Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 106: Cosmic Punishment

Mary was visibly shaken. She had come very close to the same fate. "Can we get him anything, or do anything to help?" She asked, now feeling bad she convinced Leon to eat the foul sandwich. She had only thought it would make him sick, and she could have healed him.

"The Gibber Elite Flying Fish is a Legendary-ranked monster. I had planned on harvesting a few other things from its body, but Loen ate the entire Cleaner Sac. That should have been enough for 10 people after it dried," Aria explained, but then Leon started shouting again.

"FIRE! THERE IS A FIRE IN THE TOILET! HAS TO BE! AHHH! HOT MAGMA KEEPS PUMPING OUT OF ME! HELP, CALL SOMEONE’S MOM! ANYONE, JUST MAKE IT STO - OH, NOT AGAIN!" Leon cried out as sounds so horrible that they would burn the pages that they were written on if someone tried to record them escaping the bathroom. 

"Water and emotional support is the best we can do for him right now. If it was something of a lower rank, we might be able to flush it out, but Leon is just going to have to ride this one out," Aria said with a look filled with mixed emotions, but then she turned to Scarlet. "In the meantime, You will start joining me in the kitchen. If you want to make Leon food, you need to know how to do it, and what you can give him so this doesn't happen again."


[Leon’s View]

As I sat on the porcelain throne, my life flashed before my eyes. Well, not my whole life, just the part where Scarlet handed me that unholy abomination on a plate. I swear, if my stomach had a voice, it would have belted out a melodious "Hallelujah" in the most agonizing key possible.

First, there was the initial shock, like my digestive system couldn't believe the betrayal it was about to endure. "What do you mean, Flying Fish Loaf Sandwich? This isn't food; it's a daredevil stunt for my taste buds!"

Then came the flames of hell erupting within me, a volcanic eruption with a soundtrack provided by my gut, and it wasn't playing a soothing melody. It was more like a death metal band having a concert in my intestines.

"Oh, sweet mercy! Is this what they mean by 'fire in the belly'? Because I never signed up for this spicy inferno! Someone fetch a fire extinguisher; I've got a code red in progress!"

And let's not forget the involuntary sound effects, a symphony of despair that would make even the most seasoned bathroom-goers wince. I swear, if there were an award for bathroom acoustics, I'd be a nominee for sure.

"Is that a mating call of some mythical creature? Because I'm pretty sure I just summoned a demon from the depths of the sewer system. Note to self: never audition for a singing competition with these vocal talents."

Then the desperate pleas for help, a cry for salvation from the porcelain prison I found myself in. "Calling all plumbers, gastroenterologists, and anyone with a magical toilet plunger! I need a hero, and I need one now! Maybe a priest, too, just in case."

And just when I thought I'd reached the peak of my misery, a sudden realization hit me. "Wait, did someone just mention magma? Am I secretly a volcano, and this is my explosive debut? Forget Mount Vesuvius; Leon's got the hottest show in town!"

Amid my suffering, I couldn't help but wonder if this was some cosmic punishment for all the times I'd teased Mary or made sarcastic remarks. If so, the universe had a twisted sense of humor.


While Leon was enduring the aftermath of Scarlet's culinary experiment, Aria took the opportunity to give Scarlet some impromptu cooking lessons. Shelli and Mary stayed close to the bathroom door, occasionally wincing at Leon's colorful descriptions of his current state.

Aria guided Scarlet through the basics of preparing a meal, emphasizing the importance of properly cooking ingredients, understanding their properties, and avoiding potentially harmful combinations. Scarlet absorbed the information with a determined expression, determined to improve her culinary skills.

As the cooking lessons continued, Leon's shouts from the bathroom gradually subsided. The girls could hear the sound of water running, indicating that Leon was attempting to alleviate the burning sensation he had experienced. Shelli, feeling guilty for not intervening earlier, approached the bathroom door.

"Leon, are you okay in there?" Shelli asked tentatively.

There was a moment of silence, and then Leon's voice came from the other side of the door, weak but audible. "I'll survive. Just need a moment to recover from that culinary adventure."

Shelli sighed in relief, realizing the severity of the situation had passed as she sank down with her back against the door.


[Leon’s View]

"Leon?" Shelli asked from the other side of the door.

I was standing naked in the shower holding the wand with one hand at my arsehole. The other hand was trying to whisk some of the gut-wrenching stink out the window I had wide open. I had been in here for over 2 hours, and I felt like less of a person now. Even worse every person in the house had heard my death rattles.

The only good part was that I called out Garland’s name multiple times. Even though my gut-wrenching pain, his disgusted face each time had made me chuckle. It got to the point where he just stopped showing up even if I screamed his name. 

"Yeah?" I called, while mentally noting that a bigger fan needed to be installed in this bathroom. Maybe something industrial-sized...

"How are you feeling?" Shelli asked, and I snorted.

"Like the skin of a snake that just had been shed. I don't think there is anything left inside of me. My eyes are completely red from me trying to prevent my insides coming out with each heave. I might have lost a few pounds in the process, though," I replied, my voice weak but filled with a certain defeated humor.

Shelli chuckled nervously. "I'm really sorry about the sandwich, Leon. I didn't know Scarlet was so inexperienced at cooking."

I sighed. "It's okay, Shelli. I should have been more cautious. Lesson learned: never underestimate Scarlet's creativity in the kitchen."

There was a pause before Shelli spoke again. "Is there anything I can do for you? Maybe bring you some water or a towel?"

I nodded, even though she couldn't see me. "Water would be great. And maybe a towel. I feel like I've run a marathon in a sauna."

I heard Shelli's footsteps retreating, and I turned off the shower, and stepped out of the tub, feeling drained. Soon enough, she returned with a glass of water and a towel. I gratefully took the water and had a drink before handing it back to her to take the towel.

"Thanks, Shelli. I appreciate the help," I said, genuinely grateful for her concern.

"No problem, Leon. We all make mistakes. Just... try to avoid any more experiments with food, okay?" she said with a gentle laugh.

I chuckled weakly. "Agreed. I'll be more worried next time Scarlet brings me something. No more surprise culinary adventures."

"Aria has been teaching her while you have been here. I think Scarlet's body was just never given the precepts for the Cooking Skill," Shelli explained as I finished drying off.

As I continued to recover from Scarlet's culinary escapade, I couldn't help but reflect on the absurdity of the situation. This would become a story to be shared and laughed about in the days to come and probably long after if it ever got out. The day Scarlet's infamous Flying Fish Loaf Sandwich brought a hero to his knees.


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