Reign of the Phoenix

Chapter 72 - Not a Pleasantly Surprised Reunion

Chapter 72 – Not a Pleasantly Surprised Reunion


As Chiyun Yuexuan gently stroked Murong Zhining’s hair, he suddenly felt an inexplicable sadness. “One day, if Ning’er remembers what I had done to you, you sure wouldn’t forgive me.”

Murong Zhining innocently kicked the water with her foot. “Then confess your crimes now and strive for leniency.”

Chiyun Yuexuan was full of guilt. “I was worse than an animal. I don’t dare to face the sins I have committed.”

Murong Zhining looked at him. “There’s no sin that cannot be forgiven. Ning’er hereby forgives General, so you’re not allowed to say such things about yourself. You are someone who insisted to drink poisoned wine for Ning’er. Ning’er does not believe that you will do anything to hurt me.”

The two sat quietly on the stone by the river. Murong Zhining softly rested her head on Chiyun Yuexuan’s shoulder. All of a sudden, Flash let out a long neigh. Murong Zhining grasped Chiyun Yuexuan’s clothes. “What’s happening now?”

Chiyun Yuexuan he glanced up at the sky, then soothed Murong Zhining. “It’s all right, don’t be afraid, I’m right here. Flash is just in a high mood. I will slowly help you understand the sounds it makes. Look, someone sent us a letter.”

A carrier pigeon landed at Chiyun Yuexuan’s feet and jumps in little steps towards him. Chiyun Yuexuan grabbed it, took off the small bamboo tube tied to its foot and drew out a small piece of paper.

After reading its contents, Chiyun Yuexuan gathered Murong Zhining in his arms and carried her to the carriage in high spirits. “General Wu has brought Cai Sang and Luo Siyao to pick you up. They have arrived nearby and are expected to meet us in the evening.”

Chiyun Yuexuan set down Murong Zhining in the carriage, then went to retrieve the embroidered shoes she had thrown at the river bank.

Murong Zhining looked puzzled. “Cai Sang? This name sounds familiar. Is that a girl? Do I know her? Luo Siyao? Goodness, I don’t remember any of them. Husband, I’m scared.”

Chiyun Yuexuan turned around and kissed her forehead. “Fear not, your husband will be right with you. Cai Sang is your good sister and also your maid. Both she and Luo Siyao are, so there’s no need to be afraid, my wife.”

Chiyun Yuexuan took out a charcoal stick from his bag, wrote a note, put it inside the pigeon tube and let the little fellow fly.

Chiyun Yuexuan helped Murong Zhining put on her shoes. Then, he lifted her onto Flash and settled down behind. The steed unhurriedly trotted while the carriage horses followed closely.

Cai Sang sat in the carriage, anxiously rubbing her hands. “Is it true that we will see Princess soon? Goodness, I miss her so much.”

Luo Siyao shook her head. “Be quiet, my ears are growing calluses from your repeated words. When we see Princess in a while, don’t talk so much, it’ll make her feel tired.”

Cai Sang was overly excited. “Not good, not good, my heart feels like it’s going to jump out. I can’t believe it, we can actually see Princess again!”

Luo Siyao spat, “You hope something’s going to happen to Princess or what? Why wouldn’t we see her again?”

Cai Sang lifted the carriage curtain. “General Wu, why do these horses move so slow? Can they hurry up?”

Wu Siyuan turned to her with a smile. “Do you want to tire the horses to death? Don’t be so anxious, I understand how you feel. We will see the princess very soon. ”

As it was getting dark, Wu Siyuan ordered the cavalcade to stop at an inn. “Let’s wait here. If we keep going, we might not find another inn and will miss them.”

Cai Sang curiously asked, “Why don’t you set the camp today?”

Wu Siyuan replied, “General Chiyun’s letter said that it would be more comfortable to stay in an inn. He doesn’t want the princess to suffer just one bit.”

Cai Sang pouted. “I can’t believe it, Princess is actually willing to elope with him. What kind of trick did he use on her?”

Wu Siyuan laughed. “Our General Chiyun has plenty of tricks. Don’t worry about it, that’s the couple’s business.”

Wu Siyuan ran to the middle of the road and ignited a bamboo tube. With a ‘bang,’ a bright fireball shot into the air before wobbling down again, brightening the space around as it did.

Chiyun Yuexuan pointed at the light ball burning in the distance. “Ning’er look, General Wu has sent a signal. They are not far from us, we should arrive in an incense stick of time.”

Murong Zhining leaned against his chests. “So pretty, it lights up the dark so brightly.”

Chiyun Yuexuan kissed her hair. “During battles, we use this to determine each other’s position.”

Murong Zhining was full of smiles. “When going into the battlefield, you must be all armored up. You look so handsome and powerful in your armor, Ning’er likes it very much.”

Wu Siyuan pointed at the end of the road. “Here they are, General has arrived with the princess.”

Cai Sang and Luo Siyao excitedly ran to the middle of the road, trying to stand on tiptoes to see farther.

Cai Sang waved at the distant Murong Zhining. “Princess, Cai Sang is here! Cai Sang and Siyao have come to pick you up.”

Flash stopped beside Cai Sang. Chiyun Yuexuan dismounted and lifted Murong Zhining off as well. Cai Sang rushed over to hug Murong Zhining, crying aloud.

Murong Zhining said awkwardly, “Are you Cai Sang? You really know me?”

Luo Siyao also ran over. “Princess, you have finally come.”

Cai Sang turned to Chiyun Yuexuan and shot him a resentful glare. “Chiyun Yuexuan, what did you do to Princess?! How did she become like this? I can’t believe you made her silly in order to kidnap her. How can you be so cruel?!”

Chiyun Yuexuan gave her a helpless smile. “Princess was poisoned and lost her memory. She is not silly. Pay attention to your words.”

Murong Zhining timidly tugged at Chiyun Yuexuan’s clothes. “Husband, what’s wrong with her? Is she okay?”

Chiyun Yuexuan lovingly caressed Murong Zhining’s hair. “It’s okay, you will remember in time. She is your good sister.”

Cai Sang hatefully rolled her eyes at Chiyun Yuexuan. “How did you coax her to call you ‘husband’? Shameless!”

Murong Zhining greeted with a slight smile, “Hello, Cai Sang, Siyao. I will treat you as my friends.”

Chiyun Yuexuan turned to Wu Siyuan and said, “Didn’t I tell you to stay in the General Estate? Why are you here?”

Wu Siyuan respectfully saluted. “At the end of the day, I’m your subordinate and your brother. When something happens to you, I just can’t ignore it.”

Turning back to Murong Zhining, Chiyun Yuexuan held out his hand. “Come on, let’s eat first, you should be hungry by now.”

Murong Zhining happily skipped to his side and grabbed his hand. “Mhm, Ning’er is hungry.”

The two walked into the inn hand in hand, leaving behind a line of people who gawked at their backs in shock.

After Murong Zhining sat down at the table, Chiyun Yuexuan settled next to her. She pointed to the vacant seats. “Why won’t you two sit down?”

Cai Sang huffed angrily, “We don’t dare, we are just lowly maids.”

Murong Zhining looked at Chiyun Yuexuan, “Husband, please let them sit down. Ning’er doesn’t need maids.”

Chiyun Yuexuan said grumpily, “Why aren’t you two sitting down yet?”

Cai Sang pursed her lips and took the seat opposite to Murong Zhining, Luo Siyao sat down next to her with a lowered head.

Cai Sang’s eyes brimmed with tears, she could not accept the fact that Murong Zhining had forgotten her. She looked at Murong Zhining with a face full of bitterness. After half a year, Murong Zhining seemed to be in a much better condition, no longer so weak that a wind could blow her away like before. Her face was ruddy and full of the vitality that a young girl should have, and she looked beautiful in a healthy way.

Delivering food to Murong Zhining’s bowl, Chiyun Yuexuan glared at Cai Sang. “Quickly eat, or Princess will be worried.”

Murong Zhining, who was happily eating her meal, would smile sweetly at him from time to time.

Chiyun Yuexuan looked at her dotingly. “Eat, you’re not allowed to lose weight any more. Your husband likes you the way you are now. After we take good care of you, let’s give birth to a little Yuexuan.”

Murong Zhining blushed and nodded. “Mmm.”

Luo Siyao awkwardly lowered her head and kept swatting up the rice into her mouth, while Cai Sang angrily piled a bunch of food in her own bowl.

After the meal, Chiyun Yuexuan sent Murong Zhining to a room. “The two maids will accompany you tonight. Your husband will be right next door. If you need anything, knock on my door and I’ll come running, okay?”

When Cai Sang and Luo Siyao entered the room, Chiyun Yuexuan told them, “Take good care of Princess, and let me know if there’s anything. General Wu and I will be next door. Don’t pester her with questions, let her rest. She is worn out from all the traveling the past several days.”

Luo Siyao bowed and sent him out of the door.

Cai Sang poured a cup of tea for Murong Zhining. “Did you really forget Cai Sang? You said we’d be good sisters for life, did you forget?”

Luo Siyao tugged at her clothes. “Give Princess some time. You will frighten her like this.”

Murong Zhining looked at Cai Sang in trepidation. “I’m sorry, I really can’t remember you, let me recall slowly, okay?”

Cai Sang pouted. “You forgot me, but you still remember Chiyun Yuexuan.”

Murong Zhinin’s face faltered. “I couldn’t remember General Chiyun, but he convinced me that he was my husband.”

Cai Sang pursed her lips. “Shameless bastard. How come didn’t he tell you how badly he hurt you? Simply unforgivable!” Luo Siyao pinched Cai Sang’s arm, hard. Cai Sang grudgingly said, “What? I just had to say it.”

Murong Zhining muttered, “General told me that even he couldn’t forgive himself for the crimes he committed against me, but I really don’t remember at all. But if I remember, I will still forgive him. ”

Luo Siyao instantly soothed the tension, “It’s all in the past and Princess has already forgotten. You should stop holding on to it, Cai Sang.”

The two girls poured hot water into the bathtub in the room to half-filled, then poured half a bucket of milk into it, before sprinkling it with flower petals. These things were bought by a guard who rode to nearby village per Chiyun Yuexuan’s order.

The two girls helped Murong Zhining to the bathtub and removed her clothes. Murong Zhining blushed and said, “I can do it myself. I can’t bother you guys.” She shyly slipped into the bath tub.

Luo Siyao squatted down beside the tub. “Princess, no need to be so polite. We are your maids. Have you forgotten that I and Cai Sang used to wait on you?”

Cai Sang squatted on the other side of the bathtub. “You’re so heartless. You can forget anyone, but not me.”

Murong Zhining looked at her with innocent eyes. “I don’t want to forget the past either, but General said that I was poisoned by the fourth prince of Wuli. Aside from losing my memory, I can live for one month at most.”

Thunderstruck, Cai Sang collapsed on the ground, her eyes full of tears. “How could Chiyun Yuexuan watch you get poisoned by others? He can’t even protect you, and yet you still call him husband’? Have you forgotten what he did to you?”

Luo Siyao shouted, “Cai Sang, that’s enough! Princess is already like this, can’t you just let her pass every day happily? Why must you force her remember those things?”

Their conversation piqued Murong Zhining’s curiosity. “What happened to me? Why do you guys keep clamping up when reaching this topic?”

Luo Siyao smiled and said, “Princess, don’t listen to that maid’s nonsense. She likes to throw her temper. How does Princess condition your skin? It’s white and delicate, just like tofu.”

“How can tofu be as fine as this? Humph! It’s like a boiled egg with its shell peeled.” Cai Sang was upset, but she also knew what Luo Siyao had said was right.

Cai Sang discovered Murong Zhining’s tattoo on her back. She caressed it. “It’s really beautiful. The person who made this tattoo has such a clever mind, they used a red lycoris to cover the brand completely.”

Luo Siyao also glanced at the tattoo. “Yeah, it’s beautiful.”

Murong Zhining’s eyebrows puckered together and she said to herself, “So I really had a brand on my back. But, why did General brand me?”

Knock knock knock.

The door was knocked from outside. Chiyun Yuexuan’s voice was heard, “Ning’er, are you asleep yet? I’ve come to bring you some wild fruits, those that Miss Meng left in the carriage. You said you like them.”

Cai Sang opened the door and glared at Chiyun Yuexuan. “Is Princess really poisoned and only has a month to live?”

Chiyun Yuexuan whispered, “Keep your voice down, don’t let Princess hear you.”

He wanted to come in, but Cai Sang stopped him. “Princess is taking a bath. Don’t you enter.”

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