Reign of the Phoenix

Chapter 78 - Chopping off the Claw of Grand Marshal Yao

Chapter 78 – Chopping off the Claw of Grand Marshal Yao

Xu Jiantao nervously turned around to see Bai Xianwu standing behind him with eyes wide open in rage. “Close the gates and don’t let anyone out.”

The entrance guards immediately closed the gates of the Bai Estate.

Xu Jiantao looked at Bai Xianwu. “Now is the only chance to save Hongkai and the entire Bai family. Please stop being headstrong, father-in-law. If we hand over this girl, we still have a chance to get a lighter sentence from General Chiyun.”

Bai Xianwu viciously spat on the ground. “I have had my way around Songyang for decades and never lost to anyone before, ever! You think I need that greenhorn general to give me a lighter sentence? I shall make him pay a heavy price for what he did; otherwise, how can I hold my head high in Songyang in the future? Because I was afraid to bring trouble to you lot – my son-in-laws, I even gave up my own son’s life, yet you, you join hands with outsiders to deal with this old man!”

Seeing Bai Xianwu insisted on being stubborn, Xu Jiantao knew that he could not be persuaded. As someone who made his career in the army, Xu Jiantao easily knocked down the guards in a few moves and kicked open the gate that was still unlocked, then rode away with Cai Sang on a horse, leaving behind Bai Xianwu whose face was distorted in his fury.

Meanwhile, Chiyun Yuexuan had made a great deal of preparations in advance. Early in the morning, he had Wu Siyuan and several soldiers take Murong Zhining to leave in a carriage.

Murong Zhining looked tearfully at him as they bid goodbye. Chiyun Yuexuan kissed her forehead. “You leave with General Wu, I’ll be right behind you with Cai Sang. Be a good girl, your husband will not abandon you.”

Shortly after Murong Zhining departed, Xu Jiantao came hurtling up with Cai Sang. “General Chiyun, you need to leave. My father-in-law definitely won’t let it lie. He could even disregard the life of his own son. People will come after you, please leave quickly. Since Mister Bai no longer has any value to you, you can give him to me if you trust me. But if you’re not convinced, then continue to take him with you.”

Chiyun Yuexuan cupped his fists. “Thank you, General Xu, for your righteous acts of assistance. The border of Huayan is not far ahead. When I exit Shangxia, I will throw Mister Bai on the roadside – consider this a little punishment for him. You can take him back from there.”

The soldiers undid the rope binding Cai Sang and took her to leave on horseback. Chiyun Yuexuan bid farewell to Xu Jiantao and also departed. However, before he had gone far, there was a rush of horse hooves resounded behind.

Chiyun Yuexuan calmly pulled out a dark green cloth from and a gold-rimmed eyepatch from his chest and put them on. Then, he ordered the soldiers, “Send two people to escort Cai Sang and join General Wu up ahead. The rest will hold off the opponent with me. Trying to force my hands at all costs, aren’t they?”

Holding his halberd, Chiyun Yuexuan sat still on horseback with a dozen armored soldiers behind him. At the sight of this, the newly arrived stopped their horses, not daring to approach any closer.

Xu Jiantao saluted the general at the front of the new group. “Greetings, Grand Marshal Yao. General Chiyun has promised to return Mister Bai at the junction border with Huayan. Please stop giving chase lest you disturb Princess Fengyi’s sacred expedition!“

This so-called Grand Marshal Yao was Bai Xianwu’s eldest son-in-law, Yao Shilei, and was only a Rider General of Shangxia. Working hand in hand with Bai Xian, he had also become a local tyrant.

One time, Bai Xianwu hosted a banquet for wealthy locals with a plan to extort money them by means of intimidation. During this banquet, Yao Shilei intentionally got drunk and played the bad guy. He drew his sword and cut down a merchant who didn’t want to give money. Seeing him so vile and ruthless, the rest of the wealthy locals knelt down to beg him, “Grand Marshal, please spare our lives. We are willing to contribute our money to Grand Marshal Yao.” Yao Shilei liked this title very much and from then on often posed himself as a grand marshal. From then on, in order to flatter him, the people around all changed the way they address him to Grand Marshal Yao.

Yao Shilei’s savage face was filled with anger. He scolded, “Xu Jiantao you milksop! How the hell do you deserve to be brother-in-laws with me? You see a dude who claims himself to be a grand general of Huayan and you’re so scared that you pee your damn pants? What princess? What princess’ husband? Even if the princess is really in his hands, I’ll just take her to be my concubine. I also want to know what it feels like to be a princess’ husband.”

Chiyun Yuexuan’s eyes instantly boiled like lava, so intense they seemed like they could burn Yao Shilei to ashes. He laughed contemptuously. “What kind of dog of a grand marshal is this? Why didn’t I know that there was such a disgusting grand marshal in Shangxia? Princess Fengyi of Shangxia is my beloved wife. Since you have spoken rudely, don’t blame me, Chiyun Yuexuan, for being discourteous.”

As soon as he finished his words, Chiyun Yuexuan rushed towards Yao Shilei. The halberd in his hand jabbed up very quickly with a dark red streak, and Yao Shilei’s helmet flew out with a clang. Chiyun Yuexuan then drew back the halberd and slashed out again, drawing a glint that grazed Yao Shilei’s cheek. Amidst a wretched male scream, a bloody ear flew in an arc and landed on the ground.

Yao Shilei, clutching his bleeding cheek, completely lost his rational mind. “Ah! my ear…ear … You all… charge for me! Kill the imposter who pretends to be the princess’ husband.”

Yao Shilei’s soldiers, who had been struck dumb by Chiyun Yuexuan’s domineering aura, had no choice but to grit their teeth and rush forth. Chiyun Yuexuan’s halberd danced in a flurry, drawing stunning arcs of light and shadow. The soldiers charging at him one by one fell off their horses and weapons scattered all over the ground, but no one was injured.

Chiyun Yuexuan gave them a cold smile. “If anything, I’m still the princess’ husband of your Shangxia, yet you are so rude. Fortunately for you, I’m in a good mood today. I’ll give my father-in-law face and spare your lives. Wise enough, you’ll get out of my sight very quickly, but if you dare to come forward again, prepare to throw away your life.“

When seeing that his soldiers had lost all their morale, Yao Shilei shouted, “Take the bows and crossbows, let no one live!”

Xu Jiantao galloped his horse over to stop him. “Grand Marshall Yao, you know of General Chiyun’s identity and yet you still insist on harming him. This is harming the imperial relative, a felony! Seeing that we’re in-laws, I’ll urge you, for your own sake, stop this and let General Chiyun go, then report your crime to the authority and accept the due punishment.”

Xu Jiantao hadn’t gotten to finish what he wanted to say when Yao Shilei’s sword was already inserted viciously into his shoulder. Xu Jiantao fell from his horse, but he got up again and blocked in front of the troops. “Everyone, don’t be led astray by Yao Shilei anymore and commit an irreversible mistake.”

Yao Shilei flew into a rage from his embarrassment. He raised his sword and stabbed towards Xu Jiantao again. As Chiyun Yuexuan watched from the side, Yao Shilei’s movement was easily predicted to him. He galloped forward and, at a lightning-fast speed, hacked out the Red Python Heavenslayer Halberd. Yao Shilei’s sword narrowly grazed Xu Jiantao’s neck and was sent flying by Chiyun Yuexuan’s halberd swing. A hand was still gripping on the handle of the sword when it flew.

At this moment, Chiyun Yuexuan’s cold and savage voice boomed like thunder, “I won’t take your dog’s life, only chop off one of your claws. Let’s see what you can use to hold a sword and hurt people from now on. Without that hand, I fear those who you once bullied and humiliated will come to get even with you.”

Chiyun Yuexuan turned around and leisurely led his soldiers away, leaving behind the stupefied soldiers of Shangxia and the one-handed general who wailed miserably.

Xu jiantao cupped his fists and cried out to Chiyun Yuexuan’s back, “Thank you, General Chiyun, for not killing us!”

In the carriage, Murong Zhining was looking anxiously at the road behind her when a soldier took Cai Sang to catch up with the carriage.

Cai Sang’s eyes were full of tears. “I thought I’d never get to see Princess again.”

Murong Zhining pulled her into the carriage with a smile. “It’s good that you’re back safely. Where is General Chiyun?”

Cai Sang wiped her own tears. “General asked me to go first. He stayed behind to stop the pursuers.”

Soon after, Chiyun Yuexuan also caught up, galloping at a fast speed. Murong Zhining leaned out of the carriage in joy. “You’re back!”

Chiyun Yuexuan immediately swept her out with one hand and sat her down in front of him on his horse. “Did I make you worried? It’s no big deal, those buffoons can’t do nothing to me.”

Murong Zhining pouted, “What did you do to them? No matter what, their crime doesn’t deserve death. Did you wildly kill the innocent?”

Chiyun Yuexuan kissed her hair. “I didn’t. I spare their dog lives. At least I had to give my father-in-law face, no? I’ll send a letter to General Huyan later and let him deal with this group of tyrants, otherwise this region will never be at peace. Wait, no, on second thought, I actually have a brilliant idea. Since General Huyan is so busy, we can solve the problem without having to bother him.”

Murong Zhining rested her face on his chest. “If I’m right, you must be planning to let Miss Meng’s camp handle that old fogey Bai so that she’ll rob the Bai family and distribute the money to the common people who have been brutalized by the Bais?”

Chiyun Yuexuan repeatedly kissed Murong Zhining’s hair. “Terrific! Your intelligence and ability to guess people’s heart simply have me frightened to the point I want to prostrate in admiration at the same time.”

Bai Hongkai, tied across a soldier’s horse, chose this moment to cry out in dismay. “I’ve been blind and offended General. Please forgive me and spare my dog life.”

Murong Zhining turned to look at him. “This man is so pitiful. General, let’s release him.”

When Bai Hongkai saw Murong Zhining, his eyes lit up. “Peasant Bai Hongkai greets Your Highness.”

Murong Zhining looked at Chiyun Yuexuan. “He’s very polite. Let him go?”

Chiyun Yuexuan gave her a kiss on the cheek. “You don’t know how arrogant this bastard was yesterday. He doesn’t look like it now, but he’s a bad guy. Who knows how many people have been harmed by him?”

Tied on horseback with his butt facing the sky, Bai Hongkai’s face was beet red. “Princess, General, it’s all my unreliable father who did the harm, I have nothing to do with it. He even disregarded my life to harm you.”

Chiyun Yuexuan scoffed, “The fish stinks from the head. Now that your father doesn’t care about your life, what’s the use of keeping you around? Throw him on the roadside. It’s annoying just looking at this trash.”

The soldier got Bai Hongkai off the horse and threw him heavily on the side of the road. Bai Hongkai whined in pain.

Cai Sang jumped out of the carriage, ran to Bai Hongkai, crouched down, and threw him three big slaps in the face. “Wretched thing, still want to make me your concubine now?”

Bai Hongkai dumbly looked over at Murong Zhining. “Who would want you after seeing the princess?”

Cai Sang viciously kicked him on the butt before running back to the carriage. “He actually dares to covet our princess? Not even in his wildest dreams! Ahh, payback feels great!“

Chiyun Yuexuan shouted to the rear of the cavalcade, “Follow tight, everyone. In two hours, we will enter the territory of Huayan. I don’t want any more trouble at this time.”

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