Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 68: Aggressive Women

I had to admit, it was a pretty good view from up here, but I still didn't understand why she just blew me away like that?

I cast the levitation magic that Daryle had taught me and floated down to where I saw Shelli, Aria, and Lyra sitting in the grass talking. I landed a bit away from them, and they waved me over.

"What were you doing so high in the air?" Aria asked with a puzzled look, and I smirked.

"I said something to offend Mary," I chuckled, and Aria nodded.

"At least that is all that happened. Where is she now?" She asked, and then Mary suddenly appeared.

"I am here, I was just annoyed at the boy's words. The three of you should continue to fill each of the island's crystals," Mary instructed, and all three women nodded with determined looks.

"What do you mean?" I asked, and Shelli stood up and came over to take my hand with a smile.

"We are filling up each of the 6 crystals inside the island. Aria could do it by herself, but it still takes a while, so we want to keep her company! We only have three more left! After all of them are full, you will be able to fill the central crystal up, and gain access to the island," Shelli explained, her expression making me smile and get excited.

"Does that mean we will be able to fly the island?" I asked, putting my other hand over hers, but she shook her head, still smiling.

"No, but you will learn about all the secrets of the island. Once activated, the control of the central crystal gains access to all the events that have ever happened on this island. There are a lot of interesting things on this island, but many of them were created by Ember, the ancient dragon. Those ones are locked with complicated magic spells, but unlocking the island will teach you how they were made. There might also be other important records, including Ember's final moments."

Now that was worth the adventure! I don't know how this crystal worked, but it sounded like it would let me go back and experience these events. Ember might have said something important about the island just before he died. Not only that, he might have left a way to control the island and powerful artifacts in those locked caves.

Still, this seemed relatively easy. Too easy...

"So what is the catch? There is no way that I can just activate the crystal and get all this information so easily, is there?" I asked, feeling pretty skeptical.

"No, it normally isn't that easy at all," Mary growled and then glared at me. "Aria is killing the monsters to get to the crystals, but you will have to make your way alone to the central crystal when the time comes. Only the master of the island can go into the last test."

Just as I thought, but that was fine. I was glad I had someone like the princess around. 

Spreading the workout meant a faster path to the good life!

Turning to Aria, I bowed my head to her and then smiled at her. "Thank you for doing this for me." 

Aria blushed furiously and then turned away flustered. "It is n-no p-problem!"

I smiled and then gave Shelli and Lyra a hug. "I am heading back to the other island to Crystal Carven to grind. I want to get to the boss today, so I will probably be home late."

"That's okay! We will have food waiting for you," Shelli said with a warm smile, but then Lyra pulled on my shirt, and I squatted down.

The little demon princess pulled me into a deep kiss and then put her lips to my ear. "Can I sleep in your bed with just you tonight?"

When she pulled back, I smiled and gave her a small nod, and she ran over to Shelli. Lyra grabbed her hand and pulled her away with Aria waving back at me as she followed.

When I stood back up, Mary was glaring at me. Part of me wanted to ask Mary what her reaction before was about, but the much larger part knew I would probably get much worse if I did.

"So you are going to train?" She asked, and I nodded, not sure where sure was going with this.

"Yeah. I am going to grab my boots, and make a weapon with my printer quickly, why?" I asked, and Mary frowned at me.

"You are going to make them? With what tools?" She asked, and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"With my printer."

Fine, I am coming with you!" 

"Huh?" I asked, but she never answered me and followed me up to my studio on the second floor.

Walking over to my printer, I opened my menu, and Mary stood behind me, looking over my shoulder. I ignored her, selecting my way to my Blueprint Library, and pulled up the Blue Blaze Daggers.

Blue Print: Blue Blaze Daggers [Ready to print]

Print time: 01:30:00

Items Required: Metal Ingot [Select Metal], Hide Leather [Substitute Available], Ember Crystal [Substitute Available]

Item's Description: It said the weapon was ready to print, but I had to make some selections. That was probably the reason why the item's description was missing. Since I was using new materials, everything about the daggers I created should be different. 

"What does all that mean?" Mary asked from behind me, making me jump slightly. I had forgotten she was even there. She was so still and silent.

"This is the recipe for the weapon I am making, but before we do that, I want to see if I can get some better materials!" I laughed, and Mary leaned into me, pressing her chest against my back, but ignored it. This woman hated me, and I had basically just asked her to be my servant before this.

"I am sorry that I am asking all these questions, but I have never seen a blessing like this that is so complicated," Mary said, and I turned my head to hers, but then turned back after almost kissing her.

"Y-You have seen other hero's system screens?" I stammered and then coughed. I wanted to move away, but the printer was in the corner, and I was already in the corner. I couldn't get into the corner any further or I would be on top of my printer.

"Twice, but they only had single screens with stats and skill trees they could pick from and climb. Nothing like what you are, but where do you expect to get material from?" 

Mary's words made me snap out of my daze, and I sighed, opening my material lottery, but then blinked.

  1. Common Material Gacha (1 point)
  2. Uncommon Material Gacha (5 points)
  3. Rare Material Gacha (20 points)
  4. Epic Material Gacha (50 points)
  5. Legendary Material Gacha (100 points)
  6. Divine Material Gacha (500 points)


"How do I have that many points?!" I demanded, but then I felt a crushing grip on my shoulders that made my eyes bug out.

"Do not touch those points," Mary said dangerously, and I nodded the best I could while clamping my eyes shut.

"Yes, Ma'am!" I shouted, and she let me go.

"If you can get Divine Class Material from just leveling up, then you could get 2 items by the time you are level 100. Do you understand how amazing that is?!" Mary demanded, slowly spinning me around to face her.

"I actually get more than one, maybe up to six or nine?" I said quizzically, not really sure. 

Mary's grip went slack, and she sank to the float deflated till she was sitting, holding her knees. "How can this person be so broken? What have I, a being that is close to divine class even doing with my life? I have only ever found 3 divine materials that forged my sword... am I really not that worthy of more?"

Then, Mary's eyes snapped back up to mine, and I smirked, trying to hold in my laugh. 

"But you! You just get them like they are candies for children!" she raged, shaking her fist at me, and I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up. I will make you something nice later on. I can earn even more points later on from certain dumb quests or events," I told her, and then offered her my hand. "Now, I am getting some epic material, so just watch."

Mary brushed my hand to the side, but it felt strange. Before I had time to process it she stood and then grabbed my collar, and dragged me from the room and all the way outside.

"There is a cave nearby that has strong monsters. Go gain enough levels to get divine material, and you will thank me later," Mary told me, but then time slowed, and Mary picked me up, jumped in the air, took aim, and fired me like a javelin.

So no Crystal Cavern today. Why was there always an aggressive woman in the group?

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