Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 137: Not In My Cards

"Are you ready to try your luck?" Gachica asked, looking at Danielle and not me.

"Do I really get to try? Isn't this Leon's blessing?" Danielle asked hesitantly.

"I decide who may use the Character Lottery, and I have decided that you are acceptable for Leon, and I wish to give you something as a gift," Gachica said, but I frowned at this.

"While I think it is very nice of you to offer the girls something, what is this acceptable part? What happens if you do not accept one of them?" I asked, my voice taking an edge, but Gachica put up her hand with a warm smile.

"You have spent too much time around Garland, but I can understand why you would react this way, but this is my little secret for now. Just know that I approve of all of your choices, and I am glad you chose to let the Virgin Hero go with her brother. That one was not good for you," Gachica explained in an almost motherly tone.

I wasn't sure what to make of this, but I had learned by now that these beings wouldn't say a damn word they didn't want to. Trying to push at this would be like trying to get blood from a stone, so I just dropped it.

"Fine, be that way, but she better get something kick ass if you are making all this stink," I sighed, and Gachica smiled warmly at me.

"That is why you went first," She said, and Hama reappeared with the sign to start the 20-point lottery again.

"Are you ready?" I asked, kissing the top of Danielle's head, and she nodded, reaching out to touch the button.

Since we were already in Gachica's office, she picked up the dice and started to shake them in her hand as the rotating box appeared again.

The tension in the room was palpable as Gachica released the dice. This time, I watched closely, hoping for a better outcome for Danielle. The dice rolled, and I held my breath.

The numbers on the dice settled: 6 and 6.


[A Pair of 6's! Total: 12! Roll again!]


Gachica snatched the dice up with a grin, and I rolled my eyes. "Here we go again."


[A Pair of 6's! Total: 24! Roll again!]


"Oh come on! Are you even trying to roll them?" I demanded as Gachica laughed and picked the dice up again.


[A Pair of 6's! Total: 36! Roll again!]


"I am not trying to be this lucky, I swear!" Danielle exclaimed as the excitement bled through her tone.


[A Pair of 6's! Total: 48! Roll again!]


"This is clearly cheating!" I declared, but the dice kept rolling.


[A Pair of 6's! Total: 60! Roll again!]


I wasn't even surprised this time, but the next roll finally broke the streak as a 6 and 5.


[Dice Roll Total: 71!]
[Rarity class has been set to (Unique). All Skills become Unique Skills.]


As the notification appeared, the items spinning past the box started to slow down. Danielle's grip on my arm kept increasing until I finally had to stop her before she pulled an Aria and broke my arm. Danielle stopped squeezing, and the box landed on a golden item.

Prize Display:
(Unique) Magitech Researcher Danielle Set

Set Includes:
(Unique) Magitech Researcher Lab Coat: Provides a 20% bonus to all magical and technological research activities. When worn, the user gains access to the Unique Skill "Analytical Insight," allowing them to gain detailed information about magical and technological phenomena.

(Unique) Magitech Researcher Goggles: Enhances vision and grants the ability to identify magical and technological signatures. The goggles also provide a 20% bonus to accuracy when casting spells or using technological devices.

(Unique) Magitech Researcher Gloves: Improves dexterity and grants the ability to manipulate magical and technological components with precision. The gloves also provide a 10% bonus to crafting success rates.

(Unique) Magitech Researcher Boots: Increases movement speed and provides resistance to environmental hazards. The boots also grant the Unique Skill "Quickstep," allowing the user to perform short-range teleportation.

(Unique) Magitech Researcher Satchel: A magical satchel that can store and organize various magical and technological materials. The satchel automatically categorizes items and provides a 10% bonus for the efficiency of crafting and research activities.

Both of us remained silent for a while as we looked over the set. It was really incredible, and I couldn't even be mad. Like I actually cared if I got anything good when I could literally feel the excitement vibrating out of the pretty girl between my legs. I would give all my points away to the girls if I meant seeing them this happy.

Man, I was really simpin' hard on my girls, but dammit! Who could really blame me?! I could build whatever the hell I wanted with my badass printers. Even an army of waifus! Take mah points!

"Leon... I... I don't know what to say... This is more than something I should have..." Danielle said as she stared at the screen, reaching out to it.

"Too bad, it has your name on it! You can't give it back now, and come on! Look at this bad boy! Magitech Researcher? Who the hell else would this even work for?" I teased and then confirmed the option.

"Is that all?" Gachica asked, and I nodded, and she smiled at me. "Until we meet again. Tell Eldros that I said hello next time you see him, dear?"

The screen vanished, leaving Danielle and me in the bed sitting quietly, until Danielle spun around to face me. "Can I try it on?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at her enthusiasm. "Of course, you can. It's yours, after all."

Danielle practically bounced off the bed and hurriedly started examining the new items in her inventory. She equipped each piece of the Magitech Researcher Danielle Set with a mix of excitement and curiosity. The lab coat, goggles, gloves, boots, and the magical satchel all took their places on her character model.

As the transformation unfolded, Danielle looked even more captivating in the unique Magitech Researcher attire. The lab coat fit her form perfectly, giving her an air of intelligence and elegance. The goggles perched on her forehead added a touch of adventurous spirit, and the gloves accentuated the gracefulness of her hands. The boots and satchel completed the ensemble, making her look like a brilliant mage-scientist ready for exploration.

I couldn't help but appreciate how well the set complemented Danielle's natural beauty. She twirled around, examining herself from different angles, and I couldn't hide the admiration in my eyes.

"Wow, Danielle, you look amazing! The set suits you perfectly," I praised, and Danielle blushed, clearly pleased with the compliment.

"Do I really? I mean, it feels incredible! I can sense the magical and technological properties of the items. It's like they're an extension of myself," Danielle exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement, but then they changed as the clothing disappeared again. "I think this is enough fun for now. I think it is time to get down to the naughty business!"

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