Reign of the Phoenix

Chapter 82 - The Most Difficult City to Attack

Chapter 82 – The Most Difficult City to Attack
The people in commoner’s clothes ran all the way to Chiyun Yuexuan’s area. An old man knelt on the ground and cried, “Reporting to Grand General, those Shangxia soldiers are doing whatever they want in the city, robbing and plundering at will. My daughter and daughter-in-law were also captured by those animals and insulted in their barracks. They want me to relay to General that they’ll kill one person every day. I beg you, please save this city!”

Chiyun Yuexuan’s eyes burned with hatred. “General Feng, send someone to stabilize them and tell them not to hurt the civilians. Investigate these people and confirm their identity, set up another camp for their temporary shelter.”

Heeding the order, Feng Wenbin had the soldiers take these people out.

Chiyun Yuexuan’s heart was extremely heavy. If Murong Zhining hadn’t repeatedly reassured him, he would have broken into the city alone and fought Yao Shilei to death. Chiyun Yuexuan tried to calm his anger while secretly lamenting how well Murong Zhining understood his character. He repeatedly told himself not to be impulsive and let the enemy easily anger him.

Feng Wenbin stood beside Chiyun Yuexuan and consoled him, “General, there is no need to get overly anxious. Wars have always been cruel since ancient times, and a siege cannot be completed overnight. They are deliberately trying to provoke you and mess with your head. You need to deal with it calmly.”

At this moment, a soldier shouted, “Reporting to General Chiyun, General Huyan Qi of Shangxia requested a meeting.”

Chiyun Yuexuan was stunned for a moment before saying, “Shouldn’t he be escorting the treasure back to Nanjin? Quickly invite him in!”

Huyan Qi quickly rode over and dismounted next to Chiyun Yuexuan, then knelt down. “I’ve come late to your aid, I hope Princess and General Chiyun will forgive me.”

Chiyun Yuexuan held him up. “Princess isn’t in this camp. I let her remain in the garrison post. She is safe, General Huyan need not worry. Let us talk inside.”

Feng Wenbin respectfully brought Huyan Qi into Chiyun Yuexuan’s tent. The three sat down in accordance with their rank order and began to discuss the plan to handle the enemy.

Feng Wenbin cupped his fists towards Chiyun Yuexuan. “I didn’t know that your madam was the princess of Shangxia and neglected the treatment appropriate her identity. I ask for your forgiveness.”

Chiyun Yuexuan said, “It’s fine, I deliberately concealed her identity for fear of unnecessary trouble on the road.” He then looked at Huyan Qi. “How did General Huyan know that we were delayed in Wuzhou?”

Huyan Qi bowed. “To tell the truth, after parting with General, I had two elite soldiers follow you in discretion in order to ensure Princess’ safe arrival in Huayan’s capital. The soldiers reported on your itinerary every day through trained falcons. I have long known about your encounter with the local tyrants in Songyang. Two days ago, I got a tip that Yao thief secretly led 2,000 well-trained soldiers into Huayan, so I passed the goods over to a deputy and made Mister Tuoba the overseer, then rode a fast horse to Huayan. I’m very clear about the details of the matter and know that it was Yao Shilei who is to blame for all of this.”

Chiyun Yuexuan was moved. “It’s all because I handled it improperly. I shouldn’t have angered that mad dog.”

Huyan Qi cupped his fists. “Please don’t blame yourself. It’s all that Yao thief who evoked this. As a general of Shangxia, he has committed heinous crimes by taking over a friendly city without authorization and even chasing after Princess Fengyi with ill intents. It’s Shangxia who is apologetic to Huayan. I’ll immediately send a warning to that Yao thief. Let’s hope that he’ll be wise enough to get back on the right path.”

By Huyan Qi’s order, a soldier holding Shangxia military flag approached the city wall and shouted at the gate, “Hear, Rider General Yao Shilei of Shangxia. Chariot Grand General Huyan Qi orders you to lay down your weapons, open the gate, and lead your men to accept your punishment for the crime you’ve committed.”

Whoosh! An arrow was shot from the wall and hit the soldier’s left shoulder.

The soldier didn’t retreat. He held up his shield and continued to shout, “Stubbornly resisting in a hopeless situation will only bring about your destruction, and it’ll be a great crime that calls for the nine familial exterminations. I hope you’ll think twice, General.”

Whoosh! Another arrow flew out. Afraid to anger Yao Shilei out of his mind, the soldier reined back his horse and returned to the camp to report.

Upon hearing the report, Chiyun Yuexuan’s brows were tightly knitted. Huyan Qi’s face was also grim. He said, “I didn’t expect that Yao thief to be so rampant that he’s staking all on one throw of the dice. If we don’t want the people in the city to suffer, this battle won’t be an easy one. Do you have a plan to break through the city?”

Chiyun Yuexuan’s expression relaxed a little. “Princess said she had a good plan. By tomorrow morning at the latest, she can make Yao Shilei open the gates on his own and surrender. She hasn’t revealed the details, but knowing her clever mind, I’m sure she has this well thought-out.”

For the entire day, both sides were completely quiet and the situation didn’t deteriorate any further. However, Chiyun Yuexuan‘s face was dark as he and Huyan Qi looked over at the tightly sealed Wuzhou City from high ground.

Huyan Qi looked ashamed. “I failed Princess and let her come into danger, and even now, I’m unable to help with anything against those rebels. I’m ashamed to face you.”

Chiyun Yuexuan glanced over and comforted, “There’s nothing to blame you for, General Huyan. It was my recklessness that caused this disaster in the first place. Luckily, you were nearby and came to our aid in time. I firmly believe that Princess’ plan to break through the city will work.”

In the afternoon, a vague figure appeared on the wall and dropped something. Chiyun Yuexuan couldn’t suppress his outrage. “Yao Shilei killed another person and just threw the body from the wall. I loathe myself for not taking his dog life when all it took was just one slash! I swear, I’ll cut that thief to pieces and grind his bones to ashes!”

A soldier ran over to Chiyun Yuexuan and knelt down. “Reporting to General Chiyun, Madam is heading towards the camp with a group of people. She sent me to inform General in advance.”

Chiyun Yuexuan was anxious. “What is she doing coming to this dangerous place? Didn’t I tell her to stay in the camp? Goodness! I’ll go to receive her myself.”

On a pair of fast horses, Chiyun Yuexuan and Huyan Qi rushed to Murong Zhining’s carriage. Chiyun Yuexuan swept Murong Zhining, who was leaning out of the carriage, onto his horse and chided, “Didn’t I tell you to wait in the camp? Why are you here? Don’t you know it’s very dangerous here?”

Seeing them so intimate, Huyan Qi fell to his knees in embarrassment and said, “I, Huyan Qi, have come late to the rescue. Please order my punishment, Your Highness.”

Murong Zhining turned to look at Huyan Qi. “General Huyan is here too? That’s perfect, I was just worried about what to do if my plan wouldn’t work.”

Chiyun Yuexuan pecked her forehead. “That Yao thief would rather struggle in despair than give up his stubborn resistance. We are hoping that your plan will be effective.”

Chiyun Yuexuan dismounted Murong Zhining and led her into the camp by the hand. The group of people behind didn’t dare to disturb them and stopped outside the camp in wait.

Chiyun Yuexuan cradled Murong Zhining’s delicate face and gently bit on her lips as a punishment. “Didn’t I tell you not to come? Why didn’t you listen?”

Murong Zhining raised her chin and pouted, “I was worried you’d be angered by those thieves and rashly attack the city and fall right into their trap. You’ve never been less of a worry.”

Chiyun Yuexuan gave her a peck on the forehead. “I’m still a man who has been through many battles, alright? I won’t act rashly no matter how anxious I am. That’s right, what’s your plan? Can you tell me about it now?”

Murong Zhining playfully pushed him away and twiddled her hair. “There’s no plan, I’m just going to ask some immortal soldiers from the Heaven to aid you attack the city.”

Chiyun Yuexuan lifted her chin to face him. “Do you want to kill me with the urgency? Still up to your naughty joke at a time like this, hmm? That Yao thief threw another corpse down just now, I hate that I can’t just kill him right then and there.”

Looking at the extremely anxious Chiyun Yuexuan, Murong Zhining covered her lips and smiled, “Look at you. I wonder how impatient you’d be if I came any later. Seems like you don’t believe in Ning’er at all.”

Chiyun Yuexuan softly sighed. “This is the first time during my years of wars that I encounter such a difficult situation. Can’t fight, can’t drag, I wish I could just trade myself for peace.”

Murong Zhining’s eyes reddened at his words. She wrapped her arms around him. “You just need to trust Ning’er now. I promise I’ll take that Yao thief down before he kills anyone again tomorrow. So stop pulling that bitter face, give me a smile.”

Chiyun Yuexuan bent down and gently pressed his lips on hers.

Murong Zhining called Cai Sang into the tent and whispered something in her ear, Cai Sang nodded before leaving the tent.

Murong Zhining deliberately took the imposing tone, “General Chiyun, I hereby order you to send someone to the city wall and pretend to agree to any conditions that Yao thief demands. Don’t provoke him, just comply with everything he says and attract his attention for half an incense stick.”

Chiyun Yuexuan solemnly bowed and cupped his fists. “Yes!” He personally went to arrange the manpower.

Huyan Qi’s soldier once again came to the gates. “Grand Marshal Yao, General Huyan gives his word that as long as you open the gates, everything will go as you say. After all, General Chiyun is an outsider while we, General Huyan and Marshal Yao, are still family.”

Shortly after, Yao Shilei appeared on the wall. “You kidding me? Your little trick can only deceive babies. I won’t fall for it.”

The soldier said, “That Chiyun Yuexuan kidnapped our princess. If it weren’t for Marshal Yao, General Huyan wouldn’t have been able to save her. Chiyun Yuexuan has been captured by General Huyan. General Huyan said as long as Marshal Yao opened the city, he would hand over Chiyun Yuexuan to you for whatever punishment you want to impose on him.”

As the cunning man he was, Yao Shilei revealed a sinister smile. “If General Huyan ties up Chiyun Yuexuan and delivers him to the gates, I will open them immediately, but if you lie to me, I shall massacre the city. Since I lost a hand to him and could no longer be a general, I might as well occupy this Wuzhou County and become its king. I want to see what you lot can even do to me at this place so far away from the emperor’s reach.”

The soldier continued to detain his mood, “Your remarks are wrong, Marshal Yao. Since you helped save the princess, His Majesty will bestow nobility upon you. Although you lost a hand, which marshal ever fights on his own? How can His Majesty let such a marshal, who possesses an extraordinary ability to guide thousands of troops like you, become a bandit? Marshal Yao is over-worried.”

Yao Shilei was immune to coaxes. “I have not the patience for your nonsense. Go tell General Huyan, either deliver Chiyun Yuexuan or I’ll slaughter the city and fight to mutual destruction if I must.”

The soldier respectfully cupped his fists. “Then, I will go back to General Huyan. Marshal Yao will have to wait for a while. I just saw General Huyan tie up Chiyun Yuexuan to be sent back to Shangxia for punishment. I’m afraid they are already on the way now. Please wait for a while, and I will have him brought back to Marshal Yao to be at your disposal.”

Yao Shilei burst out laughing. “Go, I can’t wait to chop off his hands!”

A bunch of soldiers on the wall cheered for him, “Grand Marshal Yao is mighty! Grand Marshal Yao is invincible!”

While Yao Shilei and his men went wild feeling all pleased with themselves, a dozen of Huayan soldiers had already dropped a dozen large bamboo baskets at the part of the city wall on the hillside behind.

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