Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 72: Just Throw Her

"Where did you find this?" Mary asked as I appeared at my front door with Misty in my arms, putting her down right away.

"I didn't find her. Garland made her into a Hero and now has stuck her with me," I grumbled, and Mary gave me a look.

"The God that doesn't like you gave you another pretty girl to sleep with?" She asked, and I rolled my eyes.

"No, her blessing is her virginity. As long as she stays pure, she will grow just as fast as me. I don't really know if she has any other abilities, but she does have a grudge with demons. I assume that is one of the reasons why Garland picked her," I explained as Mary grabbed the girl and dragged her inside, waving for me to follow.

Mary stopped at the bathroom and then turned to me. "Did you do as I said?"

"No, I didn't even make it halfway, but I am not going back without a weapon," I said and turned to head back upstairs, but Misty grabbed my sleeve. 

"Where are you going?!" She demanded, and I shrugged.

"Upstairs for now to make myself a weapon, and put my boots on that a certain someone didn't let me equip last time!" I growled, but then Mary grabbed my other arm.

"You found this, so you can clean it. You also aren't doing any of that printing without me there!" Mary growled, and I gave her a stupid look.

"Do you even hear yourself?! Also, “This” is a person, not an it!" I demanded, but Misty pulled on my arm.

"You're not going to make me have a bath with a demon are you?!" She asked with tears in her eyes.

I wanted to facepalm, but both women were holding my arms.

"Then just go in there and get clean," I sighed, pulling my one arm from Mary, and pointing at the door, but she shook her head.

"I don't know how."

"Is that even possible? How old are you?" I asked, shaking my head.

"21, but I have only used cold water or sand to get clean. I have never used anything fancy like the stuff inside that room," Misty explained, and I sighed, wondering where the rest of the girls were.

Mary smirked, clearly enjoying the situation. "Well, Misty, welcome to the world of hot water and soap. It's not that complicated. Just go in, turn the handle for warm water, grab that soap, and scrub yourself. It's not rocket science."

Misty hesitated, looking unsure, but Mary pushed her gently towards the bathroom. "Go on, I'll make sure Leon doesn't run away."

As Misty reluctantly entered the bathroom, Mary turned to me. "You really attract all sorts of trouble, don't you?"

I rolled my eyes. "It's not like I asked for this. Garland just enjoys messing with me."

Mary chuckled. "Well, this could be another ally, or you could just sleep with her, and get rid of that problem in one fell swoop. The last option is to just toss her off the island. Hero or not, she really isn't your responsibility."

I nodded. "I already suggested throwing her off the island, but she isn't a bad person. I don't 100% understand what Garland's game is, but I think he plans on trying to make her passion and dislike for demons a catalyst to force me into conflict. If I had to guess at an end goal, Garland probably wants us to kill each other."

Mary was about to say something, but there was a scream from the closed bathroom. I gave Mary a look, but she just pointed at the door.

"You brought home a new pet, so it is your responsibility. Get in there and help her get cleaned up, or you will be the one cleaning the bathroom after!" Mary growled, and I rolled my eyes.

"Where is Danielle or the other girls? Can't they do this?!" I complained, but Mary opened the door and shoved me in.

Inside the bathroom, Misty was standing awkwardly, fully clothed, looking at the various toiletries and the bathtub. She turned towards me with a mix of confusion and embarrassment as water sprayed down from the shower head.

"I-I don't know how to use any of this," she mumbled.

I sighed, realizing I was now involved in a situation I never anticipated. "Alright, let's start with the basics. Take off your clothes. I'll make sure no one interrupts us."

Misty blushed but complied, removing her muddy burlap sack dress. I averted my eyes, trying to maintain some level of decency. Once she was undressed, I guided her to the bathtub.

"Turn the handle for warm water," I instructed.

Misty looked at the handles, then back at me with uncertainty. "Which one?"

I shook my head, realizing this might be more challenging than I thought. "Never mind. I'll handle it. Just get in the tub."

As I adjusted the water temperature, Misty cautiously stepped into the tub. The warm water seemed to surprise her, and she let out a small gasp.

"Is it too hot?" I asked.

"No, it's... nice," she admitted, still looking a bit uncomfortable.

As the water filled the tub, layers of dirt and grim peeled themselves off. I had never seen a person this dirty before, and it kind of made me feel sorry for her. 

If I had never met her, none of this would bother me. I could walk by people like this all day without batting an eye. I did it all the time on Earth; homeless people were abundant. I always stuck with the mentality that if you can’t help them all, who are you to just help one? 

Yet, here I was, bathing a naked dirty homeless girl that I barely knew.

"Good. Now, grab that soap there," I pointed to the soap bar on the edge of the tub. "And start scrubbing yourself. It's not that complicated."

Misty took the soap hesitantly, looking at it as if it were an alien object. I sighed internally, realizing this was going to take more patience than I initially thought.

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