have taken it back from the beginning. Many people hold the goods and offer a higher price. Anyone will choose to sell it to him. The quantity is not only a considerable amount, but a huge amount.

Small markets have the benefits of small markets!

In the world’s largest market like Huashenbei, without Xu Fan’s foot in it, those scrapped batteries have long been acquired and then resold.

The market in Yuezhou is different. It is a little small. Some people recycle it. It is also integrated after a long period of time. It may be several months after a long period of time. How many end-of-life batteries?

“How many goods will be received there in the future, once loaded, report the quantity to me, and I will give you money first, so that you can continue to sweep the goods.”

Xu Fan can be regarded as giving a loose condition, but he still reminds: “You should also pay attention to some things yourself. Some things still have to be done by yourself, and the layers of relationships are entrusted. Who knows who is a human or a ghost?”

“I know, in fact, I just came back from Yuezhou this afternoon.” Zhao Xuanyi is not stupid.


Seeing this, Xu Fan didn’t say any more, and turned to He Nan: “If you say it, I won’t give you anything. Recently, there are not many goods in Longsheng, and the goods have been swept away. If you want to come, you will also Not much.”

“In terms of capital, I’m not your brother, haha… Your brother is there, you can ask him what he wants, if you don’t have money, you can just reach out. Anyway, he’s not less than a few dozen million, and the day before yesterday I spent 1.25 million to buy this one, and if I pay for it, I will pay, not to mention how many milligrams it has.” Xu Fan completely took He Dong’s advice.

“…” He Dong had a bitter look on his face, how could I have me in everything, and all topics could come to me, very helpless: “If you don’t tell me I almost forgot, what about my car?”

“Isn’t this busy these two days, don’t worry, I’ll fix it for you!”

Xu Fan really forgot, he focused on the LCD screen production line, and kept busy: “Tomorrow, I will drive away tomorrow, and I have already put it in the warehouse over there in Haibei Village. God, take up space.”


He Dong had the urge to beat people up, so he didn’t say anything sooner than eating ashes, it’s not like I wouldn’t drive away by myself.


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