Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 70: The New Hero

Garland yawned on his throne as he watched the ignorant child make his way through the dungeon. He was frustrated that they had decided to settle on Emberfalls. There was no better place for them, but that was what made it so frustrating!

"Gah! If I don't make another hero this bastard is going to just laze around! But even if I do, those two monsters would kill them before they got close to Leon!" Garland complained but then frowned as the air rippled in front of him.

A chill spread through the god's throne room as a much older and more powerful entity stepped out. The creature was known as Kardios, the God of Creation. His appearance was majestic, with ethereal wings made of pure light, and a robe that seemed to be woven from the fabric of the cosmos itself.

"Garland," Kardios spoke with a voice that resonated like thunder, "you seem troubled."

Garland sighed, "You know the situation. Leon is proving to be a thorn in my side, and I can't have him unlocking the secrets of Emberfalls."

Kardios nodded knowingly, "Ah, the ancient dragon's legacy. It holds power beyond imagination. But worry not, Garland, for I have a solution."

Garland raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Do tell."

Kardios gestured towards the unfolding events in Emberfalls, his eyes filled with a divine light. "Create a new hero, one with a destiny intertwined with Leon's. A hero who will not only aid him but also serve as a counterbalance. A force to keep him in check."

"A new hero that is actually good?" Garland mused. "Shouldn't I pick one that will betray him?"

"While that might be more interesting, Princess Aria will see through someone like that. No, what you need is a Hero who genuinely wants to do good, but someone that is also tireless in their pursuit of justice. The must be a pure-hearted soul, yet one that can't be swayed by Leon. This virgin naïve soul will pull our lackluster hero into conflicts," Kardios explained, and Garland rubbed his temples.

"While I see what you are doing, do you really think it is that easy to find someone just like that?" The shining god asked, and Kardios nodded.

"Indeed, it may not be easy, but I have already found the perfect candidate," Kardios declared with confidence.

Garland's interest was piqued. "And who might that be?"

Kardios smiled mysteriously. "Her name is Misty Cardin. She is a young woman from a small village, pure of heart and full of determination. She possesses a unique gift bestowed upon her by the divine, one that will aid her in her quest."

Garland Rolled his eyes. "You can't be serious! Do you know who Leon is?" He demanded, but sighed, at Kardios's unchanging smile. "What is her gift?"

"Virgin Growth!" Kardios laughed.

"And what does that mean?" Garland asked.

"As long as she stays a virgin, her growth levels will stay on par with Leon's. This means she will have the power to drag him around. Because she will be an ally, Mary won't stop her, in fact, I think she will cheer them on!" Kardios cackled.

Garland's eyes widened in surprise. "Virgin Growth? You're telling me her strength will increase as long as she remains a virgin?"

Kardios nodded solemnly. "Indeed. It's a divine blessing that will ensure her abilities grow in tandem with Leon's. She will be a formidable force, and her pure-hearted nature will keep Leon in check. The point is for her to pull him into something neither of them can handle. That way you get rid of both problems, get all your divine energy back, and pick a puppet hero of your choosing."

Garland sighed deeply. "Well, if it works, it works. But I have my doubts about this plan. Something tells me that this is all going to backfire."

Kardios smiled, and waved his hand, making the air ripple, and a human girl with brown hair, covered in mud, wearing a burlap sack came tumbling out. The girl looked around, evidently confused, and Garland sighed.

"I guess she isn't much to look at, so the power should be fine with her," Garland said, looking back at Kardios. "How much power should I give her?"

"Don't you think you should see if she wants to be a hero?" Kardios asked with a sly smile. "Maybe then ask her why after?"

Garland frowned and looked back down at the muddy girl. "Speak, girl. Do you want to be a hero? And if so, why?"

"Demon's burned my village over and over again, my Great God Garland! they won't stop! They burn our food and our fields! Almost everyone has starved to death! I want to be a hero that kills the demons so they never come back!" The girls hissed, and Garland nodded.

"Clear motive to kill demons, good. Acts like a wild animal, but it makes you less appealing. Filled with passion, a good match it seems for our job. Not only will she drag him into trouble, but the two will be at odds for their opinions," Garland said to himself and then looked at Kardios. "I can see why you picked her."

"You see? The perfect match! I will give her some of my power, but I will leave you to induct her in what she needs to know, and how she is to remain loyal to the hero at all costs, and always by his side. She is also to make sure she eliminates the demons she hates so much! That should put some strain on his peaceful life!" Kardious cackled, grabbing the girl's head and sending a surge of divine power into her before vanishing.

Garland looked at the girl. "Stand up, child. You are now a hero of your God, Garland! Rejoice! I have a special blessing for you. Your virginity will now become your greatest strength. As long as you remain pure, your power will grow in tandem with the hero, Leon."

The girl stared at Garland with wide eyes, a mixture of confusion and determination in her gaze. "I... I will do whatever it takes to defeat the demons and protect my people."

Garland nodded approvingly. "Good. Your journey begins now. Leon is on the island of Emberfalls, and you are to join him. Work together, but also keep him on the path to ridding the world of demons. Your purpose is singular – aid him. That is always your goal, though your ideals will clash at times just know that what you believe is true, and I, the Great God Garland, support all your choices!"

The girl nodded, a fierce determination burning in her eyes. "I will fulfill my duty, Great God Garland."

"Good, now let me bring that... Very nice hero up here!" Garland laughed, just catching himself.

That idiot hero was about to have so much trouble at home in paradise!

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