Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

Chapter 10: Backstabbing on a grand scale (Arriving) (R-18 in the first part)

" Ah... Don't stop!" A soft moan escaped the lips of a busty maid as waves of pleasure assaulted her body.

She pulls her liege deeper into her embrace while her arms snake through her master's clothes, stripping her master of her skirt to gain access to her womanhood. Her master responds in kind, she positions her vagina on top of the maid's palm while still suckling on the maid's nipple to drink her breast milk. 

The maid having received such an invite, plunges a finger into her master's slit. She moves her finger in and out of the throbbing wet pussy, slowly but surely pushing her master to the climax. Her master fails to contain her moans so she reciprocates by biting the maid's nipple and fondling her breasts.

They're both lost in their mile-high world, uncaring that their flight is almost at the end of their destination. Suddenly, the door to the cockpit swings open, revealing a female pilot. The pilot appears just in time to witness the two ladies cum together.

Shaking her head exasperatedly at the sight, the pilot goes nearer to knock some senses of propriety into them. " Oi! Stop it with your lustful acts! We're almost there to Arash, clean up and make yourself presentable, damn it!" Bonking them till they are woken up from their stupor, the pilot says. " I swear, letting you guys on my Potez was the worst choice of my life."

Blushing deeply, the girl and the maid run for the changing room. The pilot scrunches up her nose and goes to grab some cleaning tools. She is intercepted by another maid who laughs at her misery. " My, oh my. It seems they made quite a mess again. It's a shame that you are on cleaning duty today."

Facepalming to herself, the pilot squeezes out three words. " Not another word."

Worst choice of her life, ever!

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Back at Colonel Francis's home, he is busy enjoying a warm meal with his wife Alia. Suddenly, a servant approaches him and whispers into his ears. At first, he is confused, then surprised, then goes back to being confused again, finally, he sighed heavily. Alia, seeing her husband being stumped after he waves the servant away, inquires.

" Is everything alright, dear?"

Francis nods, he hides his inner struggle away in the deepest part of his soul. " Everything is alright, honey. It's just that Princess Bonaparte is here, she and her retinue will be landing soon. I must make myself more presentable and cut the meal short, I'm sorry for this."

" Oh, so dear Rosa is here! It's strange that she arrives this late, no wonder you are confused. Will she be coming over?" Since Rosa treated Colonel Francis as her uncle dearest, Alia has a close tie with the mischievous Ustio Princess. " And don't worry about the food, it's not every day you can greet your niece."

" It's highly probable she will be staying over." Francis stands up and orders the servants to handle the dishes on the table, he then turns to Alia. " Can you help me organize the house to welcome Rosa? I need to go change my clothes and head to the airport."

Alia nods. " You go then, the house will be well-lit and comfy when Rosa arrives." 

Francis gives his wife a kiss as thank you before heading to the changing room. He puts on his ceremonial attire with the help of his aide, who he called over to relay a few words.

" Jeremy," He is putting on his overcoat when he says. " send words to our friends that the Princess of Ustio is heading here. Our plan needs some changes to accommodate the sudden arrival of a VIP. Let him know that I am in favor of the plan continuing, it's just that whether he wants to take the risk or not."

A bit surprised, Jeremy the aide confirms. " Are you sure you want to continue with the plan, sir? It's your niece we are talking about here, she will be captured by Belka if we succeed, or worse, she will be injured if things go wrong." 

Francis nods, gravely. " Rosa is here to hasten the transfer of the gold, no doubt she will have them load up on the destroyers. She is a risk to the plan and must be removed, we have gone too far to have cold feet now."

Jeremy, after putting on the finishing touch for Francis's suit, bows in compliance. " Then I will make sure everything goes smoothly, you have my words, Colonel."

Francis looks at his reflection in the mirror, his face shows regret for a moment but it's soon replaced with a burning determination.

" I sure hope so, Jeremy, for the peaceful coexistent of our people rest upon this gamble."

Francis then put on his cap before moving to the Headquarters. He needs to set up a quick welcome party to greet the Princess and the first step is to organize a convoy.


It's approaching 8 pm but the airport and the entire city are well-lit with a sudden bustle. News of Rosa's arrival travels fast and people gather around to get a glimpse of the Princess's face. It takes Francis some effort but he managed to set up a secure corridor for the convoy to move. He's now standing alongside a welcoming committee, braving the chilly night winds while waiting for Rosa's aircraft to land.

During this moment, he reflects upon his life up till now. He's an off-shoot of the Royal Ustio family,  he had the right to inherit the throne but chose not to join the power struggle. A decision that was soon proven correct as his older brother was a more worthy successor to the throne. As for himself, he found his true calling to be a soldier so he signed up for the army. The choice which soon led him to encounter Alia after a message delivery run, a choice he's damn thankful for. To keep Alia safe, he called in a favor from his brother the King, this helped him clean up Arash, freeing it from the mafioso. Sadly, he couldn't return the favor directly to his brother as he died early of a cause unknown. It was after this that the Prime Minister came into power, putting his brother's youngest son on the throne. After that, corruption runs rampant and Ustio loses the luster, glamor, and romance it used to have. Now it's a hotbed of incompetency, bureaucracy, and underground criminal activities.

To make matters worse, Ustio just has to dig up issues of the past, and marinated them with some racial discrimination, then you have yourself a casus belli. Ustio ignited the Second World War by invading Belka, again. Everything was fine at the start, Ustio gained some ground with the sudden declaration of war. Then downhill goes the wheelbarrow, setbacks after setbacks, losses after losses due to corrupted leadership, and now they are at the precipe of another disaster. 

Goes to say that Francis finally had enough and decided to abandon the ship. As of now, he's disgusted with Ustio as a whole, he only feels pity towards the truly good few who still remain in the country. An example of that is Princess Rosa Bonaparte, his niece, and the main person behind the reformist movement in the country. To be honest, he really wants to see her succeed, even though she could be a bit quirky, but time waits for no one. Ustio needs to be uprooted once and for all.

" Colonel, here she comes." His aide's words pull him out of his thoughts, once again, he steels his resolve as he watches the Potez land.

the Potez 662 slow to a halt a bit away from the welcome party. With haste, soldiers hurriedly deploy a red carpet and bring a ladder to the aircraft. A music band then starts playing their nation song while soldiers line up into two rows, waiting for the Princess to disembark. After a few moments, the door is opened, revealing a maid. She scans the impromptu ceremony for a bit before turning in, holding out her hand for the Princess to grab a hold of. They then walk down the ladder under the salutes of everyone present. Turning up just a few steps before Francis, the Princess and him perform curtsy to each other.

Francis speaks first. " Princess Bonaparte, I welcome you back to Arash. I must say your beauty has never changed." He then squints his eyes, and the blonde hair girl with sapphire blue eyes tenses up at that. " And it seems you have been fooling around again. I trust that you have been maintaining proper decorum elsewhere, no?"

Princess Rosa Bonaparte put on a wry smile. " Please, uncle, I do not need such formality between family, and I promise you I've been on my best behavior so far."

" You better be, or I promise you will receive an earful from Alia."

Cold sweats form on the back of Rosa. " No, please, anything but that." The mature maid behind her failed to stifle her snicker, much to Rosa's chagrin. " I swear, only you guys have such gall to treat me like this and get away with it."

" You said it yourself, no need for formality between family." Francis shrugs, he then points at the VIP car he prepared. " Come, Alia is anxiously waiting for your arrival. Sadly, we're in the middle of our dinner when your sudden arrival ruined the moment, so don't expect much of a meal prepared in haste for you."

" It's fine, uncle. We had our fills on the plane. Can you prepare housing for my escorts?"

" Sure, I will have one of my men leads them to a proper hotel." Opening the door of the VIP car, he motions Rosa to get in. " And now, we must alight. It's a bit late already."

After seeing Rosa is comfortable with the ride, Francis gets on another vehicle, leading the convoy back to his hillside villa. If you discount the curious onlookers, the journey is uneventful and they safely return to Francis' home. Stopping at the steps before the main door, Rosa steps down only to be bear-hugged by Alia.

" Kehum! Aunty... I can't breathe!" Rosa struggles in vain, trying to escape Alia's grip.

Alia and Francis smirk at that. " Now you know my pain" Francis added.

Only after a few seconds does Alia releases the hug, leaving Rosa struggling for air, her maid patting her on the back." Evil, all of you!" She cries injustice, earning the laugh of her closest friends and family. Though, it's moments like this that Rosa treasures the most.

" Anyway, bullying a Princess aside, let's head inside lest we catch a cold.: Alia gestures for them to come in. " We clean your quarter regularly, Rosa. You should have no trouble crashing there for a few days. Speaking of, why are you here? Arash is now a frontline city, it's dangerous for you to be here."

" Ah, right! About that, I'm here to supervise the transfer of money and valuables. Due to a number of reasons, mainly bureaucracy, the Bank of Denver still hasn't sent the gold in its vault away yet. Apparently, they are confident that our military can save the day and think that keeping them locked beneath the city is a much safer option."

Alia nods before speaking with a tone that leaves no option of refusal. " I see, well, whatever you have to do, it needs to wait. I've prepared a light meal for you all to eat, after that we will rest up for the night. Work can continue tomorrow as I can see you're all tired." 

Francis and Rosa look at each other and then nod. " Sure, we can do that. And by the way Rosa, I will host a party with the brasses tomorrow morning. You can discuss the matter there with me. The city will also be in a more festive mood tomorrow as the Princess just arrived so be prepared for a host of gifts and the like."

Rosa flinches, she dislikes such superficial things. " Ugh... I guess there's no escaping it. Never mind then, let's deal with it when the morrow hit."

" A sound plan."


I'm back! This chap introduces a character that will hopefully be of much impotance later on. I will explain more about her character later on either through author note or the chapter itself. I've been planning my chapter to be more compact, this in turn should help me churn out faster chaps for you all.

Per usual, I hope this is a interesting read. Favorite and review/comment would you kindly? Support on Patreon will be much prefer if you don't mind me shamelssly requesting for it :)

P.S: Any error?

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