Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 133: Calm Down!

After enjoying a wonderful meal cooked by Shelli, the women all went their separate ways until It was just Danielle and me left at the dining table.

"So, are you ready to go to bed?" Danielle asked, and I looked at the sun that was almost set and snorted.

"I suppose we could crawl in early. I am sure there will be a mountain of things for me to check, and I am interested to see what my next class is. I have been getting so many notifications over the last 2 days that I am also scared to check," I joked, and Danielle nodded with a determined look.

"Good! I want to look at everything your blessing has to offer!" Danielle said with steam coming out of her nose, and I chuckled, standing up.

"Well, let's not waste any time then!" I grinned, and Danielle hopped and dragged me out and up the stairs to my room a little faster than I could keep up, so I ended up flapping behind the most of the short trip.

The moment we were in the room, Danielle stopped, but I didn't, and flew right out the window. I was able to catch myself at the last second, but hell on earth, that woman needed to calm down. It was a blessing that I went out the window, and not through one of the damn metal walls!

"Are you okay?" Danielle asked from the window, and I rolled my eyes and floated back up to my window, and into my room.

"Thankfully," I groaned, to use Restore on all my torn muscles as I sank down onto my bed, unequipping my clothes, leaving only my boxer briefs.

The next thing I knew, Danielle had my legs up in the air and her face buried between my legs.

"Did you make these with your printer?!" Danielle exclaimed, panting hard as she examined my underwear close enough for me to start a different kind of evolution.

"I thought you wanted to look at my system? If you keep examining me that close... I mean, we might not make it that far. If you know what I mean..." I said, and as I did, Danielle's face started to get red, and she pulled back quickly, letting go of my legs.

I breathed a sigh of relief and then pulled back to cover to get in bed. When I turned back, Danielle already had her shirt unbuttoned, and she was untucking it from her skirt. When she finally noticed me staring at her she frowned.

"What? It isn't like I am going to sleep with my clothes on, and I don't have any pj's in here!" Danielle growled, and I smiled.

"I was just thinking how amazing you look done up, and while you're letting your hair down and undressing like this," I said, and Danielle blushed, pulling her skirt off.

"Don't talk like that, or we won't get to your blessing," Danielle mumbled and then scurried over to the bed to get under the covers with me.

I slipped my arm under her neck and pulled her into my chest. Danielle turned her head up to mine, and for a moment we locked eyes. Unlike Shelli and Lyra, Danielle wasn't under a curse mark, so I could clearly see her beautiful ocean-blue eyes that almost blended into her exotic teal hair.

"I love you," Danielle nearly whispered, and then looked down, but I reached down and lifted her chin to my face.

Since I had first even heard about Danielle, I had been curious. Worried, considering how she was with Daryle. Yet, as I learned more about both Danielle and her brother, I started to actually feel bad for both of them. Then I started to spend time with Danielle, and I realized that she was kind of like me.

Now I knew that this person was one of the women that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Danielle was generally interested in the things that interested me, and I found her work and genius fascinating. To know that she felt the same way about me was really all I needed.

"I love you too," I said, and Danielle gave me a warm and loving smile that I had never seen on her face up until this point.

It was a look that filled me with warmth... No, a fire. More of that burning passion that the gods thought was so easy to manipulate. This smile. This feeling. Just like with Aria and the others, each of them had given me a reason to keep pushing forward. The flames of determination burned brighter within me, fueled by the love and support of those around me.

We spent a few more moments just gazing at each other, silently sharing the connection that had grown between us. Eventually, Danielle snuggled closer, her head resting on my chest.

"Do you think we have wasted enough time acting like school children staring at each other?" Danielle teased, peeking up and me, and I put my hands behind my head.

"I could go for another round or two if you are game?" I teased back but then burst out laughing as she started to tickle me. "Fine! I give!"

Satisfied with her assault on my sides, Danielle cuddled back into me, and I opened my system, but I got a notification instead.

[You have reached level 100! Gain the following:]

1. Class Change
2. Skill Removal
3. 2000 Stat Points (Unused Stat points below level 100 are lost)
4. 5th Passive Skill Slot
5. 11th Skill Slot
6. 500 Material Points
7. 30 Character Points
8. 50 Skill Points
9. Enchanted Resin Printer

Everything on that list was awesome, but losing my extra stat points kind of sucked. Still, it was a lesson learned, and 2000 stat points were pretty awesome. I looked down at Daniel, and her eyes were glittering as she stared up at the screen, making me smile.

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