Reign of the Phoenix

Chapter 87 - General is Poisoned

Chapter 87 – General is Poisoned

Empress Dowager Xiao eavesdropped outside with a panicked face. Yan Han recently had been secretly calling Chiyun Nan and Ning Zezhi to discuss things. He sent her away every time, sparking her suspicion. Just now, their conversation truly had her on pins and needles. She secretly broke into a sweat for Yan Feng, knowing full well that with his lofty temperament and integrity, he’d even refuse the throne if he knew of what had happened that year.

A hint of malice flashed in Empress Dowager Xiao’s face. When she imagined the bleak fate they would face if Yan Feng lost his power, she shuddered.

A mentally disturbed Yan Feng was going through court reports in the Imperial Study, trying hard not to let himself idle. Because once he had nothing to do, he’d drown in endless pain.

“Imperial Empress Dowager Xiaoci has arrived!” the eunuch’s shrill voice echoed outside. Yan Feng frowned slightly, but walked out to welcome Empress Dowager Xiao into the Imperial Study.

Yan Feng sent everyone away before he asked, “Is there anything important for Imperial Mother’s arrival today?”

Empress Dowager Xiao looked ruthless. “I heard that General Chiyun not only evaded getting married to Jingrong, but also went to Shangxia of his own accord to capture Princess Fengyi, whom you wanted to marry. That’s going too far! Not only so, I heard that your imperial father disregarded the father and son relationship between you two and insisted on favoring him. Knowing your honest character, I’m afraid you’d be muddled and spare him again.”

Yan Feng’s expression was indifferent. “How do you want me to deal with General Chiyun, then?”

Empress Dowager Xiao was full of murderous intent. “Chiyun Yuexuan is disgraceful and rebellious. I’m always worried that you’d relent and let him off. If this person is not removed, he definitely will become a big menace in the future.”

Yan Feng sighed. “What you’re worried about isn’t me, is it? From the looks of it, you must have found out about General Chiyun’s princely identity. You want to use my hand to get rid of him, don’t you?”

Empress Dowager Xiao was embarrassed from being so frankly exposed. “I’m really worried about your situation. Because of Chiyun Yuexuan’s mother, your imperial father never established a new queen. Weren’t for your noble status now, I’d be a mere concubine dowager. That’s how much your imperial father loved Chiyun Yuexuan’s mother. If they recognize each other now, your father will certainly abolish you and establish him as the new emperor.”

Yan Feng was nonchalant. “If you hadn’t taken part in harming his mother, the throne would have been his rightful position, so I’ll only be giving back what belongs to him.”

Empress Dowager Xiao bellowed, “I didn’t harm his mother, do not randomly accuse me! I don’t have such a weak son as you. In this palace where the strong prey on the weak, you might as well wait for others to come tear you apart if you insist on being kind-hearted!”

Yan Feng lamented, “What do you want this son to do?”

Empress Dowager Xiao gritted her teeth. “Send people to kill Chiyun Yuexuan before he arrives in the capital. Do it cleanly so that your father cannot find any flaw, and take back your beloved woman while you’re at it. Mother doesn’t want to see you keep acting depressed.”

Yan Feng nodded. “Alright. I’ll listen to you, Mother.”

Sending off Empress Dowager Xiao, Yan Feng knitted his brows. He weakly leaned back in the throne lost in thoughts.

In the Commandery Prince Estate.

Chiyun Nan gazed at Wu Siyuan with kind eyes. “You say General Chiyun sent you back first to scout the situation? What is his current situation then?”

Wu Siyuan respectfully replied, “When I parted with General Chiyun, he had already brought Princess Fengyi into Huayan’s territory. General was worried that you wouldn’t accept Princess Fengyi, so he especially tell me to ask you first.”

Chiyun Nan repeatedly nodded in acknowledgement. “This rebellious son! He dares to defy even the emperor, but he still cares about me? Forget it, not like I can do anything to him. Deliver my words, tell him he can rest assured and bring the princess back.”

Wu Siyuan cupped his fists, “Yes. Then, I’ll take my leave.”

Chiyun Nan raised his hand to stop him, “Wait a minute. There’s something… I don’t know how to tell you… You… are actually my child, General Chiyun… he is the son of the retired emperor. His queen was framed and had to give birth to General Chiyun in the Cold Palace. She was afraid that others would try to harm him, so she secretly sent him out of the palace to be raised by your mother. In order to ensure his safety, your mother sent you to your present parents’ home. They are actually your uncle and aunt-in-law.”

Wu Siyuan bowed deeply towards Chiyun Nan. “Your Highness has drunk too much wine today. I will come back another day.”

Chiyun Nan whispered, “I haven’t drunk any alcohol. Go see your mother, she will tell you the truth.”

Wu Siyuan frowned. “No wonder General Chiyun has committed many felonies, yet the retired emperor protected him over and over again. I only thought that the retired emperor was reluctant to lose a talented general, but it turns out they are father and son. General Chiyun hasn’t known of this, has he?”

Chiyun Nan let out a long sigh. “Both Prime Minister Ning – his grandfather, and I opposed the retired emperor from restoring his identity. However, the retired emperor was eager to go his own way. I’m worried this will kick up a wave of unrest.”

Wu Siyuan’s brows tightened even more. “Not good, I’m afraid General Chiyun will be in danger. I’ll take a team of troops to escort him back to the capital safely. I’m taking my leave.”

Chiyun Nan nodded. “I’m truly delighted that you have such recognition and resolution. Although I also believe that the emperor is a wise monarch, some things are just unpredictable. What you said is reasonable. Go ahead, pay attention to safety.”


Inside the tent, Chiyun Yuexuan asked with concern, “You must be exhausted today? This section of the road is especially difficult to travel. Several carriages have broken down. I’m so sorry that you have to suffer.”

Murong Zhining laughed. “Following you, it’s sweet to be tired. You don’t have to feel bad. I’m willing to follow you to the ends of the earth.”

While the two were talking, two soldiers brought in dinner on trays. Chiyun Yuexuan glanced at the dishes. “Not too shabby, they’re smart enough to cook chicken soup to replenish my tired wife. Come on, let me help you to a bowl of soup.”

The two soldiers quietly withdrew from the tent.

In the time it took to drink a cup of tea, Murong Zhining rushed out of the camp like mad. “Help! Help! General Chiyun is poisoned.”

Hearing the call for help, Feng Wenbin instantly rushed into the tent with a group of people. Chiyun Yuexuan had already fallen on the ground, foaming at the mouth. Feng Wenbin had people lift him to the bed, but it did nothing to help. Chiyun Yuexuan’s breathing became weaker with each passing second.

Yan Feng received an urgent report saying that Chiyun Yuexuan was poisoned on his way back to Huayan. Due to the long journey and the impermissible conditions, Feng Wenbin could only bury Chiyun Yuexuan on the spot. Feng Wenbin also said in the letter that he had no right to arrange Murong Zhining’s future, so he’d send her to the capital for the time being so that Yan Feng could decide it.

Yan Feng’s face sank and he said nothing.

Qi Shangming lowered his head. “What you worried most still happened in the end. This matter has nothing to do with you, please don’t feel guilty. Perhaps this is the will of Heaven.”

Yan Feng grieved, “I knew that if I didn’t agree to Dowager, she’d send someone to kill General Chiyun and even might not let Princess Fengyi live. I pretended to agree to her, but she still sent people without telling me.”

Qi Shangming tried to comfort him, “Your Majesty is kind, but the current result is only advantageous. Your Majesty should look on the bright side. A person of great responsibility does not stand on trifles.”

Yan Feng growled, “Don’t be muddle-headed! Although General Chiyun forcefully stole Princess Fengyi, his crime doesn’t deserve the death penalty, and I still regard him as a brother. Besides, despite his identity having not been made public, he is still a prince. When something happens to him at this juncture, all eyes are on me. How am I going to explain this to the retired emperor?”

Indeed, Yan Han sent people to summon Yan Feng just an hour later.

Yan Han collapsed on his seat in Jingci Palace, covering his face and weeping. Seeing Yan Feng, he immediately dismissed everyone else.

When they were finally alone, Yan Han pointed at Yan Feng with a trembling hand. “I… I was wrong about you. I didn’t think you would be determined to kill my Xuan’er for the sake of your own selfish desire. How can you be so cruel? Your mother harmed his mother, and you harmed him. What kind of sin has I committed?”

Yan Feng’s face was full of pain. “I didn’t harm him. please give me some time to investigate the matter. I’ll definitely give you an explanation. Please restrain your grief. I know you’re suffering the agony of losing your son, so I shall find out the murderer myself. I ask you to believe this son for once.”

Yan Han wept bitterly, unable to recover from his grief.

Yan Feng absently exited Jingci Palace. Facing the agonized Yan Han, he felt heartache yet helpless. Yan Feng adjusted his mood and headed to Xiaoning Palace – Empress Dowager Xiao’s royal quarters.

When Empress Dowager Xiao saw Yan Feng, her face didn’t falter one bit. “How does my son have the free time to drop by your mother today?”

Yan Feng’s face was full of hatred. “You know why, Mother. Why did you do such a thing? That’s a crime! By doing so, you’ve pushed me to the teeth of the storm.”

Empress Dowager Xiao instantly changed a new face. She said painfully, “This is all for your sake. You are too kind-hearted, so I have to clear the obstacles for you. There are no parents in the world who don’t love their children. Is it wrong for me to do so? As long as you don’t admit it and there’s no evidence that you did it, no one can do anything to you. You’re the emperor.”

Yan Feng seemed to have lost his soul. “I couldn’t believe it when I heard that you harmed General Chiyun’s birth mother, thinking it was just a rumor. Only today did I know that you had plenty of cruel means. Forget it, what can I do to you as your son? Only, are you not ashamed to face Imperial Father?”

Empress Dowager Xiao’s face was taken over by cruel malice. “Since ancient times, it’s always been winner takes all. If I had no means, you’d still be a small prince who acts to cater to people’s expression and your life would be doomed to mediocrity. Shouldn’t you thank me? Why should I be ashamed to face your father? I won all of this with my own abilities.”

Yan Feng was mentally exhausted. He weakly replied, “I thought I reigned over this country due to my own efforts, who knew that it was thanks to my mother? Thank you, Imperial Mother. Look out for yourself now, and don’t say I haven’t warned you, stop doing immoral things that hurt people.”

Yan Feng couldn’t settle down on his way back to Wan’an Palace. Sitting alone in the Imperial Study, he sank into contemplation. Empress Dowager Xiao’s actions undoubtedly would bring him endless trouble. How could he allay the impact and deal with the interrogation of Chiyun Nan and Ning Zezhi? How should he face Murong Zhining?

As expected, Yan Feng hadn’t been seated for long when Qi Shangming entered the study. “Reporting to Your Majesty, Commandery Prince Yan and Prime Minister Ning request a meeting.”

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