Reign of the Phoenix

Chapter 70 - Heart Aches

Chapter 70 – Heart Aches

A full-stomatched Murong Zhining seemed particularly quiet. She sat inside the carriage, silently combing her long hair. The scattered sunlight pierced through the window and danced upon her, painting the girl so pure that it hastened Chiyun Yuexuan’s heartbeat.

Chiyun Yuexuan quietly looked at her. Suddenly she felt so strange in one moment, then familiar in the next. Chiyun Yuexuan once again fell into the endless cycle of questions he set for himself, which drove him to the verge of insanity.

All of a sudden, as if recalling something, he rushed into the carriage and pulled Murong Zhining over. The latter exclaimed in shock and instinctively struggled to move back, but Chiyun Yuexuan held her head in the crook of his arm. He pushed aside her long hair. In the back of her ear, a small mole was there, providing him with the most accurate answer.

Chiyun Yuexuan’s voice was as gentle as water, “Little Tabby, don’t struggle. I’m not gonna hurt you.”

Murong Zhining couldn’t move in his tight embrace. “What ‘Little Tabby’? I’m a person, not some kitty and doggie.”

Chiyun Yuexuan rested his chin on her head. “I never want to lose you again, Little Tabby.”

“What the hell? Let go… I’m not called ‘Little Tabby.’”

“Shhh… Don’t say a word.”

Chiyun Yuexuan arranged her to sit steadily, then sat behind her and slowly combed her hair.

Flash leisurely paced in front of the carriage, occasionally neighing in high spirits.

Towards dusk, the birds returning to nests on the far hillside suddenly flapped their wings anxiously as though disturbed by something. Flash slowed down and let out a long whiny. Letting go of Murong Zhining, Chiyun Yuexuan vigilantly pushed out the curtains and scanned the surroundings.

Chiyun Yuexuan took out a handkerchief and covered Murong Zhining’s eyes. Gently, he whispered into her ear, “Whatever you hear next, don’t take off the handkerchief. I don’t want you to see any frightening scenes. Just believe that I can protect you well and stay put inside the carriage.”

Although she felt really scared not knowing what was happening, she had no choice but to nod.

Chiyun Yuexuan changed into his armor, covered his face, and dragged out his halberd to jump onto Flash. Not long after riding forward, he saw a huge tree that had been deliberately cut down to lie across the road.

Chiyun Yuexuan reined in the steed and carefully observed the surroundings. From his experience, he estimated at least a dozen people lying in ambush around the nearby trees. He shouted, “I am Bulwark Grand General Chiyun Yuexuan of Huayan. I want to borrow your road, so I’m asking you heroes to give way.”

A man’s voice resounded from the trees, “Who the heck cares whatever general you are! Even the emperor has to leave money and belongings here if he passes by. Leave that carriage here and you can pass.”

Concerned for Murong Zhining’s safety, Chiyun Yuexuan tried to avoid stirring trouble. “There’s only my family is inside the carriage and nothing valuable. If it’s money that you want, I will definitely have it sent to you in the future. Please make way.”

The same cold male voice rang out, “Cut the crap! If you have no wealth then leave your family, then go fetch money to redeem your family.”

Chiyun Yuexuan flew into a rage. “This general called you ‘heroes’ just because I didn’t want to cause trouble, and you really consider yourselves some heroes? But a bunch of petty road thieves. One-on-one or gang fight? I shall accompany you!”

In a series of rustling, ten-something people rushed out from the bushes armed with varied blades and sticks. It was easy to tell they were an untrained mob from the first glance. The instant they jumped out, they were shocked by Chiyun Yuexuan’s calm manner and domineering aura and lost all confidence. Slowly surrounding him at a distance, they didn’t dare to come any closer.

Chiyun Yuexuan sneered in disdain, “Don’t you want my belongings? Come and get them.”

A bandit emboldened his gut and approached. Chiyun Yuexuan swung his halberd and sent the man’s blade flying off his hand. “Your father here doesn’t want to make a fuss, so quickly remove that tree so I can pass. Otherwise, I’ll make you cry for your mommy.”

The head of the bandit group waved his arm, “Don’t be scared, attack all together!”

Chiyun Yuexuan brandished his halberd drawing flashes and after images. Wherever it passed, the weapons of the bandits dropped to the ground in clinks and clanks. Chiyun Yuexuan’s voice was cold and haughty, “One step forward and heads will be rolling. Since I’m in a good mood today, I don’t want blood on my hands. Scram!”

Knowing they had bumped into an expert, the bandit head quickly ordered the retreat, but Chiyun Yuexuan suddenly stopped them. “Move that tree first.”

Without weapons to back their courage, the bandits obediently went to move the tree then retreated into the woods. Chiyun Yuexuan shook his head with a smile. When he returned to the carriage and lifted the curtain, he broke out into a cold sweat. There was no trace of Murong Zhining, who had escaped during the chaos. Chiyun Yuexuan felt like he had been hit hard on the head. In order to run away from him, Murong Zhining could turn a blind eye to the danger and put her own life at risk.

In his despair, Chiyun Yuexuan roared to the sky, “Murong Zhining, do you really loathe me this much? That you’d rather die than be with me?!!”

Chiyun Yuexuan’s mournful cry reverberated through the woods, startling flocks of birds to fly off in panic. The halberd in his hand fell with a clank and he also limply fell off Flash, lying motionless on the ground.

Chiyun Yuexuan’s heart ached to the point that it became completely numb, until he could no longer feel anything anymore. Flash nudged him with its head and anxiously whined. Seeing this, the bandits rushed over to the vulnerable Chiyun Yuexuan and tied him up with ropes.

One of the bandits found a panicked Murong Zhining in a nearby bush. Chiyun Yuexuan was thrown into the carriage while Murong Zhining was hauled as the group headed towards the mountain road. Watching as the main road grew farther and farther in her sight while the trees grew denser and denser into the forest, Murong Zhining was scared and at a loss.

A bandit despised her speed, so he tied her up and thrown her into the carriage as well. She fell right next to Chiyun Yuexuan. The darkness in the carriage hid his expression, but she could feel a suffocating despair emanating from him.

After traveling for an incense stick of time, the carriage stopped at a large compound surrounded by a circle of dense thorny undergrowth. In the compound were over ten houses of sorts built with earth and wood. In the very center was a bonfire where a group of people gathered, drinking and eating.

A man, who seemed to be the leader, wearing a ferocious mask, stood on a stone platform and spoke in a shrill voice, “We caught a big fish today. As rewards, you guys have wine and meat, hahaha… Bring those two.”

Even when he was carried off the carriage and heavily thrown to the ground, Chiyun Yuexuan didn’t make a single movement. The leader took off his mask and eyepatch, revealing a soulless face.

A bandit gave him a kick. “Get up, weren’t you being so mighty just now? How do you wither so fast?”

The bandits burst into laughter.

The leader walked up to Murong Zhining and lifted her delicate face. “This chick is very pretty, like a goddess.”

Another bandit walked to him and respectfully reported, “Master, this man said he’s grand general of Huayan or something. He went easy on us when we exchanged blows, otherwise none of us would have been able to return alive.”

The leader asked, “This lady-like fellow is actually so formidable? How did you capture him then?”

The bandit whispered, “He seems to be wounded by this little lady. One moment he was very fierce, then he suddenly gave up resisting altogether.”

Murong Zhining shrank in fear next to Chiyun Yuexuan like a child who had caused a big trouble.

The leader gave Chiyun Yuexuan a kick. “If you’re a man, get back on your feet. Since you are an official and you showed mercy to my subordinates, we won’t make it hard on you.”

The bandits noisily suggested, “This man is extraordinary and strong, Master, you might as well take him in!”

The leader laughed heartily. “Very well! Take him to my room, I’ll take loving care of him in this little lady’s stead.”

Chiyun Yuexuan was carried to a room and tossed onto the bed. Soon after, the leader also entered the room. He looked at Chiyun Yuexuan. “What’s wrong? Hurt by a woman? Want me to comfort you?”

Chiyun Yuexuan raged. “Get out of here before I sober up, or you won’t have this chance later. I’m a man you blind dog!”

The leader grabbed his chin and chuckled. “Very crazy, aren’t you? You’re a man, but look, aren’t I a woman?”

Chiyun Yuexuan listened to the voice carefully. Indeed, it sounded like that of a woman.

Chiyun Yuexuan struggled a little. “Quickly scram! I have no interest in those who act like neither male nor female!”

The leader grasped his lapel, “Being so cruel when you’re in my hands? Who was it that looked like a withered eggplant just now?”

Chiyun Yuexuan’s hand behind his back quickly shook a little and a small knife slid off from the sleeves. He cut the rope on his wrists, sprang up to cut the rope around his feet, then leapt forth and pressed the knife on the leader’s neck. The series of actions was done incredibly smooth and fast.

“I told you to scram! Do you want to die or something?!”

He pulled off the mask on the leader’s face. Instantly, a refined, pretty face shocked him speechless. It was really a woman.

Chiyun Yuexuan retracted the knife and shoved the leader away. “Get out, I don’t kill women.”

The leader laughed and was straightforward to introduce herself, “My name is Meng Xia, also a Huayan person. My father did dealings in Shangxia and developed quite the business. However, his concubine conspired with outsiders to take his life and claim his wealth. Without a choice, I had to become a bandit here on the mountain, but I only robbed the rich who make money by shady means.”

Chiyun Yuexuan spat, “Bandits are f*cking bandits, what ‘without a choice.’ Stop acting like a good person who is forced to be depraved.”

Meng Xia wasn’t offended. “General is also a Huayan person? What’s your surname? What did you come to Shangxia for? Who’s that little lady to you?”

Chiyun Yuexuan haughtily snapped, “Why the hell would I tell you? I’m leaving. Hand over that little lady, or I’ll turn your damn lair upside down.”

Meng Xia’s eyes sparkled with worship. She had always appreciated those with extraordinary martial skills and courage like Chiyun Yuexuan. “My camp lacks a true leader. How about becoming one of us and be a carefree king of these mountains? Doesn’t that sound great?”

Chiyun Yuexuan disdained, “I, Chiyun Yuexuan, am the mighty Bulwark Grand General of Huayan. Why on earth would I become one of you petty thieves?”

Meng Xia pretended to walk to the door, when she suddenly turned and quickly got behind Chiyun Yuexuan. Then, a gleaming knife was already on his neck. She playfully said, “So that’s all you got, General?”

Chiyun Yuexuan returned with a scornful look. “I just don’t have the habit of being wary with women. If you were a man, you think you can still plot against me? Not to mention, you still might not even if you’re a woman.” He quickly lifted a hand to grab Meng Xia’s hand that held the knife and grabbed the back of her neck with the other. With a swing of his arms, Meng Xia was flung overhead and smashed onto the floor in front of him.

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